Everything you do in life has a rhythm. You always have to adjust to the different rhythms of life. We have to step into the Holy Ghost rhythm of what God has for us. Faith has a rhythm based on circumstances. Sometimes it is time to sow your seed, and then the rhythm changes and it is time to harvest.

Say: I know and recognize that there is a rhythm in the natural and also a rhythm in the Spirit. The rhythm of God is the way that God works with me.

When your need for things in your life is so desperate, your need can be out of rhythm with your faith. If you put a deadline on your faith, you will undermine your faith. Now you’re no longer living in faith. You’re actually living in unbelief that God’s going to meet your need, but it’s just because your faith and your needs are out of rhythm.

We have a Saviour. Jesus is our Saviour, and He has redeemed us from all of the bad stuff that the devil has created through sin. Everything that the devil is, is anti-God. Where God uses words for life, he will use words for death. Where God uses ideas for blessing, he will use ideas for self-indulgence. God stands for life, and the devil stands for everything that’s anti-life.

Say: Thank You, Lord, that You have redeemed me from everything that the devil has planned for destruction. I receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

If you don’t let it, there is nothing that can keep you from experiencing the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). The only thing that can separate you from God is your choice. That’s something God can’t take away from any of us.

Covenant: is a bringing together of people who come into an agreement. A covenant is not adaptable or changeable based on circumstances.

The Holy Spirit is ensuring the Covenant that God has with us on the earth right now. The world can’t understand our Covenant because they don’t look for the Holy Spirit. The world doesn’t live in truth (John 14:17). Christians who know Jesus and know the truth and have the Holy Spirit live in truth. It’s our choice whether we want to live in the lies or we want to live in the truth. Just because you know the truth doesn’t mean you say you live in the truth. You can still choose to live in lies.

Say: The Spirit of Truth lives in me. I choose to live in the truth. God is in Covenant with me. He will never break covenant and He’s guaranteeing His Covenant by sending the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit in you produces fruit in your life (Galatians 5:22-26). The fruit that comes when He’s present is joy, peace, love, patience. When He’s in you, His Covenant shows up with joy and love and peace and patience and kindness. The Covenant provides everything we ever need.

Everyday the Holy Spirit reminds us of our Covenant. Our job is to allow Him every day to be the Spirit of Truth to us, that circumcise our hearts.

Say: I allow You, Spirit of Truth, to circumcise my heart every day. Thank You for reminding me that I have a covenant and that the covenant provides everything I need.

The reason Jesus came to die is so that there would be a Church. As the time is getting more and more towards a momentum where there is no more current heaven or earth, there’s a part that the Church must play. There would be a people that would look like Him, talk like Him, live like Him. We are an extension of Covenant people. We have a better Covenant. Based on better promises, we have a better Covenant. If we have a better Covenant than that, the Holy Spirit is going to be our Helper, our Advocate, our Guide, our Lead, our Teacher, everything that we ever need.

Say: I have a covenant with the Most High. Blessings are overtaking me. I do not have to work like the world works to make it happen.  My words are blessing all the productivity of everything I do, and money comes into my hands because I’m blessed. I’m blessed going out. I’m blessed coming in. I’m blessed in the city, and I’m blessed in the field. I’m blessed in my thinking, and I’m blessed in my talking. I’m blessed in my relationships. I’m blessed. The Holy Spirit is the author of everything that I’m blessing in my life because He is in me to help me. He’s from the Covenant One Maker that is Jesus. He’s here to make sure that I’m blessed, and I’m blessed, and I’m blessed, and I’m blessed. And today, I’m walking in blessing, and I’m walking in joy, and peace, and love, and kindness, and patience because the Holy Ghost is in me to make me live according to the Covenant.