This `Great Awakening` that’s hanging heavy around the nations of the world…
This `Great Awakening` that is hanging there – just hanging there to be realized and to be flowed and released and to be released…
“The prayer, the prayer, the prayer that’s gone forth… the prayer that is going forth…that’s where the power release is!!
That’s where the trigger to these things is
That’s the way you release them in to your church.
And thus says the Lord your God,
“in this hour these churches that are teaching and training people to pray …those are the churches where the explosion and the Shekinah glory of God will be manifest first.
“The praying churches will walk in it first.
And they’ll say, “My, revival broke out over there!!`
No, Answered prayer broke out over there!`
The `Awakening` will come out of congregations.
There is a hunger in this nation for holiness.
Holiness-real truth, Bible purity before God-and people will run into houses of worship where the glory of God is residing and hanging heavy.
and they’ll say, Clean, clean, clean! Oh to be clean, to be clean.”
And they’ll run into that atmosphere and My blood will cleanse them from the top of their head to the soles of their feet.
“And My Word will take root on the inside of them,
And this nation is headed for a Holy Ghost wake-up call.
It is on us now-
You rejoice, for we’ll see it before many hours go by. Hallelujah.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International