Prophecy/Prayer for the Nation – Ps Sharon Bendixen

“The Lord says Satan and his cohorts have attempted to weaken this nation
But this is His time in South Africa!
Everything – the game plan has changed
Actually, the tables have turned!
He assures me this morning that truly, “They that be with us, are more than they that be with

Jesus and His host with Him are busy with the fixed plan of the Father unfolding for South
Africa at this time.

This is why He requires our speaking on the earth
He requires our cooperation from or on the earth
Our speaking and our faith
And the battle for this nation will be won!
A great victory will come!
A predestined one – for this time!
We, as His Church, His ‘ecclesia”, are not to be found speaking what the enemy says –
What the enemy is endeavouring to get us to speak through fear and intimidation!
Because the speaking of the Church is the speaking of Jesus and South Africa is spoken for by

And we are to be found work together with Him and not against Him!
He wants us speaking for Him for South Africa and nor speaking about her!
This is how we rule and reign with Him — with a rod of iron!
We only say what we hear Him say about South Africa!
I have had My servant (Ps John) release words for this nation on My behalf and he will continue
to do so for My fixed plans for South Africa to unfold.
South Africa is spoken for so Speak!“