Something that Pastor John and I got on the 14th of April, during lockdown:
All of the supernatural increase of this year will remain, and then it will increase again and again, in Jesus’ name. This supernatural increase, through this New Open Door, is not going to go away, it’s here to stay, because Jesus is the One Who’s opened this door, and nothing will be as it was before. Even time as we have known it, will seem to stand still, for things that will happen now, will be God’s will. This is His time, He will have His way, His say and full sway. This supernatural increase, it will not cease, it will be unmistakably, undeniably, recognizable, and identifiable upon His many sons of Glory. This is His time and He is writing the story. These are sons who hold fast their confession, their faith reaching its supreme expression. Precious is their faith to them, they remain in it, and obtain full possession.
Key scripture: Hebrews 10:19-23 (NKJV).
Boldness to enter into the Holiest has got everything to do with faith (Hebrews 10:38 NKJV).
Bold in His goodness – believing the goodness of God.
What would have become of me, if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of God, in the land of the living? (Psalm 27:13, AMPC; John 20:29, TPT). God wants to show us how powerful and mighty He is through His covenant with us, and how good He is.
He wants us to experience His goodness in the land of the living.
“8Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people, to His saints, to those who turn to Him in their hearts.” (Psalm 85:8 RSV)
God gave Revelation 3:7-12 (AMPC, TPT) to me about the Heritage of Faith people.
“I know you, Heritage of Faith people. You have held fast to My message, you have endured. I am going to keep you safe from this time, this hour of trial and testing which has come on the whole world.” God is coming quickly with all of His answers to all of our strikes, and all of His promises that we are holding fast to, at this time. There is a crown that we have, because we hold fast to the message. If you are a pillar in the House of God, you are one of those, who are alive at that time, in a church that is upholding His Kingdom purposes in the earth.
The Lord said to me, Leviticus 26 and Amos 9. This is exceptional, exquisite, extraordinary, and excellent. Now you will see what I will do for you. I personally delight in this; I am good and I do good. This man, Pastor John, and these people, I have earmarked, chosen, hand-picked and selected to bless abundantly. I have opened a New Door especially for you. To experience Supernatural Increase, to experience it for yourself. For the sake of the covenant blood. Yes, I will do it.
This increase we are going to experience, is going to be supernatural. Nothing, but supernatural.
Supernatural means; beyond and exceeding the powers of the laws of nature; relates to the miraculous; a supernatural event is one which is not produced according to the ordinary, established laws of natural things.
Child of God listen to what God is saying. Your increase is going to be like this; like the floating of iron on top of the water. It’s going to be, that which is going to happen by the divine immediacy, the agency of God. Supernatural means supernatural miracles which can be produced only by the immediate agency of the divine power. Your divine increase is not going to be because of the physical, it is going to be extraordinary. It is going to be above your ability that you were born with.
Make this declaration based on different definitions of supernatural:
I will experience change, I will experience supernatural increase, beyond the powers of natural laws. I will be experiencing an increase, and having growth is an increment that is miraculous. Things will be added to me in extraordinary ways. More will be given me in ways produced only by the immediate agency of Your divine power. My levels and development will occur above the usual and the natural. My development, insight, and understanding is above what can be measured and explained. Your divine power is being exerted on all of my faith strikes. God is going to miraculously be working. Supernatural, like iron floating on water, is going to be the increase of my strikes. Glory to God. The things I’m striking for, are only going to increase supernaturally. The ability and limitations I was born with, are not going to hinder the strikes from coming forth in any way. And as I give Him my natural with every strike, He brings His power to bear on it.
God is absolutely focused on His goodness and He wants you to be bold in His goodness toward you.
God, Himself is explaining supernatural increase in Deuteronomy 11:10-16 (AMPC)
The Supernatural Increase which we are going to experience is not sowing our seed and watering it laboriously, as in a garden of vegetables. Our Supernatural Increase is going to drink the water of the rain of the heavens. All He asks is for us to love Him completely. If we do, He will give heavenly rain, that we may increase supernaturally.
God has given us all these Scriptures.
He wants your eyes to see them and for you to meditate on them.
Zechariah 9:15-17 (NLT, AMPC)
This is nothing but supernatural. Supernatural protection, rescue, deliverance, increase.
Leviticus 26:1-13 (AMPC)
The Prophetic Word has already made us immune from fear, but this is going to increase in us supernaturally, in these times that we are living. We will chase our enemies with the sword of the Word of God and our faith coming out of our mouths.
Read Amos 9:13-15 (AMPC) on the back of that.
This is the New Testament Exodus, based on the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. When faithful to the Covenant, the blessings will be poured upon the land in which the Kingdom of Heaven is set up (Rain of the heavens, Supernatural Increase.) Canaan and Israel are types of the Kingdom of God, and of the Church of the Lord. (Galatians 6:15-16 AMPC, NLT). The land which will flow with streams of divine blessing is the domain of the Christian Church. Such is the character of the Gospel. It’s a Gospel of fruitfulness, abundance and plenty. It’s the gospel of the Good News, the goodness of God.
I want to encourage you to be bold in His goodness.
Go through these scriptures and let the Spirit of God speak to your heart, let Him assure you, so that your faith can be released with force, that He is intent on blessing you, and being good to you, and bringing Supernatural Increase to your life in every way, and to your family, in Jesus’ name.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International