Praising God is the way that you will bring everything from heaven to earth. You just praise Him until it’s uncomfortable; and then you will break through that level of comfort, comfort, discomfort, comfort, discomfort, until your capacity increases. Then the public and the private begin to flow together into a very powerful force.
I believe God has got a plan for us. We have to cooperate more fully with Him to get the maximum of what He is wanting us to get. We got to step up and step into the things that God has for us as a ministry. It’s going to require some adjustments, and we have to flow with that.
Brother Jerry brought us this message from God just for us as a church. This is a new season that you’ve entered into. A season of greater blessings that I’ve arranged for you. Blessings that you’ve never experienced before. So, get ready to receive them. They’re yours for sure. I’m taking you higher. Yes, that’s My plan. So, stay in faith and take your stand. Refuse to be moved by what others say. I’m in charge and I’ll have My way. Yes, this is a new season, which many thought would never come. But I’ve made it happen. Yes, it’s what I’ve done. I’m still the God who makes the impossible possible. It’s what I do. It’s all because of my love for you. So, rejoice and be glad with outbursts of joy and laughter too. You’re entering into the realm of maximum, just like I said you would do.
John 17:15, Jesus is not praying that we should be removed out of the world, but that we should be protected from the evil one that’s in the world. There is a level of Jesus’ prayer that is our responsibility to choose. If we continue to function in the world system the way the world continues to want to draw us into its system, then we are going to participate in the ways of evil. God is going to remove us out of this, He’s going to show us the way to go. That means the way that we are living is going to be different to the way that the world lives. Being born again is not the differentiator. That is just the starting point.
1 Though I am the least deserving of all God’s people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ. (Ephesians 3:8 NLT). What is this treasure? That we can live in the world but not be part of the world. That we can access the ways of God whereas they can’t. When you praise God, that’s a sign of your difference. Because it doesn’t make sense to praise the Lord like that. It’s not logical. If it was logical, the world would do it.
9 I was chosen to explain to everyone this mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning. 10 God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 3:9,10 NLT). When you give thanks to God, you are making a statement to all the unseen rulers, to all of the heavens, both the angelic beings and the demonic forces. Your praise makes a statement of the living Christ that’s in you, that treasure that’s in you. That is the purpose. That is the mystery that God wants us all to live in.
Your body and your flesh wants to live in the realm that it’s most comfortable in, that’s the natural realm. Your spirit man wants to live in the realm that it’s most comfortable in, that’s the spirit realm. You’ve got to decide whether you want to live in the realm where your body is comfortable or where your spirit man is comfortable. When you give praise in advance you respond to your spirit man, not to your natural man. This is how you practice to be free. This is how you practice to get out of your natural man and get into the spirit man.
How do you go to the maximum? How do you go to the highest level attainable? How do you step up and step into it? With words. With praise words. With glory words. With Holy Spirit words. So, when Brother Jerry says, “So give praise to God in advance,” what’s he getting you to do? He’s getting you to practice to speak words over something that hasn’t happened yet. But you gotta act like it’s already happened, otherwise, you’re not going to get to the happening.
It’s a time that God has prepared for us as a body. He’s prepared us for this time. He has prepared for us; He has prepared us as a people, and He has prepared us with His words. He has prepared us so that we can be a demonstration of His Church to all of the Spirit realm. This is the glorious purpose for which we were born.
Jesus got you born-again because He loved you. Full stop. He loves you.
So, who is this Jesus? This Jesus that is so powerful and personal in our lives? 6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. This is not open for debate. This is God’s declaration about His Son. And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end. This is the message which we carry to the spirit realm. 7 Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. (Isaiah 9:6,7, NKJV). If you want to know what’s going on in this church, it’s the zeal of the LORD of hosts that’s performing something in you and me that is much greater than just our little agenda. So, when you praise Him, it’s not just your agenda that is on the line here. It’s the government of God, it’s the peace of God, it’s the counsel of God. It’s the wisdom of God, it’s the glory of God that is revealed through your praises, through your words that declare His end of your faith, not yours.
Matthew 17:1: The account of the transfiguration.
Peter, James and John are witnessing that this is the One on whose shoulders there will be all the government. This is the Prince of Peace, the Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting One. He is standing there, and He is displaying Him, presenting His life and His ministry to Moses who represents all of the law, and Elijah who represents all of the prophets. The disciples are there as a witness of the Church that is to come
You and I are a witness of the things that you will speak with words of maximum, the highest level attainable in every area of your life. You are a witness. There is no reason to build altars here. This is about us recognising that this is our moment. This is the glory of Jesus in us, manifest to all of the beings of the spiritual realm. We are that Church. We are the reason why the Word has been given. We are the reason God wants to show Himself. He wants to pour out His goodness on us so that we can be the witness. Ours are just to receive it.
Jesus has given us an invitation to come up higher. He has given us an invitation to walk with Him to an unknown destination, to an unknown event, to an unknown outcome. But I can tell you this, it will be glorious. It will blow your mind. It will be something greater than you can even think or imagine.
Only those that will follow Jesus up the mountain, to the maximum, to the highest level attainable – only those will have a story to tell. So, you’ve got to be focused, you’ve got to be persistent. You’ve got to be committed. You’ve got to not quit. You can’t give up. You’ve got to press. You’ve got to give it all – you can’t stop walking. You’ve got to keep going. So, what does that mean to you? You can’t stop praising. You can’t stop praising.
So, do you know what Brother Jerry says when he says praise before you get it? He’s saying that’s how you got to act in faith because faith is the substance of things you hope for, is the evidence you don’t yet see but the hope is so powerful that it’s already substance in your praise. That’s why people scream, because they’re already getting into the scream of the manifestation
“Well Pastor John, that’s not my personality.” It’s my prayer for you that you will have an encounter with God that is so uncontrollable that it’s no longer your personality that controls you. Because until you’ve encountered God like that, you have nothing to say about those people that have encountered Him like that.
I want to say to you that we are in that moment right now where we are witnessing something that God has given us. It’s a supernatural energy to overcome and to go to the maximum, the highest level attainable. It’s God inviting us to go with Him and He will lead us all the way to that place and when we get there, we will see things that we couldn’t imagine, and we will experience things that are beyond anything that we could ever dream of right now. And such will be the wonderment of God’s presence in our lives that we will say, “Were we even in that place before? How is it possible that this all happened?” Wow.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International