Scripture References: Psalm 129:1-4 (KJV); Isaiah 11:16; Isaiah 12:1; Isaiah 12:2-3 (KJV); Exodus 15; Psalm 149:1-4 (KJV); Psalm 71:4-6 (AMPC); Psalm 129:1
Life marked by great victories: 2019 is a year of marvels, wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of our God. 2019 will be a year marked by great victories. If I have a marvel, wonder and extraordinary manifestation of the greatness of my God, then I’m marked by a great victory. As a believer, my life is marked by great victories. I go from glory to glory and faith to faith. My life is all about victory. That is why God sent Jesus – so that I can be victorious spirit, soul, and body. I believe that I’m going to step into greater victories because that’s Gods desire for me. His desire for me is to never live in a place of defeat, lack, past mistakes, past failures, the current economic status of a certain situation but to live victorious.
Place of challenge right now: (Psalm 129:1–2), The story of my life is changed because of the Word. No matter where I might find myself, I have to understand that the story is not over. There is a plan, a purpose and a call upon my life, there’s a story. “YET they’ve not prevailed against me.” Different things may happen but they’ll not prevail, have victory, win or be strong over me. I’m going to win and be victorious.
Start singing another song: I have to start singing another song. I can’t sing the song that the rest of South Africa, the media, the news, social media is singing. I have to sing the song of the Word because the enemy wants to keep me from the rest of my story. The enemy doesn’t want South Africa to rise up to be the Christian nation that God has destined and purposed it to be. That’s why us as Heritage of Faith, we have to sing a song of faith, the Word is a song of faith.
The anointing: (Psalm 129:3 – 4 KJV), (Isaiah 10), The anointing breaks, removes and destroys every yoke and every burden. Jesus’s yoke is easy, light and the yoke cuts asunder things that are holding me in bondage to let me go to where God can control my life, my outcome, the rest of my story.
Picked me out of a horrible pit: (Psalm 40:1-2 KJV) God sets my feet upon a rock, and establishes my pathway – where I should be going. He picked me up out of a horrible pit. I have to renew my mind because the enemy always tries to give me another focus, avenue, plant other songs, words and positions of faith into my heart.
He put a new song in my mouth: My song is my faith, it’s what I believe. In order to shift and change directions, I need to sing a song of praise. I stop singing the song of my pit, miry clay, hurt, rehearsing the pain of yesterday, financial struggles, what things look like, might be like and I start singing the songs of praise unto my God. He puts a new song in my mouth, a song of praise that is not just going to get me out of the pit but release me into my destiny. (Psalm 40:3 KJV), What’s coming out of my mouth affects my environment. Many will see it, fear it and trust in the Lord because of the song I’m singing.
Highway for the remnant: (Isaiah 11:16), There’s a highway or pathway for the remnant that are in bondage, hopeless, discouraged and have been taken by the enemy. Just as He delivered the Israelites, He’s delivering me. God’s plan is always going forward, restoration and completing my purpose and my destiny. (Psalm 84:6). There’s a pathway, highway through the valley of tears (Valley of Baca) out of my struggle, hurt, past and bondage.
Song of my father: (Exodus 15:1,2 KJV), Like Moses, I’m pressing into the song of what my fathers sung. I’m pressing into the revelation of my covenant and what caused them to be victorious, to overcome and win.
The Lord Jehovah: (Isaiah 12:1-2 KJV), This is faith – God is my salvation. It’s personal. God is my ‘Yeshua’, He is my deliverance, welfare and victory. This is the song that comes out of me. I trust, have faith and I’m not afraid for the Lord Jehovah is my strength, my ability, He sustains, empowers, equips and gives me grace, He infuses inner strength into me and is my song. The Lord Jehovah is the object of my praise. My song is my position and place of faith.
Joy: (Isaiah 12:3 KJV), This word means ‘rejoicing’. With rejoicing I’m digging deep, drawing on the wells of the victory that’s available to me in my life. When I rejoice in the Lord I’m pulling up on those wells of victory. I’m tapping into something that’s beyond me, into the Spirit of God that will propel me, (Isaiah 12:3- 6 KJV). When I make Him the object of my praise in the midst of my storm – my struggle, it allows Him to be great in my midst. Praise is beyond just a noise I make, but it is my faith being released in the One who can do impossible things. (Psalm 91:1 KJV). I dwell, sit down, remain and live in the secret place where nothing is impossible.
A new song: (Psalm 149:1-4 KJV), It’s time to start singing a new song. It’s not just a song to music, but it’s a revelation of who God is to me. I release that with all my might. This is a year marked by great victories and marked by great praise. Victory sure looks good on me. He beautifies me with victory and with salvation.
My heart: All God wants is my heart. I don’t worry about all my actions. I give Him and follow Him with my heart and all my actions will follow. I’m planted in the House and therefore I flourish. There’s a lot of distractions; things that want to weigh on my heart but I make sure that He is my number one Song and object of my praise.
My benefactor: (Psalm 71:4-6 AMPC), You have been my benefactor from my mother’s womb – He has been my support and The One that’s lifted me up.
Contact point established: The Lord has spoken today. There’s a contact point that Pastor Justin established here today which was: “I love You, Lord”. And when I’m saying it from my heart it means He’s beginning to fill my heart with His love for Him.
Turning away – faith action: I turn away from everything that is about me, and I turn myself over to You. The way I do it is just to say, “I love You, Lord”. I’m doing something different from this day onwards, I’m turning away from all those things that have distracted, held, bound and prevented me from becoming what I need to become. I turn away and say, “I love You, Lord”.
Pastor Justin prays a blessing over the congregation: We are blessed beyond measure. We’re blessed coming in and going out. Your Blessing is over South Africa, this nation and the economic situation. Your blessing is working on this country and it’s making it rich and adding no sorrow to it. We’re blessed in the city and blessed in the field. Our storehouses are blessed. Our children are blessed. As we’ve been faithful, we’re walking in and stepping into promotion. We have wisdom beyond our years. We have insights into things that the world doesn’t have insights into. We’re pursuing You, we have a heart after You, we hear Your voice and the strangers voice we don’t follow. We’re willing in every area of our lives. We’re coming up in strategy, in wisdom, in wholeness, in ability, in every area of our lives. This church is expanding and increasing. The TV voice continues to expand, grow and empower, not just this community but also the nation of South Africa as well. The things that are taking place in this worship team, in the Bible School, outreaches, missionary opportunities, everything’s coming up – up, up, up onto another level. Up, up, up to another level. Up, up, up to another level. We thank You for it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Decision in my heart: I make this decision in my heart, that from today I’m just going to say every day, “I love You, Lord. I love You, Lord. I love You, Lord.” I let His love fill my heart for Him and I’ll see it will just bring me up to that next level and set me free to the next thing He has for me.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International