We’re on a journey to new discoveries. We are in crossover, we are in reset, and we’re following the plan that God has for our lives. This is probably the most exciting thing that you and I can do, to follow God’s plan for our lives. It’s to do what He wants us to do, not what we want to do. I ask you to have open hearts, open minds, and be ready to let the Holy Spirit speak to you about what God has for us as a ministry.

God’s whole intent is that the Church would reveal the wisdom of God (Ephesians 3:8-12). We on earth are supposed to demonstrate the wisdom of God to all beings, all creatures everywhere. When you were born, you were not an accident. You were born into the body that you occupy because God wanted you to be born. And when He put you in the body, He also gave you certain things that He could use in you. For what purpose? So that when we bring our gifts, and we all mature each other, edify each other, we become what God wants us to become as a whole church.

We cannot become what God wants us to become if we don’t bring what God has put in us to the Church. Because number one, when we bring it, we develop. Number two, when we bring it, other people develop. Without us developing each other, we cannot become what we must become.

Our assignment as a ministry is to promote the life of God to advance the Kingdom of God. Isn’t that what Jesus actually came to do for the Father?

Our mission is to touch, teach, and train all people in the greater city of Witbank and everywhere. Enjoy a positive life experience in every aspect of living through the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and community.

Our core values are:

  • Quality; creative, purposeful, and excellent standards that endure.
  • Healthy; emotional, spiritual, relational, and then later on, the Lord added physical health and productivity that promotes a positive experience.

I’ve watched congregation members by their millions leave churches because they burn out. It is because there’s a big vision, there’s a big goal, and it’s about numbers. When I sought the Lord about it, He said, “It’s never been about numbers to Me. If I wanted numbers, I would have chosen more than 12.” It is all about a healthy relationship, a healthy life. Even though we press for excellence and quality that endures, we cannot ignore that we need to remain emotionally healthy, relationally healthy, spiritually healthy, and while we are in this vessel, we’ve got to be physically healthy. That is why we don’t push numbers as our main headline, we push a walk with God. Because if we do that, then we can get everything, and do everything that God needs us to do.

  • Stretch. If we just become comfortable in all of our emotional, spiritual, and relational comfort, then we are also not going to be doing well. We’ve got to keep stretching. Stretch; for better ministry, stretch for a better community, and stretch for Kingdom-minded results.

The words that define the ministry, written 20 years ago, just me and the Lord: Trust. Mutual Respect. Teamwork. Empowerment. Risk Taking. A Sense of Urgency. Continuous Improvement. A Commitment. And Customer Satisfaction. It doesn’t help that we think we’re doing okay. The measure of what is ‘doing okay’, is what other people think. You might think, “Hey, I’m really expressing the love of God.” If other people don’t know it, then you’re not doing it.

Ultimate impact relates to four areas:

·   Touch friends

·   Teach followers

·   Train fanatics

·   Transfer to the faithful

Transfer to fathers but sometimes people can be faithful but not yet be a father.  If you’re thinking about what our ministry is all about, it’s how we do it. We Touch, we Teach, we Train, and we Transfer. As time has moved on, it’s become clear to me that covenant is the bedrock of everything we do, and if we hold true to the values, and to what God has called us to do, we have to make adjustments. We’ve got to change. This morning is about change. Are you all ready for change? Change for ultimate impact.

Everybody needs to be active in the church for the manifold wisdom to be shown to the principalities and powers and the rulers of this world. We’ve all got to be busy. If we just stay at home and do nothing, then it’s just nothing.

We can’t compromise the standard of the church. We can’t compromise the life of God. If we compromise the life of God, what is it that people will find in us? They can’t find us the same as everybody else. They have to find us like Christ. They’ve got to find us with substance of Spirit life. So we have a mandate that Jesus gave.

Jesus started with 12 disciples, then He sent out 70, and then another 120. Then before He left to go to heaven, they were all together and He said, “Now go wait in Jerusalem until power comes upon you. When the power of the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you must go and preach the gospel and make disciples of all men in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the outermost parts of the earth.” It means you start somewhere and then as you allow God to reveal Himself to you, you go to the next place and the next place.

So we are going to obey God, and we are going to touch as many people as we can touch. And through today’s presentation, I trust that you will welcome the journey that we are going to embark on, to touch as many people in the world with what God has done here, as we can.

I pray and I trust that today, you see everything that God has for us. That you will be fully, completely engaged in the future of what God has for us and the platform that He’s given us.

Ephesians says, “That our God is able to do abundantly more than we can ask or think.” That is the imagination that God has placed in us that when we are connected to Him, that we can live in His imaginations, which are limitless. We don’t use our own imagination.

Today is a marker day for us and I declare that you will receive everything that the Lord has given to us as a ministry. You will receive it, you will incubate it, you will allow Him to speak to you. I pray that you will be fully activated in your gifts so that not only can He bless you as you give your gifts, but you can be a blessing as you bring your gifts. Your blessing is directly connected to you bringing your gift to the Church. The Church is directly required for you to be released into your gift. Then you will know how to take it to the world because then God blesses it. That’s very different to the way most people think about it. But this is the way that God ordained it.