The Lord is looking for a people perfectly prepared in Spirit. The mandate that is upon Pastor John’s life is to be spiritual and to access everything that heaven has.
Luke 1:16-17 (AMPC)
The fivefold ministry’s gifting from the Lord Jesus, is to bring you into mature sonship (the highest calling). Creation is groaning for every child of God to be a totally dedicated disciple following Jesus in His ways (of being: planted; under authority and therefor in authority; in the messages). The law of place is being in the place that God wants you to be. The question to ask, “Where are the people that You have called me to?” If Pastor John and I have gone with our emotions, we would have missed God’s plan and purpose for our lives. Even when you get upset, you stay set. Stay on your ancient path and fulfill your purpose with the people that God has called you to. God is a lifer.
It is God’s way that Jesus, when He ascended, gave gifts. Confusion comes in the body of Christ when those that Jesus has called, do not follow Jesus. That doesn’t mean there’s not the real. There are those who are truly following the Lord Jesus Christ and leading the people of God to maturity. Promotion comes from the Lord, not from man. It is the Lord who speaks (through God’s delegated authority). I am a co-labourer together with Pastor John in Christ. I take my lead from Pastor John. He is the first. I do not come over him. I am in fear of God, to keep it in proper order.
God will use any and every opportunity to motivate us to want to mature and develop. We’re having an event and He will multi-task with that and give us every opportunity to virtually mature overnight. Many of us are experiencing identity change. We’re becoming more of what we’ve already become. There can’t be supernatural increase on nothing. Supernatural increase is going to come on what’s already been increased (what is already bearing fruit).
What God has for us a people is to be perfectly prepared in spirit for the glory of the Lord. God is an assembler of His people. Jesus knows the hearts of everyone in Heritage of Faith, this is His church and the gates of hell will not prevail. We can experience supernatural increase in levels of authority and we can rise up as a church and declare and decree a thing and it shall be done for us.
God is a God that comes to be, He wants to be. There are qualifiers for the presence of God to come in its fullness (the levels of: obedience, generosity, love, truth, prayer, fear of the Lord, irrational honour). Some qualifiers are here and we will be ready for Brother Jerry to find an atmosphere charged. It is in the heart of God that Brother Jerry will personally experience God when he is with us (in a way that he himself has never experienced God before). It will be for Brother Jerry going through a new door. There are things Brother Jerry is longing for and it would be a reward of God for his faithfulness.
We will be ready.
We can go on record for eternity that God had found a people that would prepare to that degree of intensity, all hearts, all in to get ready.
The Lord showed me that, because of the seed that Pastor John and I sowed to go to do the corporate prayer conference (together with your seed) we could have increase here. I expect a quick, explosive harvest for all of us (Amos 9). The Holy Spirit will bring us all to maturity – virtually overnight.
Say, “I’m coming. I’m running. I’m Your son, Lord. I’m not comparing and I’m not competing. I’m not distracted by other people. I will not stonewall the anointing when Brother Jerry is here. I’m using every day and every opportunity to cooperate and flow with You, Lord. I know how to get myself ready. I cooperate with the great Holy Spirit who lives inside of me and helps me. I speak this new door in the spirit. I believe. I get up every day going through the new door. Even with my grave-clothes on, I get up to go over. I’m helping others and they are helping me to get each other’s grave clothes off”.
I’ll show you specified new things from this time forth, even hidden things [kept in reserve] which you have not known. (Isaiah 48:6 AMPC).
New wine comes from the vine. It’s new words that God will bring through His messengers. Adjust, search the message and switch. We’re all going through the new door in the same way, with new words, new things from Pastor John. It may not always be comfortable. It is like the life of a soldier: the enemy comes, you overcome, you progress. You defeat the devil with revelation God gives. We can’t confine supernatural increase just to finances, otherwise we’ll be limiting God.
Read 1 Corinthians 2:7, 9-10; 12-13 (AMPC) in the light of a new door and receiving revelation. Revelation is to lift us up into the glory of His presence more and more. So that we can see, so that we can be (and do, and have, and become). The words that we speak ourselves are what we are becoming. It’s the twice spoken word. You can’t just hear it, you’ve got to hear yourself saying it too, because that takes your believing to the highest level, because you will believe what you hear yourself saying.
The New Door in Rhyme (link)
You cross that threshold like a child (humble and without pride). Deal with pride personally, privately and powerfully. Through this new door there is no place for pride to hide. Ask God to help you and show you and so He will. You are worthy for one reason only and that’s because of the blood of Jesus that He shed for you. If you disqualify yourself on a false sense of unworthiness – that’s pride. Every time you think you’re not worthy, it’s a lie.
I saw Jesus come right at me through the open door. He wants us personally (to sup and have intimacy with Him). Catch the spirit of what the Lord is doing here. It is an amazing qualification. All you have to do is become like a little child (open-faced, trusting). Childlikeness is in Jesus, it is in your new nature. It is one of the most beautiful qualities that Father God loves to develop in you.
Say, “Father I ask You today, by the power of Your Holy Spirit restore to me childlikeness, fully. I am co-operating with Your Holy Spirit. I let You deal with pride inside personally, powerfully, and privately. I’m going to put it down because I can. I will find myself becoming like a little child – trusting, believing, receiving, open-faced. Thank You, Father, for restoring my childlikeness, in Jesus Name. Amen”.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International