Have no fear of this world. I have overcome it. I left nothing – absolutely nothing – that
faith won’t overcome. I left it no power. I left it no strength. It has no-thing over you.
So hear this about 2011. What will it be like? I will tell you exactly what it will be like,
says the Lord:
Whatever you compromise to keep, you will lose. So be bold in My Word. Be strong
and stand up for something. Stand up for the Word of Faith. Stand up for the fact that
God loves you and will take care of you and will continue to take care of you. And I can
tell you this. I have said it before and I will say it again, and again, and again—times
and times again: For this year everything is going to be all right!
A new day is coming and it is here now. Everything is going to be all right. I said
everything is going to be all right for all of you that will take My Word and stand on it
says the Lord. The kingdom is for you, the angels are for you, all of heaven’s reserves
are at your call.
Rise up and be counted among those that carry faith. Live by faith, walk in love and
declare that God so loved the world that He gave.
Relax and rest and rejoice because everything is going to be all right. Everything is
going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right.
2011 straight from heaven – a wealthy place, a good place. The blessing is the place to
be. You will see it come to pass.
It will be said of that year among those that count themselves in the household of God
and in the Word of faith and those that have stood up and believed My Word and
have walked in it all these years — it is going to be the easiest year you have ever had
in your life.
Things are going to flow and things are just going to move and flow along. It will seem
like you have been caught up in a wave of glory. It will just go and it will go and you
will begin to learn how to say things and they will come to pass.
You walk in the goodness and in the grace and in the mercy of God.
All that you should be you will be. All that you could be you will be.
And all that shouldn’t be won’t be because God is alive and well and so are you!
Now what about this time? What is in store? What is God saying about it?
It will be a time of changes. It will be the best of times. It will be the worst of times.
The biggest amount of change will come in the harvest. What is harvest to one man is
judgment to another one because both of them are the manifestations of seed. Seed
grows up and becomes and when the wages of sin, or the harvest of sin is death, you
just stay with it and it will kill you.
The sower sows the Word. Well, the harvest of that is abundance and plenty — the
100 fold return and here is what I hear the Lord say:
For those who insist and persist in disobedience and the compromising of the Word:
Whatever you compromise to keep you will lose it. And the difference is in many cases
it will be taken from you right before your eyes and of course it is not God Who takes
it from you – it is the devil – he is the thief. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. God is
not taking things away from you. The devil takes them and then blames it on God. He
will get preachers to preach that to you, but it isn’t true!
Now for those who insist on keeping the love commandment at any price, and those
Prophecy & Prayer
Heritage of Faith Ministries International
who insist on living by faith and giving God praise and glory: Everything is going to be
all right! That is what I heard the Lord say: Everything is going to be all right.
Everything. All right. It is going to right-en up — straighten up.
Don’t look to the government for your supply. Don’t look to other people for your
supply. No! No! Pastors, don’t look to your congregations for your supply. Jesus is our
hallelujah! The blessing of Abraham is our supply! Praise God! The Word is our supply!
Amen. Now to walk in that, whoa, my goodness, you are going to have to pay
attention. You are going to have to listen on purpose.
Take time to pray and listen to God. Jesus said: I only say those things I hear My
Father say, and I only do those things I see My Father do. Not what we see someone
else do or what we hear someone else say. We take the message that is preached. We
take the
written Word of God as the very Word of the living God, Amen. It is God speaking to
me, but there are moments and times when you just need to hush and quit trying to
make up and do all your praying on your own and be quiet and say: Lord, I am
listening, what should I say at this moment? What should I do? My ears are open and
my eyes are open. I am listening.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International