A fearless generation is what I will return to!
I will return to a people that sound and look like Me!
I will return to a generation of people who walk upon the Earth as I once
walked upon this Earth.
Fear has no place in Me, neither should My people allow fear to have any
place in them.
This is the time and the time is late for My people to rise up.
To rise up in faith and take their rightful place upon this Earth.
After all, I gave the Earth to My children and I expect My children to look after
what is rightfully theirs!
I expect them to take up their authority and to rule and to govern and to set
the standard for every living being upon this Earth!
I cannot be more clear on this matter!
My will has never changed! There is no variableness in Me, nor is there any
shadow of turning in Me!
My will for every generation, past, present and future is for them to take their
rightful place and My Sons!
However, our enemy, the devil is a very real enemy and he is constantly
working to keep My Sons and Daughters distracted and preoccupied with a
variety of things and he does so with the express purpose of preventing them
experiencing My will for their lives.
His time for keeping My Sons and Daughters from their rightful place has
come to an end!!
I have seen the pain of My people and I have heard the cries of the righteous
and now it is MY time to move!
It is time for Me to stretch forth My hand and to do great and mighty miracles
upon the Earth.
Just as I was with Moses and did mighty miracles through him, so too will I be
with those and do miracles and even greater miracles will I do now through
those who will believe in Me.
I am a jealous God and My jealousy for My Sons and Daughters has risen to
new heights!
I AM demanding of My Sons and Daughters to lay down their lives and to give
their time to Me and to give Me their affections so I can accomplish My will
upon the Earth.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International