Highest Level Conference Part 2 – Dr Jerry Savelle (WTB)

Brother Jerry:

It was such joy when I left Fort Worth and flew for the first time in my own international aircraft that I believed God for, for 20 years; and it is paid for. Hallelujah. Boy did it do a good job up until we got to Nairobi where it is now being worked on. 

I can understand Jesus being touched when He heard that John, the Baptist, had been killed. Amid the tragedy, Jesus healed the sick and cast out devils. 

The devil is not getting any credit for messing with my aircraft.  I am impressed by the Lord to follow Jesus’s pattern and pray for the sick before we do anything else. I think a good way to retaliate is to get everybody healed and show the devil he is wasting his time messing with us. When Satan attempts to rob you of your joy, just retaliate and do something to affect God’s Kingdom.

Ephesians 1:15-19 (KJV & MSG)

The life that God has prepared and provided for us is a glorious way of life. Grasp the immensity, the grandness, the vastness, the bigness, and the enormity of it. This life is far beyond what most Christians think.

When I came to the Lord in ’69 I drove a ’67 Corvette. Immediately well-meaning Christians told me all the “thou shall not’s” and that Christians don’t drive cars like that, especially not poor, humble preachers. Nobody told me anything about this glorious way of life. I was introduced to the ministry of Kenneth Hagin and Brother Copeland, which totally demolished all that religious tradition that people were putting on me. I learned that I can have a nice (even paid-for) car and be a preacher. You’d be surprised at the number of Christians who still have that kind of thinking. I rarely have any criticism from sinners, my criticism comes from Christians.

I am all for glorious living. I win more people with my lifestyle. If they want to know how I am doing this or how I am getting all this, I tell them it is the God I serve. He is blessing my life; it is His favour. Nobody has ever turned me down if I ask whether they would like to know Him.  That is one of the ways that God attracts people, by blessing your life.

We’re not to show out with it or be high-minded with it. I’ve given away more cars, motorcycles, and airplanes. I made this rule in my life that anything God blesses me with, and He tells me to give it, it is gone before dark. I will not allow anything to possess me. I possess things, things don’t possess me. Every time I give them, they come back in fleets.

I am all for having the best to represent God; first class. But I am not high-minded with it. God has already pre-arranged this glorious way of living. He is in favour of you learning how to live that way. Don’t ever let anybody convince you that God is mad at you, or God doesn’t love you, or God’s offended at you because you are blessed or prosperous.  It’s God who giveth thee the power to get wealth; remember the Lord thy God (Deuteronomy 8:18 NLT).

Ephesians 2:1-2 (MSG)

The more you hang around with God, the bigger you think. The world doesn’t know the first thing about living. When you allow the world to tell you how to live and come down to their level, you certainly are not going to live a glorious life.

Carolyn and I are givers; we live to give. The biggest outgo from our salaries is our giving. People don’t understand. They accuse us of being worldly or material-minded. If we were, we wouldn’t give anything away. I am not material-minded but I do like material things. The Bible dictates my life. It says that God wishes above all things that I may prosper and be in health (3 John 1:2) and He gets pleasure in the prosperity of His servants (Psalm 35:27).

Don’t let the world around you control and dictate the way you think, talk, and live. As Christians, it is necessary for us to renew our minds with the Word of God. We must reprogram our thinking, our minds, and our hearts with the Word of God. (Romans 12:2 MSG).

Get busy, take initiative, and get desperate for a better way of living. Desperate people do desperate things. Stay in the Bible and discover what it is and how to do it. Don’t be lazy, take charge.

Ephesians 2:10 (AMPC; MSG; TPT)

It’s the perfect will of God for you to live a glorious life and to give Him all the praise for it. It is your destiny.

Glorious living is not just so your life will be better. It is God’s way of using your life as an attraction, a billboard, and a flashing light to the world. Always be grateful for where God has brought you and never seize to tell people that may ask the reason, it’s because of the God you serve. But don’t get satisfied with that being the ultimate. No matter how well you live with what you found in the Word, there is always another level.

The Lord said, 2023 is the time to go to the maximum, to the highest level attainable.

That sounds like the glorious way of living, the good life.

We can’t get done what this generation of believers has been called to do, staying at the same level we are now; no matter how good it is.

Say, I am destined to live the good life. I am destined to live the glorious life. I am destined to live life even better than what I am living right now. I am ready to go to another level. I am going to the maximum. I am going to the highest level attainable. I receive it. I am ready to do whatever it requires of me to reach the place called the maximum and the highest level attainable.

Pastor John

God is shattering the ceiling. He is just demolishing the ceiling. Many of us can see with the eyes of the Word where we are supposed to go but keep bumping into something that keeps holding us back. This Word is shattering it and creating a free space for us to walk into.