Strengthen Yourself Prophetic Word

Strengthen Yourself Prophetic Word

Pastor John Bendixen 

Chaos and Crisis

5 March 2024

The Lord has put these words into my heart and tonight, I’m going to tell you about it. He has told me that there’s chaos coming and there’s crisis coming, but when the Christians understand the chaos and the crisis, they are the ones that God is going to use to turn things around. Where chaos and crisis come, the Holy Spirit is going to cause our wealth to increase, not decrease. Our wealth is going to get higher.

Let me tell you that the people of Egypt refused to let their wealth go. They refused to let go of two levels of wealth; the one was the wealth in human resources, their slaves. The other one was wealth in money. Two things. They didn’t want to let either of them go until crisis after crisis. It took 9 crises until a crisis came that caused chaos. When the crisis that caused chaos came, God transferred wealth from that system to His people overnight. And they were all ready because of the blood. They were ready. They stood ready because of the blood. They stood ready waiting for the chaos to unfold and for the wealth to be given to them. Chaos and crisis are not for us to be afraid. Chaos and crisis are for us to be ready and prepared for what God’s going to do for us. 

So, Pastor John, where are you focusing? I can tell you what I’m not focusing on. I’m not looking for chaos and I’m not looking for the crisis because the children of Israel, they lived in Goshen. They didn’t have to look for crisis or chaos because it didn’t touch them. All of that stuff happened around them.

So, what am I looking for? Opportunity. I’m looking for blessing.

Send it my way, Lord. Send it my way, Lord. Send it my way.

I’m ready to recognise You as the One Who gives me seed for sowing and bread for eating, and You will increase and multiply my fruitfulness of righteousness. So I now have a better understanding of the way that You work.

You’re preparing us to increase us.

I’m not worried about the crisis or the chaos. He’s preparing us to increase us, not to make us like meek little lambs, asking “When’s the crisis coming?” 

And let me tell you, someone else’s crisis might not even be something that you might consider significant but you’ll say, “Wait a minute. Here’s an opportunity. Here’s an opportunity. Ah, I didn’t see it at first, but now I see.” There’s a reason why the Lord had Brother Jerry prophesy that we are advancing, we are progressing, we are getting promotions, and we’re going to have our highest expectations fulfilled. We’re going to see our highest expectations exceeded. He might not have put it in the words that I’ve now put it to you this far into the year, but there are opportunities waiting for us.

This word is not for fear. This word is for us to have our eyes open. This word is God speaking to us to be ready. Be prepared. There are things about to happen. God’s got us. 

30 July 2024

I declare by the Spirit of God tonight that in Heritage of Faith, Heritage of Faith people, there is a debt-free living that’s coming to you. 

There’s an explosion of finances coming to you. 

There is a Word of God that’s coming to you that’s going to cause a momentum of financial release in Jesus’ Name. 

God has declared it and now it is opportunity time. 

When the world is in crisis and chaos, God is going to create opportunities and He’s going to release things to you and you better not hold on to it for yourself. 

You better honour God with it because He’s going to give you more and more and more.

I thank You, Lord, that in this country right now, there might be investors who are not ready to do things in this country, but I declare by the Spirit of God that You will release economic opportunities to those who are praying, those who are faithful, and those who are of Your people.

I ask You, Father, to release opportunities that others can’t see, in Jesus’ Name. Release it into the hands of Your people, Father.

Release it into their spirit man. 

Let it come out of their mouth and let it create.

As the worlds were formed by Your Word, so let the world be formed by their words, the world of things that are to come, in Jesus’ Name. Hallelujah.

21 July 2024

I’m glad that I’m hearing from God and you are hearing from God because He’s got our interest at heart. I have no doubt about this, that as chaos and crisis will continue to be in the earth, God is going to use the Christians, and He’s going to reveal Himself through the born-again believers. Through Christians, He’s going to reveal Himself to the earth because people are going to want to know, “How did you escape that? How did you miss that?” Well, it’s because 13 By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, And by a prophet he was preserved (Hosea 12:13 NKJV). So people may want to think, “Does God still work through prophets today?” He does. When God sends a messenger with a message to you, He is going to bring it so that there is protection, there is preservation, and there is multiplication. 

We are the Body of Christ. That means we are the children of the Most High God. 

He looks upon us with favour.

He looks upon us with the eye of preservation, protection, and multiplication.

He’s not looking upon us with the eye of judgement.

The only time that judgement comes into the life of a believer is when you, as a believer, do not respond to the Holy Spirit’s working in your heart to walk away from the things that He’s telling you to walk away from. If you don’t make yourself available to grow in God, then judgement will come to your life, but that’s not the chosen method of God’s way of getting us to grow.

That’s not His way of wanting to protect, preserve, and multiply us. 

His way is for us to be obedient to the Word that He speaks. 

I expect God to be dealing with you in this season right now as chaos and crisis are going to escalate. Although I said it’s going to start this year, I believe, actually, it’s going to be something that’s going to escalate more, and it’s going to happen more and more. This is not something that’s just for this year. It’s going to happen on an ongoing basis. But certainly, it’s happening in ways that one could not have expected.

God says, “Children, My children, I want you to be alert to My voice because I’m going to show you things to do before they happen. I’m going to show you things to do, and you’re not going to know why you’re going to do this thing. And you’re going to do something and you say, ‘But I don’t see any human sense why I’m doing this.’ And before you know it, a chaotic crisis moment is going to arise, and you’re going to be in a place where suddenly you can make a lot of money overnight because you were ready in the place. You were just waiting. You didn’t know why, but you were just waiting.” 

God is going to show that even though Pharaoh had a lot of power and had controlled the energies of God’s people for decades, God sent a messenger, the prophet, to Pharaoh to stand in front of the power-, the financial-, and all of the wisdom-systems of the world. And God’s messenger went in front of him and said, “Pharaoh, I don’t give two hoots about your power, about your armies, about your financial system, about your wealth on medication, about your wealth in terms of philosophies and all kinds of wise men that you have. I don’t care about that. God has come to say to you, ‘Let my people go.’” So he takes his staff and throws it on the ground as a sign, and the staff turns into a snake. And Pharaoh looks at Moses and says, “That’s not so great.” He calls his magicians, and they all come and take their staffs, and they throw them on the ground, and they turn into snakes. How did that happen? There’s a spirit realm out there that is a counterfeit. It knows how to operate in the ways of the spirit and human life. What happened next? The Moses-snake ate all the other snakes. 

That was just God saying, “You may be able to counterfeit it but you can’t control God’s ways.”

So what did he do? He just dug his heels in, and he said, “This is an energy resource that’s here to make us wealthy.” God said, “Uh-uh, no more.” You know the history. The rest is, eventually they let God’s people go, gave them all the money, all the wealth, and they left Egypt.

I want to tell you we are living in that moment, where crisis and chaos is going to be happening constantly around us.

It’s our time, church. It’s our time. It’s our time. It’s our time.

Strengthen Yourself

21 July 2024 

2 Chronicles 20:20 NKJV

20 Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.

I want to encourage you to strengthen yourself. 

Strengthen yourself financially, 

strengthen yourself spiritually, 

and strengthen yourself in the ways that you live. 

You should strengthen yourself by decreasing your debt. 

You should strengthen yourself by decreasing liabilities as much as you can. 

You should increase your strength by increasing your capability to maximise opportunities that God will bring to you.

I want to encourage you to press into God right now to strengthen yourself because there are opportunities coming your way.

As the world’s crisis begins to emerge and the chaos begins to be revealed,

we will have opportunities to increase wealth,

we will have opportunities to reveal God’s protection, 

and we will have opportunities for preservation.

Multiplication is coming; it’s coming.

Don’t be surprised if there’s an event that happens in the not-too-distant future that might bring financial chaos to the earth. That’s why I’ve said, you need to get yourself strong, and there might be some opportunities for us to make a lot of wealth.

Ephesians 6:10-13 TPT

10 Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you. Stand victorious with the force of His explosive power flowing in and through you. 11 Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser! 12 Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. 13 Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.