We have to live in the hope with the faith that we are the now generation!
The word that the Lord has given me is:
I am here this morning to give you a message – that’s all of us — from the Lord
That in this year of 2016, this Witbank church –the word for us is we must be Prepared
and we must become Ready for something that God has for the Witbank Church
I say to you under the guidance and the inspiration and the leading of the Holy Spirit:
Revelation 2 v 7 is what God wants me to say to you!
7 He who is able to hear let him listen to and give heed to what the Spirit says to the
assemblies (churches). To him who overcomes and is victorious), I will grant to eat [of
the fruit] of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
To every church He gives a different message, so this is His message to you by the Holy
He who has ears to hear, let him decide for himself today to go with God this year to
become prepared and to be ready to flow with the things that God has for this Witbank
Church, which things will be unveiled in the weeks and the months to come
You need to make that decision!
I say to you church in 2016,
This cannot be a year – I am telling you by the Spirit of God – where you may think and
decide for yourself that you have got to follow your own vision.
God is placing a spiritual marker into this earth and into this Church this morning!
There is something that He wants to do in this Witbank Church. I will not miss the time
when God says, “It’s my time in Witbank now,” and I’m still waiting for it to come to
pass in some future generation! The time has arrived now!
So let me tell you: You have to choose to obey God before He’s going to give you
You are not going to get the revelation until you obey God!
He is not going to reveal things about Himself to people that are not going to follow
I say that you are here in this church this morning because you are a witness of this
message and God has brought you to this Church this morning to be a witness of this
message whether you choose or not.
I believe all of you have already chosen and will continue to choose and that’s why you
are here this morning.
I have an encouragement for you this year .
My encouragement is this:
Make this an extraordinary year and stop looking at your past experiences of church
and say that I believe that I am going to be a now generation person.
Why don’t you make a decision this year to say, “I am not going to allow distractions
to keep me from being in Church on a Sunday.”
I promise you that when the season gets to be as important as it is then distractions
are the
first things that the enemy will go to!
“If I can distract you…go here rather…go there…do this…do that…oh you‘ve be-
come wealthy, why don’t you rather buy this, buy that, use it now, hobby here, hobby
there, do that, family issues, family pressures… all kind of things that can distract you
and many of them can be very meaningful issues.” Meaningful does not make them
I will tell you this church, that God has placed in me a strategy of how to prepare us
this year and I will be releasing some of it in the weeks ahead but I want to tell you
that the choice is going to be yours. A decision to obey God is not just, “Oh well, ok
then, I decide…”
The decision is: The pastor, the government of the lord Jesus is calling you to pre-
pare you and ready you. Are you coming?
So if the Pastor says it is going to be a Tuesday night after prayer for 1 hour
I don’t think I am coming to prayer and I don’t think I am coming for that 1 hour be-
cause my life is a bit busy, I am tired.
This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where obedience really matters.
When we are sitting talking like this this morning it is easy to make the decision —
“Yes I’ll obey,” but when it gets to August this year and September and October and
we are still
preparing and there are still things to be done… Then you can’t say, “The year has
been a long year, I am ready to quit!”
Please don’t take this approach, “I’ve been round church for many years, I’ve done
many things, this is just another year.” I am telling you it’s not!
Romans 12:1-2
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life —
your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before
God as an
offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. 2
become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. In-
stead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recog-
nize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you,
always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you,
develops well-formed maturity in you.
Preparation and Readiness
Prophecy & Prayer
Heritage of Faith Ministries International
This year, when you are faced with choices
Go here, go there, do this, do that…
Make a choice for preparation and readiness rather than the choice of the culture that
says do what you feel like doing!
Can I say it again – in this year please don’t do what you feel like doing! Make a choice
to obey God!
I have brought a message this morning.
This is a message to Witbank.
The message to Johannesburg is a different message.
God has given me different instructions for them.
He has shown me what the result of these messages will do in the churches, Hallelujah,
please be strong, please be faithful, please take up your place.It is my desire and my
call to you by the Holy Spirit.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International