“A New Era has begun,
And more and more signs and wonders will be seen in 2021
For those who will heed My voice and obey My words,
They’ll experience My goodness and My power as never seen nor heard
They’ll see the fruit of their faithfulness come bursting forth,
And they’ll prosper and flourish like never before
Abundance and Overflow, that’s what they’ll see
I’ll bring it to pass because of their love and their obedience to Me
No longer will their enemy have the upper hand,
For My spirit is moving and an outpouring of My power is coming upon the land
Many triumphant victories will mark this New Era
It’s what I’ve planned, so rest in Me
Miracle after miracle, that’s what I’ll do,
Decree it and receive it and know that it’s true
Refuse to be swayed by what’s said in the news,
With Me on your side, how can you lose?
So stay with My Word, it’s faithful and true,
I’ll bring it to pass and great things I will do”
“Yes, a New Era is here,
It’s already begun,
And I’ve planned marvelous things for you in 2021
Abundant Overflow is the order of the day,
So rest assured, it’s on its way
Your adversary can’t stop what I’ve already decreed,
So stay in faith and get ready to receive
Allow no one to discourage you by what they say,
Keep looking to Me and I’ll have My way”
“Tell My people they’ll need to remain strong and stay close to Me
So they’ll not be deceived by their enemy
His attacks will intensify, and he’ll try to prevail,
But My power is greater, and it shall not fail
Fear not nor be fretful over whatever shall come
The battle is mine, and I’ve already won
Contrary to what you’ll see and what you shall hear,
2021 will be a great year
A year of Abundance and Overflow
That’s My plan, and it shall be so!”
11 October 2020 at 2:30 am, He once again said to me:
“This is your theme for 2021
Abundant Overflow – it’s already begun”
11 October 2020 at 7am, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to write the following words:
“A great shaking, a great shifting a great displacing will take place in your nation
and then immediately following this there will come a great awakening and a great outpouring”
Shaking – the act of causing something to be removed or replaced
Shifting – the act of changing position or direction
Displacing – the act of laying aside someone and making room for another
Awakening – the act of becoming more attentive to the will, the plans, and the purposes of God
Outpouring – a sudden, rapid flow and barrage of God’s Spirit, God’s power, God’s anointing, God’s love, and God’s blessings
“This is what you are to be watching for and what you are to be expecting as you enter into 2021
You’ll see it, says the Lord, and remember when it happens that I told you beforehand
I’m in charge of the seasons and the times, and My purposes shall be fulfilled
I have the power to raise up and to bring down
And no man, no government, and certainly no adversary will stop what I have planned
So lift your hands and praise Me, and know that I have everything under control”
November 29, 2020, the Holy Spirit spoke to me once more, and I heard Him say these words:
“Don’t fear the future because it’s still bright
And I’ll see you through each and every fight
So stay in faith and watch what you say
Speak only My Word, and I’ll have My way
It’s never My will for you to fail
It’s always My will for you to prevail
So don’t be moved by what you hear and see
This is how you enter into greater victories
Be bold and courageous and stay free from all fear
For 2021 is going to turn out to be a great year
I’ll take you higher than you’ve ever been before
This is My promise and My promises are sure
So stay in My Word and rest in Me
For this is your year to be totally free”
“The things I have planned
Will bring you great joy
And blessing after blessing
That’s what I’ll deploy
Never have you witnessed
Such goodness that you’ll soon see
I’m pouring it out in abundance
so that you will have greater victories”
On the first day of this year, I received the
following from the Lord:
The year 2020 is now over and the
new year has finally come,
So, get ready for more and more
rejoicing in 2021.
The things I have planned will surely
bring great joy,
Blessing after blessing, that’s what
I will deploy.
Never have you witnessed such goodness,
which you shall soon see.
I’m pouring it our in abundance so that
you will have greater victories.
Things you’ve stood in faith for, which
seemed would never come,
They’ll manifest shortly and every
battle will be won.
Keep your eyes on Me and your
trust in My Word,
Regardless of what others say,
you’ll not be disturbed.
A year of great favor, that’s what
you’ll testify to ,
For abundant overflow is surely coming to you!
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International