The foundation of our prayer life should be praying like Jesus taught; Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. When He said Your kingdom come, it was made possible because there is a covenant in place. God established His covenant before He made heaven and earth. He established a covenant with Himself. Then when the earth was made and things went wrong, He made a covenant with a man. He made a covenant with Abraham. Now, Abraham is the father of faith for all of us. Because he believed in God and it was given to him as righteousness.

Living by faith and understanding faith is not the same thing. You can have the faith of mental ascent, but not have the faith of God. The faith of mental ascent is; I know what the process of faith is, I know what the order of faith is and because I know what the process of faith is and the order of faith is therefore, I know faith. Those two things are not correct. Because faith is not a mental ascent. Faith is a relationship with Jesus.

Many people get disillusioned with their faith life because they don’t see the results of faith, but they know everything about faith. Just because people can talk the language of faith, doesn’t mean to say they are in faith. When Abraham believed God, he had to walk in his belief. He showed his faith by leaving. He had to walk out his faith. This also applies to us. We have to trust God and walk in our belief.

The same goes for joy. Joy is not happiness. Joy is not an emotion that changes based on circumstances. Joy is a force of the Holy Spirit. When we receive the covenant of Jesus. We receive whatever the covenant has for us. We receive it with joy.

Jesus endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him. There is nothing that God will ask us to do that should not be with joy. Because whenever God asks you to do something, then He is going to ask you to do something based on the fact that He will give you the joy to do it. And whatever He asks you to do, He will give you joy so the joy can power you through it.  The Holy Spirit of joy will carry you to the cross and it will carry you through the cross, to the point where the victory comes on the other side of the cross.

Say: Thank You, Lord, for the covenant. Thank You, that joy is always present no matter what the circumstance. Joy gives me power. Joy is my strength.

The basis of our covenant is living in life-union with Jesus and His words living powerfully in us. (John 15:7-9, TPT)

The power of agreement is one of the most powerful things that you can have on the earth. (Matt 18:18-20, NLT)

We need to be watchful over the relationships that God has put in your life because He didn’t call us to have an outcome. He didn’t call us to an organization. He didn’t call us to a global vision. He always calls you to a people. He always calls you. I want to tell you the danger of pursuing a career. If you pursue a career, or you pursue an idea, you are in danger of elevating the career or the business or money or something else. You’re in danger of elevating it so that you sacrifice everything to achieve that. Sacrificing everything to achieve something that is of an innate material objective, based on materialism or on fame or on power you have to compromise something to gain it because it demands that you compromise or you give everything to achieve it. When you burn your bridges of the relationships and the balance of life in God, when you burn those bridges, you can’t go back. Only through the grace of God can you go back.

Say: I am watchful over the relationships that God placed in my life. I am called to a people. I do not sacrifice or compromise relationships to gain something. The grace of God helps me where I have burned bridges of relationships.

Keep walking in the covenant of the calling, the anointing, and the gifting, and keep walking in the covenant of preordained, predestined relationships because that’s where the blessing is. That’s where God answers everything for you. It’s in the relationships. It’s not in the talent. It’s not in the skill. It’s not in anything abstract. It’s in the relationship. When Jesus came to die, He came to die because of a relationship. He didn’t come for any other reason. He came because of covenant and relationship. There is an anointing that gets released in covenant and the power of agreement that makes all things happen through covenant.

The vision that God gives, the plan that God has, the ancient paths that we must walk on, the things that He wants us to use our faith for. These things are designed to release gifts and callings as we walk together to the same purpose. Together we can do it.

Say: I am a covenant child of the covenant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I belong to Abraham.

Honor the covenant that God placed in our lives. Without their obedience we would not have the opportunity to be obedient. With obedience God releases blessings upon blessings on us. The blessings are overtaking us. We are all part of this. As much as you want it, you can have it. Either God has a plan for all of us and you recognize it or you don’t. Your will is your will, but God will replace you if He has to.

God unlocks the benefits of the covenant and the benefit of the covenant is a continuous flow of blessings that cannot be stopped. Because God releases a continuous level of blessing to those who are His people who are in covenant with Him, He does not stop the outpouring of the blessing.

Say: I receive it, Lord! I receive everything that You have for me. Thank You, Lord, that Your continued flow of blessing cannot be stopped!