Scripture Reference: Philippians 3:10-11 (NKJV); Romans 1:16-27 (NLT); Philippians 3:8-9 (MSG)
None of us want to fail at anything. We have been made by God to succeed and to have a fulfilled life. The first choice that you make in not being defeated; is by having Jesus live in your heart. When you make Jesus Lord and Saviour of your life, you start a journey for everything to become better. It’s all about leaving the baggage of the past behind and preparing yourself to walk into the future of goodness. When you meet Jesus you find a much greater power than yourself.
The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not something I’m ashamed of.
The Gospel includes three parts:
The cross: Jesus died for us and all of our sins, weaknesses, sicknesses. All things that we struggle with were nailed to the cross with Him.
The resurrection: Jesus put His trust in the Heavenly Father to raise Him from the dead. The same power that Father God used to raise Jesus from the dead He gives to us every day.
The infilling of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit partners with us, in our new life, as the power that causes something that is dead (separated from God, with no future, nothing going for it – any dead thing) – to be raised to life.
How can we say that Christianity or Christ is the only religion available to all men?
Resurrection makes Christianity the difference.
Jesus is the only One that has ever been raised from the dead and now lives forever.
The cross is powerful, but the resurrection makes the power available, by the presence in the person of the Holy Spirit. The power of grace and the real future is in the power God used for resurrection and then sending the Holy Spirit to partner with us in our new life with the same power so that we can live with that power every day. I want to encourage you today to tap into the power of God that raised Jesus from the dead for everything that you do in life.
The whole point of any Christian being a Christian is so that you can become spiritual. The minute you become spiritual in everything that you think, say, and do, you enter into the realm of having the life of heaven become part of your life. Spiritual Christians are the only ones that can bring life from heaven to the earth.
Your human nature was born into separateness from God. Your sin nature has its own weakness built into it, there is no way that you can actually defeat that weakness. You have to depend and count on the very power that raised Jesus from the dead. Trust in Christ, that’s what it’s all about, that’s how we release the power of the resurrection.
The resurrection power of Jesus is more real than anything else (money, a job, sickness and disease, government power). If you have never made Jesus, Lord, and Saviour of your life, there is absolutely no guarantee that anything in your life can be successful. You may think you’ve got your life in control, until something like a worldwide virus comes into our world. The Coronavirus has shown us that you can go from in control to out of control in a very short space of time.
The whole earth is in a pressure cooker, there is an anxiety and a stress in the earth. This is the whole plan of the devil from the beginning: to manipulate your choices and make you make choices that limit your power, limit your freedom, and your capacity in Christ Jesus. He does not want you to know what the full power of resurrection life is like, because if you ever find that out, then you will bust every wicked thing, every twisted way that he tries to bring.
The Coronavirus is just the tip of the iceberg of what the devil really wants to do to the human race. Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, this is a time for us to stand up, it is a time for us to raise up, it is a time for us to be counted as ones who believe in the resurrection of life, so that He can resurrect each of us in our hearts. As we are resurrected life beings, Christians, we can bring heaven and the order of heaven into the earth.
The power of God is here for us, for everything we need every day. In Jesus’ name be free, be prosperous, be elevated out of your circumstances, and live the high life of Jesus Christ. This is our moment, our time that we need to be overcoming in our thinking and to be experiencing the glory and the greatness and the wonder of how great He is. We will not be defeated. We are not going down, we are going over. No weapon formed against us will prosper, no sickness or disease or plague will prevent us.
I Pray, Jesus, I thank You that You live in my heart, that You are my Lord, You are my Saviour. I thank You Lord that the resurrection life of Christ is in me, and that You save me now from all my weakness, all of my twisted ways, and I thank You Lord that I am free to live with the power of God in my life, in Jesus’ name.
I Say, I am a son of God because I know Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Today I live free from everything that has held me back in the past. From today, I live in a resurrected state of the power and the life of Christ. I’ve got Christ inside of me, what must I be afraid of? What must I feel down about? If God is for me, then who on this planet and what on this planet can be against me? His power is in me, His power is around me. I will bring His power where ever I go. I use His power to overcome my own thoughts, I use His power to overcome things that oppress me, I use His power to overcome things that want to hold my economic future and hold my family and hold my things in this restricted space.
The order of heaven comes into my mind, my thought life, my finances, my body for health and healing, my home, my life, and into my relationships, in Jesus’ name.
The power of the resurrection life is rising up inside of me and brings me peace. The peace of God that passes all understanding rules and reigns in my mind and in my heart, because it is not based on what I experience in the world around me, it is experienced by the resurrection life of Christ inside of me.
The joy of the Lord is my strength, the joy of the Lord is my portion today. I am not lying down and playing dead because some virus wants me to. I am tapping into the resurrection life of Christ that is strong inside of me.
I cannot be defeated, not because of my strength of will, but because of Who is inside of me. Every time I look down and see my feet, I will remember that I cannot be defeated. The Greater One lives in me, His resurrection power has raised me up from my humanity into something spiritual. Even if I mess up, I still can’t be defeated, because it is not about me, it is about the life of Christ in me.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International