A time to run
This is God’s time for me to run,
Defining moments in time has begun.
A shaping of my future and paths to take,
Only God’s plans, purposes and pursuits I now partake.
A gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit now blowing,
I recognize, I see, I discern – I’m flowing.
Words, messages, living examples not by mere men,
The working of His Word and His Spirit from within.
Encounters with God is what I expect,
Big rock moments are here to direct,
I do not withhold, any person, place or thing,
I will not go dark in the light God now brings.
Unreservedly I give God now my all,
For all of Babylon in my life to fall.
Circumcision of the foreskin of my heart,
“I choose Jesus” – my only part from the start.
Sacrifice, Dedication, Consecration,
Fully connected to Covenant, Contract then Visitation.
My Strong God redeeming my time and my energy,
Purpose, Favour and BLESSING overtaking me.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International