“If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;”
(Isaiah 1:19 NKJV)
If means choices. We have to make choices every day in our lives. When the Word of God comes, when His plan is coming to our lives we have to decide if we are going to obey.
God has everything ready and planned for us to receive all the goodness of the land in terms of everything. Opportunities, business, things for you ; things for the children; purpose and assignment. God has all these things ready in the new era but we have to recognise this era.
Recognition is the foundation of revelation. All revelation is intended to replace your current reality with redemption and recognition.
If we are not recognising what God is doing, if you are not seeing it, we will not get the things that God has for us in the new era.
If you do not come to church you will not hear. The first thing that you have to recognise – we must go to church to receive the things from God. Here and only here we are receiving the will of God where He is taking us in the collective greatness. God will give us revelation through the messenger. If we are willing and obedient.
Many Christians think that some divine intervention from God will mysteriously come into their lives in some way that they don’t really have an understanding about. The way that the Word of God comes to our lives is through His order and His pattern of the church, and this is who we are; the New Testament believers.
The things of God that will change your current reality will not come or happen in a mysterious way. It will happen through God’s pattern by God sending His messenger to tell us what we must engage in and what we have to be part of.
It is time to go all in. God is looking for the ten, God is looking for the ten righteous in His church, the Ecclesia, in our cities and in the season. Not halfway in, all in.
God wants us to fix our attention to what He is doing. We can self correct when the Scriptures are talking to us and we have to come up, we have to come up where God is leading and bringing us into these messages.
“Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing.”(Exodus 12:35 NKJV)
God actually understands the way to lead every pastor and their congregation members. He is the way. So when you come and you put Him first, He is going to put you first. The moment you come, fully engaged in what God is giving Pastor John, it’s going to cause that momentum shift in your life. Then things will start to open up for us the same way that Moses says, “Now you go and you ask them for the gold and the silver.”
The choice to come and be obedient to the messenger, That choice is never going to go away. It’s an everyday living thing if you are willing and obedient, then the things that I’ve got for you will start to break loose for your life, but God needs critical obedience at this time.
“Fear and dread will fall on them; By the greatness of Your arm They will be as still as a stone, Till Your people pass over, O Lord, Till the people pass over Whom You have purchased.”(Exodus 15:16 NKJV)
God is giving us the world. We have to wake up. We have to rule now. We need to take charge and be responsible. The weightiness of our authority is because of the weightiness of the Blood.
We say: Lord, thank You for Your terror and dread that is falling upon my enemies.
“and said to the men: “I know that the Lord has given you the land, that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land are fainthearted because of you.”(Joshua 2:9 NKJV)
Babylon currently is hearing. They are hearing sounds resounding and reverberating in the realm of the Spirit. Our enemies are being scattered because we are rising to this occasion. The blood of Jesus paid for our authority and the blood of Christ that was shed for us is giving us the victory right now.
We are becoming like that army, our footsteps are like an army because the enemy is running.
God is giving us the words that should be our testimony. He is saying: “Oh, that My people would listen to Me.”(Psalm 82:13)
We do this one step at a time, one quality decision at a time, one message at a time. When you fully come in the first step, then He gives you the second step, then He gives you the third one and He gives you the fourth one and after a lifetime.
There is a shifting in the Spirit for the Body of Christ. So the shifting will come about because God gives the message to the messengers but then the momentum shift in the people must happen.
God says, “I’m giving it in the messages, I’m giving it in every surge that I’m giving it to Pastor John and Pastor Sharon, that it can come to you, that it can come to you, that you can fully partake, that I can bring the shift of momentum for you too.” Now is the time to go Big and Bold.
We pray: Step by step, we thank You for Your leading, the sureness, the confidence that we have as a people. Thank You, Lord. And Lord, we will just keep on coming as the messages come, Father. We will keep on repenting. It’s a privilege in our Covenant rights, Lord, to get things in order, get things in order so that we can move forward with You.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International