The Lord never runs out of inspired utterances. He will speak to you, as much as you will hear Him. And everything that He says to you is Spirit, and life. We are all being strengthened through our experience of Him. What’s happening to us in context of this time with God, we are experiencing degrees of glory of the unveiling of Jesus Christ. He has invited us to co-share, we are all co-sharing in everything that God is doing in the way His spirit will be flowing, in the way His messages will be flowing to us. We all qualify because of the blood of Jesus. Take your share.
It’s God’s plan for us to be filled speaking. My plan, and under the New Covenant, Jesus said, is for every believer to be filled with My spirit. Ephesians 5:18. 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the spirit.
Under the new covenant, it is God’s plan, that we maintain a continual infilling and maintain our walk in the Spirit through speaking divinely inspired utterances to the Lord. This is something we ought to do in our own personal private life, in communion with God.
Colossians 3:16 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. (Colossians 3:16 KJ21) Many times God will give you a psalm in your private prayer life just for your own benefit. On the other hand, a hymn is a song of praise and worship, addressed and directed toward God, which is public. A spiritual song is a song that brings forth the revelation of the word. That’s why we let the word of Christ dwell in us richly so that we can sing and have spiritual songs from the Word of God that dwells in us richly. The benefits of speaking to ourselves in songs and hymns and spiritual songs are great. It enables us to have true communion with God and worship Him in spirit and truth. It also edifies us spiritually; we stay encouraged and built up in the Lord. It is a means of keeping us separated from the world. It causes us to be conscious of His indwelling presence. And if we’re conscious that He is living in us, it affects the way we live.
You can stir up the gift yourself within your own spirit by praying in other tongues. All you need to do is expect Him to give you utterance. You have to start off by faith. You will feel an unction, it is just a step up from your usual utterance and speaking to God.
It is foolishness to the natural mind. But this is Spirit-life, to the Spirit, to the spiritual man.
Jesus is busy in the local church of which He is the head and He is building strong, local churches and teaching them to flow with His Holy Spirit. Every local Ecclesia has their own redemptive calling. Their spiritual leader needs to be seeking the Lord for God’s messages for the plans and purposes that God has for that local church. We are not a people that are all over the place surfing the web for prophecies to see what God is doing here and saying there and saying over here. God is speaking to us through the pastor of our local church not through the pastor of other churches.
That is why we must go through the messages coming to us from the messenger of God here, it is God’s way.
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