My will is my platform and my worship is my power. For me to develop more than just a knowledge base about someone, I have got to have a will that will create a much deeper knowledge of a person.
I must will it, I must want it, I must have access, and then I must have the capacity to be able to interact with the person. I must have a desire and a willingness to actually share things and speak and become open and transparent about things, if I want to have a deeper more meaningful relationship.
Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit made it very clear that They will and want to spend time with me. It is a great desire of Their heart. So strong is the desire of the Father to want to have a deep meaningful personal relationship with me, that when rules and regulations came between us, He actually sent Jesus to die on the cross so that in His death and His resurrection He could free the way. He could remove all the obstacles so that I could have free access. He said, “I will to want to have a relationship with you – a deep, meaningful, personal relationship with you. Wherever access has been denied, I now make sure that through the death and the resurrection of Jesus, access is now granted.” I believe that the access is granted.
I have the willingness to go and become and share and be involved and connected to the living God. I am willing to engage God this way, I have a platform access; I have a platform for my will to give me access to Jesus. My will gives me the platform. My worship gives me the power to know more things about God and Him share more things with me – the whole dynamic of my relationship changes – I exercise my will to create a platform and my worship creates the power for me to do this.
My will is involved and I will to want to be with God the Father; to know more about His ways. I give Him worship and He gives me the power. My life is wonderful and all the things that I work – I work with words, I work with hands, I work with energy, all things work together, combine together, to create a life of goodness, a life of abundance, a life full of the energy of God. I have all this energy of God, working positively for my life.
Whatever I worship is going to give me the power to do what I worship.
If I am in a space where I am uncertain of my future, I make a decision to say; “I’m going to worship, to access the power.” There is tremendous power in my worship.
I allow myself the opportunity to be fully engaged with God, for more than a little period of time. The more I engage with God, the more I will understand that He wants to be engaged with me. He has granted me access and He has given me the right to come into that access, regardless of my condition. He took all the rules away; He took all the laws away. He took all the barriers between me and Him; He took it away so that I can have access into His presence.
It is so essential to my life right now, this is so essential to me walking with God right now because it is going to take a Christian that is connected to Jesus and connected to the Word of God, that is going to be able to stand strong in this moment of our time.
11For the Lord spoke thus to me with a strong hand and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying: 12“Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ (Isaiah 8:11-12 NKJV).
I don’t say because the majority of people think one way that that’s the way I should think. I find my way in the Word of God.
12 “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ concerning all that this people call a conspiracy, nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled. 13 The Lord of hosts, Him you shall hallow; Let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread. (Isaiah 8:12-13 NKJV). He’s the life. He is the beginning and the end of everything. If I’m not with Him, then my life is away from Him and if my life is away from Him, then to the extent that my life is away from Him, that’s where chaos comes. I dread that, so I draw closer to Him, all the time.
I have the fear of the Lord in my life – all life is in Him and the closer I am to Him and the proximity of life in Him and with Him, the better it is for me. I don’t want to be away from Him. I always want to be around Him because that’s where the beginning and the end of all of my joy and peace comes from.
13The Lord of hosts, Him shall you hallow; Let Him be your fear. 14 He will be as a sanctuary, but a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense to both the house of Israel. As a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many among them shall stumble; They shall fall and be broken, be snared and taken. 16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. 17 And I will wait on the Lord, Who hides His face from the house of Jacob; and I will hope in Him. 18 Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion. (Isaiah 8:13-18 NKJV).
19 And when they say to you, “Seek who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? 20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. (Isaiah 8:12-20 NKJV). I have a right to seek my God; to seek Him. He is the Person. He is the Divine Being that I seek.
I hear from God about what to do with money. I hear from God what to do with my relationships. I hear from God what to do with things in my life.
I put my trust in God; I don’t put my trust in men. I rather obey God with money, than obey man because men have a will for money. Their will is their platform and their worship is their power and if they are not worshipping Jesus, they are worshipping the god of Mammon – money. What they worship is where they get their power from. I don’t let my money become a part of their system and a part of their future, rather than working for me in my future, the way God wants me to do it.
2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined. (Isaiah 9:2 NKJV) Upon me a light has shone. Upon me, the joy of the Lord has come. His name is Jesus and it is the Holy Spirit.
3 You have multiplied the nation and increased its joy… It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. I walk in joy, so Jesus can touch and work in your life. 3 …They rejoice before Me according to the joy of harvest. (Isaiah 9:3 NKJV) – My harvest of my worship. My harvest gives me power, it gives me joy, because I will it and my platform is created so that my worship creates more power in my life. It’s a harvest. It just begins to increase and increase.
3 …As men rejoice when they divide the spoil. 4 For You have broken the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian. (Isaiah 9:3-4 NKJV) – When things are looking gloomy and things are coming against me, You’ve shone a light upon me, You’ve raised up a joy in my heart, You’ve raised the harvest up for me and my joy will be like that of the day of the Midianites. My harvest will be great and wonderful.
My oppressors will no longer be able to pursue me, 5 for every warrior sandal from the noisy battle and garments roiled in blood will be used for burning in the fuel of fire. 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government will be upon His shoulders. The government of everything is upon His shoulders and I have a will that says, I will, to get close to Jesus. I will, to get close to His government, His order of doing things, my life and my worship and my power comes from what’s on His shoulders. He is the ultimate governor of the universe. He will be called wonderful. He will be called counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6 NKJV)
God is my governor. He governs my life and everything in my life is governed by Him. God to me is wonderful and I have a wonderful life. God to me is a counselor and I have lots of wise counsel that comes from the Holy Spirit. God to me is my mighty God. He’s strength, He’s powerful, He’s mighty in my life, mighty to overcome anything that would come against me. In my life He is my everlasting Father, from the day I got born again to eternity, He is my everlasting Father. I will say that He is my Prince of Peace, He is my Peace, He is my Peace.
There is nothing that can disturb my peace because I am in Him. I declare that the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, there will no end of His government and peace in my life 7 and upon the throne of David and over his Kingdom to order it and establish it with just judgment and justice, I receive justice in my life. I receive the order of God in my life. I received the judgment of all things that need to be judged or that come against me or that may remain in me. From that time forward even forever, the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this. (Isaiah 9:7 NKJV)
The zeal of the Lord gave Him the platform, and that platform gave me opportunity to worship Him with power, and as I worship Him I have more power and I declare that His government is my government. He is my counselor, He is my Mighty God, He is my Peace, He is my everything.
I engage my will to draw closer to Jesus, draw closer to the Father, draw closer to the Holy Spirit. I show Him that I will and I say, “Father I want to will to be closer to You. Holy Spirit help my weak will – that wants to will it.” The same zeal of the Lord rises in my heart. When that zeal comes to me, I activate it. I do something about it.
As I will, that platform that God gives me, my worship increases my power, it increases what I can do with power, and then His mighty power that works in me, allows me to do things and become things, that I couldn’t even imagine.
I have the capacity to pursue Him, to go after Him, because I am a born-again Christian. As I let my will create a platform for me to worship, then power comes. The power gives me more time, and more opportunity to worship, and as I do that my whole life – order comes into place. I have more peace, I am more sure, instead of wondering, everything is wonderful. Instead of having questions, I say “Thank You Lord, for all of the good things that You are working in me, all of the good things that You are working for me, and all of the good things that are happening around me.”
I am a worshipful person, I worship Him and I let the power of God work through my worship. I wake up in the morning and say, “Thank you, Jesus”. I have a will that I am exercising, and it creates a platform for my day, that gives me the ability to worship Him and the power is given to me to do more of it.
This Word of God that has come fundamentally touches my heart and changes me and brings fruitfulness into my life. A change of thinking, a change of heart, a change of activities in lifestyle, and the blessings of God overtake me and overwhelm me. Everything I put my hands to, will prosper. Wherever my feet go, they go with blessing. I prosper, no weapon formed against me will prosper and I am covenant-secure under the Word of God and the Blood of Jesus. The Father gives His Angels charge over me and ministering Spirits will go and take care of things in my life, and bless me and protect me and look after me. The Holy Spirit is my Counselor and Guide and leads me into wonderful and new things and new doors and new opportunities and supernatural increase in my life, day after day after day.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International