Key Scripture: Hebrews 10:19 (different translation). This is a time for us to be bold.
I’m not bringing this message to you today by way of appeal, just because of the time we’re in. I’m bringing this message to you through sheer joy and absolute delight in this greater light He is bringing to me personally on the supernatural blessing of the tithe. May what is in my heart fully come to be in your heart in a brand-new way through this New Open Door with Supernatural Increase. Let your heart sing with me today, oh faithful tithers. Let your faith in what His promise is regarding His tithe, soar to brand new heights. May your love of His ways make a new highway in your heart. Let this revelation, become your conversation, and continue to move you into action.
The discourse God was having with me comes from Malachi 3:16-18 (AMPC) and the proceeding verses Malachi 3:13-15 (ESV). It’s two different sets of people, different sets of conversations. We are going to look at it in the light of the promises that He has given to the faithful tither.
My faithful tithers exercise your rights, they are recorded in My covenant. I gave you the right to enforce your rights. All My promises about everything and anything are your rights.
I know all My faithful tithers (by name, personally). In this day and at this time, I will publicly recognize them. I will openly declare them to be My jewels, My special possession, My peculiar treasure. I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. Now at this time, you will see that I will make a distinction between those who serve Me and those who don’t.
This is such good news for the tither, because He makes a distinction (as with His people living in the land of Goshen and those living in the known world at that time).
Yes, I hear those who fear Me. They talk often to one another about their joy of faith in My covenant, their joy in the knowledge of My blessing for the joyful faith tither. I have heard, I’ve recorded every word. They reverence My covenant.
God wants you to hear this:
4 My exceeding great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4 KJV; AMPC).
4 Absolutely terrific promises (2 Peter 1:4 MSG).
4 Magnificent promises that are beyond all price (2 Peter 1:4 TPT)
4… these are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human greed. In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises (2 Peter 1:4 NLT).
Your tithing is a spiritual action. Just like your prayers come straight to My throne, to My attention, so do your tithes. (Your tithe goes to the Heavenly Storehouse.) They are a vital fragrance to Me, the fragrant aroma of an offering and a sacrifice, which I welcome and in which I delight (Philippians 4:18). I receive them personally (Hebrews 7:8 WNT).
My response to the faith of the faithful tither. I see to it personally to liberally and supernaturally supply all of their needs, all of the time according to My riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
You and He (Jesus) have a personal connection with your tithe. You will have perfect peace in Me and you will have nothing missing and nothing broken and nothing lacking.
We’ve got to be bold to lay hold of the promises; we have a right to these promises.
Look at these promises and prove Me now by it, if I will not:
1) open for you the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing
2) rebuke the devourer for your sakes.
3) He shall not destroy the fruits of your ground,
4) neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field (Malachi 3:10-11 KJV).
The windows of heaven speak volumes to us of supernatural abundance and increase (an outflow of God’s blessing showering you in every part of your life). It’s God’s response to your obedience and your faith and your trust in Him when you bring your tithe.
The giving of your tithe to God is a natural action, but then He does the supernatural.
[Different translations give a full picture of the promise that you can stand on and lay hold of]
He opens up the windows of heaven and He pours out on you such a blessing; good things will come to you like rain falling from the sky; you will have more than enough of everything; a blessing until there is no more need; blessing without measure; more blessings than you have room for; an overflowing blessing; a blessing so great you won’t have room enough to take it in; blessing until it overflows; until there is no space.
Put these promises in your heart, believe and receive, and let it continue to come out of your mouth in every and any area. Release the force of faith now in the absolutely, terrific promises that God has made to us concerning our tithes. Release the full force of it, don’t hold back, don’t draw back in fear, do not consider your inability. Do not look at the winds boisterous like Peter, do like Abraham with these personal promises that God is giving us.
Abraham didn’t focus on his own impotence, nor did he survey the circumstances/the natural realm. He didn’t tiptoe around God’s promise asking cautiously sceptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he had said (Romans 4: 17-21 MSG). Abraham is our example and father. In God’s presence he believed that God can raise the dead and call into being things that don’t even exist yet. Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed the promise and expected God to fulfil it. He took God at his word … and God’s declaration over him came to pass … his faith was so strong that it could not be undermined by the fact that he and Sarah were incapable. He never stopped believing God’s promise, for he was made strong in his faith. (Romans 4:17-21 TPT).
God expects you to receive the promises that He makes to you as a tither, to believe them, and to release the force of faith out of your spirit. He knows what kind of faith He has put in you. It’s the God kind of faith and it is capable of becoming so strong that it cannot be undermined by facts, circumstances; the natural realm of reason, relevance, and reality.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing what God is saying. Action the force of faith in these promises, receive them, welcome every promise into your heart, believe each one of them. Release the words of these promises from within you.
This is a time where the tither will shine.
God said He hears, He remembers and He will spare you.
You are His jewel, you are His special treasure, He knows you by name, faithful tither.
Be bold in your tithing and the promises that He has made to you for it, in Jesus’ name.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International