This is a time where you must put your trust in God. If you stay in the Word of God and you keep Psalm 91 in front of your eyes: this disease, this plague, this thing will not come near you. God will protect you, He will shield you and He will honour you. This is not a time to be in fear like the world. Do not permit that fear to come into your life. Take the Word of God, stand on the Word of God and believe the Word of God. Don’t change your confession and what you are believing. Now is the time to even be more focused and more committed that God is opening a New Door for you and you will experience supernatural increase like you’ve never experienced before.
[God put medical professionals in the world to help us, listen to what they have to say and be wise about the way you conduct yourself.]
I live my life in the Word of God. I’m going to share some things with you today that are part of very real living spirituality that we are doing as a community. My approach to leadership is that if I really believe something, I must live it in such a way that you can see it. One of the things the Lord said we must do for 2020, is we must condition ourselves. For me conditioning is spiritual conditioning, it’s physical conditioning, it’s financial conditioning. I began to seek from the Lord ways that I can apply this to my life. I went away for a couple of days to combine spiritual conditioning and natural conditioning at the same time. I did a cycling tour all on my own and I was able to spend my spare time in the Word. On this tour I was just a number, cycling with other guys, no one knew me. It was a perfect opportunity for God to show me His blessing and His favour. Many things happen. When the blessing of God is on your life then it should be speaking everywhere, not just where people know who you are.
I can tell you stories and stories and stories of things that happened to me while I was away, where God just blessed me. Every place I went, there was somebody, something, divine contacts and connections. What happened to me was so powerful in what God wanted to show me that He said to me, “John, I’m doing these things for you so that you can see that when you put Me first and you follow the order of My life, and you put Me in your life as your First Love, that the blessing that is upon you is so powerful that it draws unbelievers and it draws resources and it draws circumstances to you, that you couldn’t plan it, you couldn’t arrange it, you couldn’t ask for it, but I will bring it to you because I am the most High God that orders things in the Universe that people don’t think I order, but I order them in the Universe to make sure you are blessed.”
I was all by myself, out of my comfort zone. If I had measured my future by my comfort zone, I would have never experienced the blessing of God. It was so many little things that God did for me, that actually showed me how much care God had for me. Things that I wouldn’t have thought about, that He just took care of for me. It was those little things that made me realize, when you have got this blessing mantle on you, it just attracts things into your life.
Don’t compare yourself with someone else, don’t compare my experiences with your experiences, look for your own. God is ready to do some good things for you.
I have cycled about a thousand kilometers in the last twelve days. In my heart I said, “I’m back – watch this space Lord. I am going to get even better at this, me and You spiritually, physically, nutritionally, in every way – watch this space.”
I am ready to take myself out of many comfort zones. What about you?
Acts 10:44-48 (AMPC)
God opened a door, that no one else except Peter would have walked through. Peter had weaknesses too, which is a sign to us that you shouldn’t live in your weaknesses, you should live in the strength that God has given you. Your assignment and your purpose is in your strength, not in your weakness. If you allow your weakness to dominate your life, then you will never fulfil what God wants for your life. When it comes to the New Door, you are going to need to be brave, courageous and bold. You are going to have to embrace circumstances that you would not have normally embraced.
I received assurance from the Lord that the New Door that He has for you, is not something you are going to wonder about. It is not going to be perplexing/confusing or have doubt about it. It will be something you can obviously see, and you will know it spiritually before you even know it naturally. Peter, got a vision to show him the meaning of what he was about to walk out in the natural. Whatever God speaks (visions, dreams) be ready to act on it. With Peter, you have to recognize the moment fully (when God begins to talk to you about your New Door). If you don’t recognize it or put it on hold, you put your whole future on hold.
Points for you (continued)
Revelation must continue through conversation and action. You must reflect on your daily commitment to this season. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Be ready on a daily basis to see things that you couldn’t otherwise see.
You must respond to both small and large, Bible and Holy Spirit inspired changes.
If you read it in your Bible, then do it.
Rejoice always. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are saying, give thanks to God for what He is doing for you. If you can’t give thanks to God for what your circumstances look like now, give thanks to God for what your circumstances will look like – because His Word is about to change your future.
God wanted to bless me (a spiritual, covenant, blessed, highly favoured man). Most often, the blessing that came over me touched someone else (they just happened to be part of the favor). Men couldn’t help themselves, the Spirit of God came all over them to bless me, because God wanted to bring a blessing to them.
I trust that through my testimony that you have touched the blessing of the Lord – in the love of God and the joy of God and the way that God wants to just oversee details in your life. He wants to be part of everything that’s in your life – receive today this spirit of God’s blessing and His favour and the fact that you are a covenant child of God. He wants to bless you because you are covered by the Blood (not because you do everything right). It’s not about how well you do, because then that would become a performance-based reward system, and God’s not into that. He wants to bless you just because you’re a son of God and you’re covered by the Blood.
Say, “I am a son of God. I receive the blessing that the Father wants to bring to me. I will look for it, I will be alert for it, I will recognize it and I will just respond to it, and I will have a joyful attitude in my life until the New Door is there for me to walk through, in Jesus’ Name.
Sons of God Go walk with your blessing and go and bless those that are around you, go and speak blessing over them and enjoy the full blessing of God in everything.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International