7 The real children of Abraham, then, are those who put their faith in God. 9 So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith. (Galatians 3:7-9, NLT) We have such an amazing covenant with God because of Abraham and because of Jesus. Jesus is saying to us it is not about how worthy you are, it’s about receiving Him and putting your trust and faith in Him.
By partaking in communion, you proclaim His covenant with you. You enforce the covenant rights that you have. Without His blood and broken body there would be no covenant. There is strength in the covenant but there are also two sides to the covenant. The right to choose life or death, blessing or cursing. Tithing is a covenant connector.
Jesus came to make sure that there is not one part of your life that is not taken care of, through the covenant of Jesus. We receive freedom from agitating passions, freedom from fears, freedom from moral conflicts.
Say: We thank You Lord that we have the power, we are bold, we are strong. We are completely fulfilled through the blood that completely heals us and saves us from ourselves. Thank You for a covenant full of power and strength.
Priorities are the power of your person.
Priorities also give you power.
Whatever your priority is, that is where your power goes. And every person’s power comes from their priority.
Your priority determines where your power goes and that also defines who you are as a person.
Your energy is a reflection of your priority. Where you put your energy, that is where your priority is. Priorities can be selfish and self-centered.
God had a priority. His priority was us. He put His power in line with His priority. His priority was always to have a relationship with us where there are no barriers. There is nothing between us and God. He had to make covenants along the way to make sure that His power was in line with His priority.
If you are a Christian, God has taken His priorities to make a covenant with you, so that through the covenant He can release His power to you, for you, through you. And there is nothing that His power can’t do for you. So, it’s never then about circumstances, it’s about an unwillingness to use His power.
Culture is trying to constantly undermine God’s covenant, and culture will always tell you that the human part of social living is more important than the covenant part of God. Culture will always compete with covenant, and if we put culture before covenant, then our priorities are completely different.
Say: I want my priorities to be about covenant not about culture.
The covenant that God established with Abraham is everlasting and it stands to this day. We have a responsibility to remind each other of the covenant. That is why we have communion. Because if we understand the covenant, then we understand where His power is amongst us, because this is His priority. God is serious about us remembering covenant.
You can be a Christian and you can really know a lot about Christianity and you can have all of the right phrases; you can ask all the right questions; you can have so many of the right answers; you can have a lot of opinions about what you know. But, it is not what you know that matters, it’s how to take what you know and put it into action in your life. That is what makes the difference.
God’s Word coming out of my mouth is a reminder of covenant. It releases the power of my priority. My words are my priority, so I am releasing my power. Have faith and trust in your covenant and then it’s your time to be obedient. It’s time, whatever God is telling you, this is our time. This is our season. Every day is a day of obedience. Every day you are going to make a decision to walk in the covenant of God.
The blessing is where you want to live your life. You do not want to live your life based on what you think is the best for you now. Because you will always live in the ever-present now for yourself, you will never change it. The only way it can be changed is if God comes and intervenes for you. And it is always going to happen in the form of a messenger. You will not change it for yourself because in yourself you are incapable of overcoming yourself. You need someone to come into your life by God and say, “Here is the grace for you to change self-based decisions.” The messenger is here. The messenger is bringing that out today and God has sent me as a messenger to say, “Come on you can do this.” Don’t make a decision based on all of your promises to God that you couldn’t fulfill in the past, because all of those things you made in the past that you couldn’t get to, they were all based on your own interpretation of what you could trust God for or not. Don’t think like that. That is always going to limit you to go back to yourself. Make a decision and then let God’s grace work for you.
Say: Lord, I’m historically weak. I’ve historically let myself down in my walk with You. And there’s many things that could stand between me and You, but I declare today that I’m not going to let those things stand between me and You. I’m going to live in covenant with You, Lord. I’m going to establish that today. You are my covenant God and You make Your power available to me so that Your priorities will come to pass in my life. All of Your power, I receive it right now, so that Your priorities and my priorities will be the same. And whenever I’m weak and I can’t make it happen, and I let You down, I let myself down, I declare it in Jesus’ name.
Pray: Thank You, Lord, that You are in covenant with us. You bless us with all the goodness of covenant. Our tithes and our offerings, this offering this morning, is just a sign of our covenant connection with You. And we thank You for it, that it’s blessed, that You bless everything in our lives, every harvest, everything. We thank You that it’s blessed, in Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International