Preparation, Celebration, Separation for Integration Part 2 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

The Truth of God is like gravity – irrefutable. Whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you want to manipulate it or not, it doesn’t matter – gravity is a truth. 

That is what it’s like to serve Jesus – you can’t go against or defy the Truth. Everything that you do is going to confirm the Truth. To live in a natural world requires faith to overcome the natural world’s requirements. Being human causes us to be able to make choices and those choices enable us to live by faith or not. Every time you have to make a choice as a human to live by faith and live for God you fly – you defy gravity and you become something unique and special that can do things. 

When you choose to live by faith and in faith, the very first part of your choosing is like a rocket taking off. There is a massive demand on energy to create lift off. Once it’s got enough momentum, thrust and power the trajectory begins to work with it and it gets better and easier. The higher it goes the less gravity comes into the equation, until it gets into a place where there is no more gravity. 

Satellites need very little fuel, they’ve broken free from the laws of gravity. When you become a Christian, you learn to live in faith, then when you live in faith, you get to a point of your faith where you break free of gravity and now you just live in a realm beyond having to believe God for your needs met (Matthew 6:33).  God did not intend for the governments of the world to dictate what happens on the earth, He has intended the church to tell the governments of the earth what to do. The church had become so weak and feeble, because we’re like; burn energy, thrust, take off, topple over, didn’t make it, start again (almost like the like the Peter syndrome).

To put Ephesians 6:10-13 (NKJV) and 1 Timothy 1:18 (MSG) in the gravity analogy – our job is to fly when we need to fly. This is not a fight against whether God will feed us and clothe us; this is a fight of keeping our faith strong so that we can live in a realm where we’re always responding to God and not responding to our needs.  When Jesus was walking on the earth, He was all man and His Heavenly Father took care of Him. God is not interested in what our natural world must look like, He just wants us to be sons.

Jesus spent 30 years in His personal leadership, 3 years in His public leadership, and 3 days in His purpose. He was always living towards His purpose and He was always living in His purpose, but the fulfilment of His purpose was 3 days and 3 nights, when He was raised from the dead. Pastor Sharon and I have lived our lives like this. Building a strong foundation of personal leadership and walking with God every day. God raised us up into public leadership and now the time has come in our lives where God has chosen to accelerate our purpose.  

Luke 4:15-20 (NLT) was Jesus’ announcement of His public ministry. 

Luke 4:28-30 (NLT) This same Jesus, who they knew made one statement and they mobbed Him. The rage that was displayed in the hearts of the people, that  would put Jesus on the cross, started that day. Jesus just exercises His authority and He walked through it. He proved that they couldn’t touch Him, that God protected Him. 

We live in that kind of protection and we have the capability of living with that kind of authority.  

If you honour, by refusing to say business as usual, then you will be free to enjoy God. Faith is meant for us to use in our relationship with God. We can walk with God in such a way that we are free from the needs of this personal world. We can use gravity to our benefit. (Isaiah 58). 

The Lord directed me to be on the social media space for a full cycle of a day and night while most people are up (with morning moments, midday ministry and midnight ministry and music). It will be an ongoing process until the Lord says stop (at least for 2020).

The Lord showed me that old spaces are there for us to enjoy, the new spaces are for us to grow into. This whole year we’ve got three projects.

Project Strike: Striking the ground for seven areas of victory (things you want to have a breakthrough in your life).

Project Conditioning: Both spiritual and natural conditioning (increasing our focus). 

Project Celebration: Celebration in our hearts about what God is doing. We will also have celebration events (happy mouths and happy feet). 

Contact Seed: The Lord had impressed upon Brother Jerry to receive a “point of contact” offering towards the fulfilment of the Prophetic Word. When you sow a seed and mix it with faith, your faith reaches a supreme expression. God gave Brother Jerry a Word and he is using his faith for that Word to come to pass. We are connecting with his faith and we are joining our faith for this to come to pass. We will sow a seed towards that and when Brother Jerry comes, we’ll get him to agree with us as a whole congregation that we will have our project strike breakthroughs. How much money to sow is between you and God.

Peter’s shadow could heal no one, it’s only God that could heal someone when Peter’s shadow fell on them (Acts 5:12-15, NLT). That can only happen when 1) a human vessel is willing to be used by God and 2) another human vessel recognizes and sees that God will use human vessels to touch a life. Peter’s shadow might have fallen across some of them as he went by and for some there was expectation, faith, hope and recognition. 

The challenge we have in the church today is people just don’t believe that God can use human vessels that way. The church has become numb to the works of God through men, because they don’t trust the vessels anymore.  

It is real that God will use human vessels to make significant change and moments in your life.  If you want some marvelous things to happen, God is working where even the shadow of what God is doing through His vessels, touching your life, can bring miracles to you and great change for 2020 in the areas that you want it. 

Say with Pastor John, “I am one of those vessels that’s ready to receive from Brother Jerry. I am one of those just plain people that want to go out and put my mat out so that his shadow can fall across me. I recognize when God is using a vessel. My expectation is not from the man, my expectation is from God through the man”.

Put your hand on your heart and say, “I am a son of God. I’m going to get everything that God wants me to have. I am free from everything that holds me back in my life. Thank You, Lord, this is a moment of celebration, this is a moment of victory in our lives. We are going to strike the ground in 2020, and we are going to go through new doors and supernatural increase in Jesus Name”.  

If the devil wants to lie to you about anything, you can stand firm on what the Word of God says. You can just hide behind Jesus the whole time.