Ps John:
We have the vibrancy of the life of Jesus living inside of us. We are so grateful, Lord that we can live our life knowing that You are guiding our steps, because we dedicate ourselves to live for You, Jesus.
Bill and Ginger Horn (Executive Directors or Chariots of Light internationally, under the leadership of Brother Jerry Savelle) officially started the Chariots of Light chapter here in South Africa. Bill and Ginger prayed for the Chariots of Light people, they bless us into our future here in South Africa and they introduced us to The hand of God.
Bill Horn:
If you have Jesus in your heart, then you’re a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is not only for us to know who we are in Jesus Christ, but also who He’s called us to be. Not just the gift for the body, but the gift that He has given the body for everybody – the gifting of an evangelist. It’s everyone of ours responsibility to share the Gospel with the lost
Do you know who Jesus Christ is on the inside of you?
That’s the whole thing; letting Him walk in us the way He wants to walk in us and throughout this world.
In 2011 God said, “When you give them your hand and they give you their hand, I’ll put My Hand upon them.”
Everything we do is based upon His Word:
The Hand of God in South Africa:
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:6-7).
The One living inside of you – His hand is upon you: the power, the presence of the Most High.
Ps John:
I’ll never be the same again, my faith is connected to this revelation; that my hand is the Hand of God. In a business meeting, immediately the Hand of God has touched the deal. When you touch a friend – the healing, restoring power of God is in the hand. If you put your faith out in the Hand of God, then you can begin to believe God for change wherever you go, because you just touch them with your hand. My hand is the extension of the Hand of God. Take the hand of God with you.
When two brothers come together and they shake hands, there’s a mighty union (a mighty union of God’s hands touching each other). You cannot have bad fellowship when you understand the mighty union of fellowship and unity that is happening, because God’s hand is touching each other.
It’s time to go out and believe that Scripture that says, “Whatever you put your hands to will prosper”. Your feet will take you there, but whatever your hands touch, whatever you do will prosper. By faith receive that today. By faith go and live that today. Go and touch people and when you say, “Bless you,” you just put your faith out when you touch them with your hand. Tell them that Jesus loves them.
I pray the peace of God upon you. I pray the blessing of God upon you. You’re blessed going out and blessed coming in. The favour of God goes with you. I pray that you will see things that you couldn’t see before. You will hear things you couldn’t hear before. You will be aware of things that you would not be aware of before. You’re willing and obedient to do things that you didn’t do before. And God will bring deliverance that He couldn’t bring deliverance before – because you are willing and obedient and you are aware of what God is doing around you, in Jesus Name. Go forth and prosper. Go forth and get the people saved. Go forth and be mighty in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International