I agree with Ps John that our president is surrounded by people that will not try and defeat him in his objective but will assist him and help him in achieving his objective. I pray that the wisdom of God and the supreme intelligence of God is his portion. As I pray for him, and as I continue to ask God to change our world around us, positively, that the life that I live is a life of prosperity and peace because that is what I pray for. The Bible says that I must pray for those that are in authority over us so that I can live a life that is filled with prosperity and with peace. I pray for our leaders. I agree that he is surrounded with people that will help him, not defeat him, that will help all of South Africa get through this pandemic and will be in a position where we come out as a country with the right ideas, the right concepts, the right perspectives so that our country can recover quickly, people can get jobs back, and that we can as a whole nation, we can prosper. I agree that prosperity is our portion. Good leadership is ordained by God because we asked the Heavenly Father to engage with our leaders at this point in time. I thank You, Father, in the Name of Jesus that you help President Cyril Ramaphosa – that whoever is around him that shouldn’t be around him, please remove them and those people that need to be around him, bring them into his space, that he will have supreme intelligence, wisdom and understanding that he can work and navigate politics and processes and procedures that need to be navigated for our certain good, so that the nation can prosper and that we can all be in peace and in good health; in Jesus Name. Amen.
It’s a joyful thing to see someone build structure, muscle development, become a solid, well strong, healthy human being and none of it would be possible without resistance.
32Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ. Remember how you remained faithful even though it meant terrible suffering. 33Sometimes you were exposed to public ridicule and were beaten (Hebrews 10:32-33 NLT). And sometimes you helped others who were suffering the same things. 34You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail, and when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever (Hebrews 10:34 NLT).
If I consider what he was talking about here, the level of uncertainty in the human world, in the material world, in the things that surrounded you and your world that you lived in. If you consider that how devastating some of those outcomes were, and these people said, he says about these people that they did it with joy because they knew actually something was happening that is going to last forever, and it was that forever that they were more concerned with. They had a knowledge and understanding of forever. They had a recognition that their salvation was forever.
35So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord (Hebrews 10:35 NLT). Now is not a time for me to say, “I’m just going to throw this confident trust away.” The great reward that it brings me – I keep in mind that this trust that I have in God, this joy that I have in God, it is really not misplaced. It really is of great value to me, both now and in the future, it is of great value.
This that I am experiencing, it will pass, but I don’t throw away this trust that I have in the Lord. I don’t throw it away with unproductive words, with useless imaginations of fears and anxieties of what may or may not come into my life, or may or may not be there as I move forward in life. 35So do not throw away this confidant trust in the Lord, remember the great reward that it brings you (Hebrews 10:35 NLT). 36Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will, then you will receive all that He has promised (Hebrews 10:36 NLT). I don’t give up on my trust, this confidence that I have in God. I don’t give up on that now; I don’t let it go now. This is my time to shine, this is my time to actually do something really significant and great spiritually for myself, for my family, for the people around me. I stand up. I make a significant stand – a faith stand. I make a stand of my love and trust, and confident expectations of God. I do it with joy and gladness – it brings a great reward, not only now but in time to come.
There is everything for me to gain to stay connected to the Word and stay connected to God’s people in this lifetime and in this season, right now.
The enemy of God is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. But as for me, I am a child of God, I submit myself to God, I resist the devil and he flees from me. When he comes to me to try and undermine my faith and try and undermine my walk with God, I recognise that God is great enough to take care of my needs; that God is great enough. He is powerful enough. He has given me authority on the earth to declare that I am safe under the shadow of the Almighty. I am protected under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge, He is my fortress, He is my God in whom I can truly trust and depend on. He is the One that’s got me covered. He is the One that is really deeply committed and interested and got my back every moment of every day, in every single way. He is my God and I will praise Him. He is my Lord and Saviour and I will put my trust in Him. He is the One who causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus. He is the One who said that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. It doesn’t matter what’s in the world, the Greater One is in me.
My job right now is to be patient. Patient endurance is what I have now, right now. I have patient endurance right now. I do not quit on my patience and quit on my enduring capability. Right now is the time to have patient endurance, so that you (I) will continue to do God’s will and that you (I) will receive all that He has promised (Hebrews 10:36 NLT). I receive all that God has promised to me; all of it, all of it, all of it!
38And my righteous ones will live by faith, but I will take no pleasure in anyone who turns away (Hebrews 10:38 NLT).
38I will take no pleasure in anyone who turns away (Hebrews 10:38 NLT). I don’t quit on my faith, I don’t make shipwreck out of my faith, I don’t allow anything to come against my faith; that is going to undermine my faith. I take those thoughts captive, I take those ideas, those concepts, those things that want to come against me and pull me down, I take it captive.
God is always the God of the moment, He’s the God of now, and He always navigates me into a safe place, into a safe harbour so that He can show me that He’s taking care of me and that He is my God. I live life, I am out on the waters in the oceans of life, I am out on the sea and as I journey I experience God, I experience things, I have things happening to me, but I know that I have a lighthouse that guides me. I have a God Who brings me back to a port, He brings me back to a destination. I always turn back to God and am safe in everything that I do.
I know God right now. I know God is with me right now. I trust God, I am confident – I have confident trust in every moment.
Jesus is my light, the Word of God is my light. He is my navigation, He is my captain of my ship. He is my everything. He will never leave me, He will never forsake me, He will never let me down. My job is to have patient endurance. I stay steady, day after day, day after day. I stay steady. I trust that God is the One who has got me covered. He is making sure that my parachute is open. He’s making sure that my landing place is sure. He’s making sure that once I’ve landed, I’ve got what it takes to make it out of the place, the hot zone that I’ve dropped into, and that I can get to my pickup point. He picks me up and He is good to me. Emotionally, spiritually, and in every way, God takes care of my life. I do not lose heart, I do not faint, I do not grow weary, I do not lose my patience and I am strong in endurance.
In this moment of time I just have to keep peddling. We have to keep – I do not throw away my confidence, I remember there’s great reward that it brings me. I am patient and have endurance, so that I will continue to do God’s will.
I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The peace of God rests upon me, and there is no anxiety and fear, or any kind of dark thoughts or any dark issues – they do not overwhelm me and overcome me. I am strong and sure, and with this knowledge, that the blood of Jesus has paid the price for me to live in confident trust in the Lord my God.
I am at peace and the Lord blesses me and His face shines upon me. The peace that He gives me passes all understanding. Whatever it is that I need from God to supply my need; I have patient endurance to get to the finish line.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International