Scripture references: Ephesians 6:10-13 (NKJV); James 3:16; 2 Timothy 4:7 (NKJV); Isaiah 59:19 (KJV); Isaiah 59:19-20 (MSG); Isaiah 58:13 (MSG)
Happy Feet: I am in celebration mode and even if my body and my brain tell me to slow down because I’m not twenty-five anymore, the Lord is my strength and He renews my youth as eagles. I put my “happy feet” on because I am healthy strong and blessed.
Experiencing God in my natural world: How much must God be in your natural life to prove to you that He is God? God is Spirit and Truth and He’s going to touch your life first in spirit and truth before He touches your world in the natural. So how much must God be part of your natural world in order for you to really believe that He’s God?
Thomas would only believe what he saw: After three and a half years with Jesus, Thomas witnessed many miracles that Jesus performed, he even saw Jesus raise people from the dead. When Jesus died, Thomas found it hard to believe that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead. When Peter and the other disciples saw Jesus and came to report on it, Thomas refused to believe it unless he saw. The enemy was putting doubt into his mind.
Where is your faith? Jesus appears through a closed door. There was no opening or closing of doors, He just appeared and He says, “Thomas, I believe you have some doubts about Me. You want to touch Me? It’s Me. Here are the marks in my hands and the wound in My side. Here I am Thomas.” “Sorry, Lord. Sorry, Lord.” Too late, Thomas. Where’s your faith?
Ephesians 6:10-13 (NKJV): I’m using this Scripture to say that our fight is not against flesh and blood, our fight is against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual forces.
Don’t allow strife in marriage: The Bible says 16Where there is strife, all manner of evil abounds (James 3:16). Base your marriage on the word and don’t get into strife. If disagreements or fights or differences of opinion start, the remedy is to make a decision to preserve the marriage and not to allow evil in. What must I do? Keep quiet. Eventually, you will get to an understanding that “I’m keeping quiet to preserve our marriage because I don’t want to be in strife.”
The enemy of God works behind the scenes: Where do arguments in marriage come from? It may come from finances, unfulfilled desires, questions about intimacy or from the kids. The pressure point comes because we both bring things into the marriage and at some point in time, we disagree. What influenced our thinking to this point? Who’s the ruler of the world? Satan. So to say; I’m having a difference with my partner and there is no devil influence here at all, you’re wrong. It might be revealed as a human thing but actually, there’s a demonic dark force that’s causing you to be disobedient to the Word.
Believe God in 2020: What must God do to prove Himself to say that He’s in your relationship? We’ve got to take up the whole armour of God that we will be able to stand in the evil day and having done all, you must stand, you must continue to believe the truth, and continue to say, “In 2020 I’m going to believe the truth of God, His Word and what God says. I’m not going to believe what my natural man or the system of the world is telling me.”
Ten in one: 2019 was a year of marvels and wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of God. Last year, in this ministry, God did in one year that would have taken ten, wow. If you are one of those that obeys the written Word of God then you have every right to take the prophetic Word of God and claim it for your life.
Don’t violate your conscience: The way you violate your conscience is that you address your faith as a performance issue of do’s and don’ts and your faith as a formula rather than as a living relationship with Jesus. When you promise yourself something and let yourself down, do a doubting Thomas on your faith and make shipwreck of your faith it is because you violate your conscience. Thank God, He doesn’t need your boat. He’ll get you to walk on water to get you to another boat. He will. He’ll call you.
Struggle of your conscience: This is the struggle of your conscience where you say, “I live by my faith,” and you let yourself down. God says, “Hey, if you could do it by yourself you wouldn’t need Me. Don’t trust in yourself, trust in Me because you let yourself down.” Keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself. After all, this is a fight we’re in. (1 Timothy 1:18-19 MSG).
Using faith to overcome addiction: You don’t have to violate your conscience in order to live by faith. The time came for Brynn to quit smoking but he was addicted to nicotine. He knew how to get rid of this bad habit by using the Word. He would buy a pack of cigarettes, walk out with the cigarette in his hand and every time he puffed he said, “Thank You, Lord, that nicotine doesn’t have a hold on me and that I’m free of these cigarettes and I quit smoking in Jesus’ Name.” He would say it again and again and again. One day, one month – nothing happened but he never quit confessing.
Faith is not about performance: If you’ve got a performance level of faith then you can violate your conscience because you’re saying you’re quitting smoking but you’re still smoking. If you violate your conscience because you’ve set yourself a performance standard to quit smoking – you make shipwreck of your faith because your conscience says, “How can you say you’re a person of faith when you are still smoking?”
Let the Word work: The point about the blood of Jesus; is it’s not either/or, it’s that you have the opportunity to live in both spaces. Jesus didn’t come for perfect people. He came so that faith can make you perfect. In his heart, Brynn said, “I’m giving this to God, I am serious about quitting, I’m using the Word and I’ll let the Word do its job because I can’t. I can’t so God has to.” Keep confessing the Word and don’t doubt that you will be free from the addiction.
Don’t stop confessing: And that’s how it happens with money too. You become a tither, you become a seed sower and then you wait for God to show you a miracle and you stop your confession. Because like doubting Thomas you say, “Well, I’ve sown my seed now He’s got to show up.” No, you have to keep going because one day God shows up and like Timothy you can wage the good warfare because of the Words that are spoken. And so that’s what the apostle Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4, he said 7I have fought the fight, the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).
Expect something to happen every day: 2020, it’s been quite a thing for me. I started to count day one. Day one and then I said, “Day two, day three.” I have an expectation that everyday something is going to happen. I have an expectation that something’s happening every day.
2019 and beyond: 2019 a year of Marvels and Wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of our God such as has never been seen before in the earth. The Lord impressed upon Brother Jerry to tell the people add “and beyond”. “In 2020 I will open a new door and My people will experience supernatural increase like never before.” It’s not just about money. It’s about relationships, well-being, physical conditioning, it’s about many things in your life and everything that’s in your life you can have supernatural increase not just natural increase.
Supernatural increase: I believe this with all my heart: When all of Israel was in a drought God sent the prophet to a widow woman, and she was about to eat her last meal and die. This woman had been rationing until she’d rationed to the point where there was no more to ration-the last meal. And so, right at the very last moment, the prophet of God shows up and says, “Give me everything you’ve got for me.” They never ran out of anything.
New Vision: Experiencing supernatural increase is like this: it’s God, it’s beyond anything I can think of, it’s beyond anything I can do, it’s beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before. Brother Copeland has also spoken: “2020 yields itself to a new vision, 2020 is a time of great increase in dreams and visions.” He said that 2020 is going to be a year of great change – wonderful and magnificent changes in the Kingdom of God. You ought to make sure you’re part of the Kingdom of God. He said changes in the earth will come because of the Church having insights, ideas and concepts directly from Jesus to His Church by His mighty Holy Spirit.” Listen now, if you don’t believe in this, then you’re not going to get this. You need to believe this to get it.
(Isaiah 59:19, KJV), (Isaiah 59:19-20, MSG): How do you leave your sins? You’ve just got to believe in Jesus. You’ve got to believe this Word. Transpose the word Sabbath to “Everyday my Holy day” Isaiah 58:13-14 (MSG)
Happy feet, come on! Why on earth would you want to live any other way? You’ve got to guard against waking up in the morning with your bottom lip that’s on your feet. You need to get up in the morning and say happy feet come on!
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International