Walking Together (Part 13): Authority (Part 2) – Ps John Bendixen (JHB)

2019: Brother Jerry’s Word from the Lord – I Expect marvels, wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of God, such as has never been seen in the Earth. Brother Copeland’s Word from the Lord this year is believing God for maximum harvest. I’m expecting all of that to happen.

Warning – Glory into shame: (Hosea 4:6). As I begin to prosper and increase I do not forget the laws of God and forget Who gave me the power to obtain wealth and the good lifestyle that I have. I am a priest unto God, otherwise, my glory shall be turned into shame”.

Fill every place, everywhere with Jesus: (Ephesians 1:22) God has given all authority to Jesus and He fills every place, everywhere, everything with Himself through us, the church. (Ephesians 1: 16 – 23 MSG) The whole purpose of Jesus’s life is so that He could fill my life with His presence. He designed me to live as His presence, as who He is, everywhere, every day, all the time, wherever I go. (Luke 10:19) Behold, You give me authority to tread on serpents and scorpions (demonic beings or spirit forces) and You give me authority to tread on any force that comes against me and You give me power (dynamite kind of power) over the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me. (Peter 5:8 – 9)  I can’t win the battle against the devil until I submit myself to God and then resist him. I don’t have authority until I submit to God. Authority is always coupled with submission. (Ephesians 6:10) I’m not strong in myself; I’m strong in the power of His might.

God is in control: (Ephesians 2:1 – 7 AMP), You want me to be controlled by You, so that when I walk into a place, I don’t first consider what it is that I want to do but the way You want me to be. You don’t want me to be like the world and identify with it. You want me to look like Jesus and be a Light carrier. I rise up and say, I’m a Christian, I look like, think, talk and behave like Christ. My salvation and my ability to walk in Light is a free gift. I just walk in the Light and I become light. I’m a heavenly seated Christian because I’m seated in Christ in heavenly places, the heavenly thought process, thought pattern, the very presence of God that is heavenly in its order, comes and fills me with light, life and the order of God. Then I naturally walk according to the new nature that is in me. I am not following the designs and the desires of my natural cravings.

Single and married: (1 Corinthians 7), “This is coming out of me by the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul writes “If you are married, do not seek to be unmarried and if you are unmarried, do not seek to be married”. Rather seek to remain to be single so that you can dedicate all of your life to Jesus.”

Single: This can only be possible if I find myself seated in Him in heavenly places; such possibilities of living in Christ that He infuses me so completely that my carnal natural-man’s desires have no meaning to me. Pastor John is not suggesting I should not be married, neither is he suggesting that I shouldn’t seek to have a husband or a wife. He is suggesting to me that so powerful is my ability to walk in Christ, that those things will matter less to me than what they matter to me in my natural man. It’s possible, that Jesus can be so important to me, powerful to me, can be so filling me of everything of Himself that even my natural desires that God placed in me to be married and to have an intimate relationship with another living human being can go away.

Married: There is such a place of walking in Christ in my marriage relationship that I defer to Christ before we defer to each other. This is the most authentic way to live in marriage – if I defer first to Christ then to my partner, all of heaven’s life force flows to my partner through me. Whatever sensual relationship I want to have after that will be in power and the order of God and such relationships are undefiled. No matter what I do in the marriage bed after that it is undefiled because it will always be in the order of God’s life, not in the carnal nature of what other people say sensuality should be.

Walking by faith: (John 16: 33 AMP) Tribulations, trials, distress and frustration don’t stop me from walking by Faith. I live as a conqueror, Jesus has already paid the price to conquer, now I just live in the victory He already paid the price for. I walk with the authority and victory of Someone who has already walked that way and who has all the power and authority. All the authority and power is mine to walk on the earth and I fill with Him; everywhere I go, I fill that place with His presence. (John 17:14 AMP) If the world doesn’t hate me then they don’t see Jesus in me. I need to be that alive to Jesus that wherever I go, I’m in confrontation with darkness all the time and they either going to love me or they going to hate me. Like Pastor John, I don’t boost myself, I boost Christ in me. I am determined to live for Jesus, I let His life shine through me and change the world that is around me. The world cannot control me, it cannot hold me, it cannot make me bow to it. I am in control of my future. Therefore I do not pray that the Lord takes me out of this world, this world is not here to frustrate me. I am here to live the power of Jesus Christ. I stand and keep on standing.

Words of power to change: (John 17:17,18, AMPC). Your power in my heart, Your anointing in my life, the true authority of Your Word has captivated my heart. It’s holding me by Your power, by the authority of this Truth that Pastor John is speaking. Like the Apostle Paul, Pastor John doesn’t come to us with flowery speech, inspiring word; he comes to us with words that have got power. It’s the power to change me, sanctify me, wash me, to make Jesus big in me.

Holy Spirt came to me: I WILL SEND HIM TO YOU” (John 16:7-8, NLT). Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to ME. When the Holy Spirit comes to ME, He convicts the world of its sin, convinces it of God’s righteousness and brings judgement. I am in the Light in the world and that Light overcomes the darkness. I don’t walk in the Light and practise darkness and untruth otherwise I’m not bringing who You are to the world. When the Holy Spirit comes to me, then I become the admonisher, the reprover, the one who exposes to the Light all the works of darkness, I convince the world of righteousness – of Jesus, and as things ought to be in every body’s life. I execute divine order because the Divine Order is upon me. I am a ‘God-ordained, one man, judicial God-order’, legislating on behalf of God where ever I go, that is why the church is called the ecclesia –‘the ruling ones’. (Read in MSG translation – John 16:7-12). This scripture is meant to be the living of every Christian here and now. The Holy Spirit is a delivery mechanism from the very Throne Room of God all the stuff that I need on the earth to live here.

Over-achiever in Jesus: There is no point of even thinking that I want to be a self-achiever – to prove that I’m as good or better than the next person living in darkness, following their sensual cravings, appetites, and live as the world. I’m an overachiever in Jesus. In my world, I command everything to come into the order of God. That is where I achieve. I can control my world with my authority.