“Extraordinary things are taking place in the heavenlies and 2016 will come to
More and more notable miracles will break loose in the earth
More and more signs and wonders
More and more angelic visitations
More and more instant healings
More and more deliverances from demonic activity
And more and more finances will break loose so My people can do more for
the Kingdom, saith the Lord.
And during this time of THE GREAT BREAKING LOOSE, the enemy will no
longer be able to hold back that which My faithful ones have stood in faith for,
not even the things that looked as though they would never come to pass
For I will cause them to break loose and to SUDDENLY manifest and to do so in
such a way that no one will be able to deny the greatness of your God
Yes, 2016 will be a year in which the FAITHFUL shall be rewarded beyond their
highest expectations and they shall abound in My blessings as never before.
Feb. 8, 2016 London England
Rest assured that I’m working on your behalf and things are about to turn and
you’re headed for a big laugh.
Your enemy thought he surely would win but I spoiled his plans and you win
So lift up your voice, let joy flow out and praise me now with a Victory Shout!
Feb. 28, 2016 Corsicana, TX
These are days of acceleration, saith the Lord. Days in which I will call those
who demonstrate an uncompromising stand on My Word and an unwavering
faith in My promises to experience in one year what used to take ten years, and
in two years what previously took 20 years.
I’m in a hurry, saith the Lord, to get things done and to fulfill all that I have
declared and you are the generation that will see it come to pass.
Settle it in your heart once and for all that giving up, giving in and turning back
are no longer a part of your lifestyle and I assure you that your future will be
Proph ecy Dr Jerry Sa velle
Prophecy & Prayer
Heritage of Faith Ministries International
filled with good things and your victories will be many!
March 6, 2016 Clemmons N.C.
From here on out you’ll begin to hear more and more of my people describing
what I did for them using the Word “Suddenly.” More and more suddenlies are
coming your way!
April 24, 2016 HFCC / Crowley, TX
The changes that I have planned for you are so big and so wonderful that some
of you will say, “Lord, how could you possibly do that?” That is so big!
But soon you’ll be saying “What a big God I serve”
For your great breaking loose will have come and all who see it will surely say
“Nothing is impossible with me.”
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