Ecclesia is a ruling body, a governing authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, put on the earth by God for His will to get done – no matter what the time, no matter what the season.
Jesus gave a two-fold mandate: to preach the gospel, to be the light and salt and to make living disciples in the Ecclesia – functioning in a level of authority (like Jesus did). Jesus lacked for nothing. He did not have financial problems journeying through this land on assignment. His assignment was to serve people (not to build for Himself a kingdom or to accumulate assets). He had a relationship with the Heavenly Father, that whatever circumstance He was confronted with, He was able to meet any need under the power of God.
Luke 10:25-37 (AMPC)
Jesus’ answer to a legal question asked, put out a standard of life (not of law). The lawyer asked another legal question, because he didn’t want the responsibility of having to live the standard.
The priest and the Levite, who were in service in Jerusalem (the religious epicentre), on their way to Jericho (the first fruits of God), both walked past the neighbour. The Samaritan (who the Jews disregarded) was the one who took care of the man. His only thought was, “Here’s my neighbour in a bad way, I must serve him”. He had no question in his mind about how much it was going to cost him. He took his personal energy/time/resources/assets/capabilities/potential possibilities, that he was travelling with to provide for himself, and made it available to someone in trouble. He used oil and wine to cleanse a man’s unfortunate circumstances and to bring healing, restoring, and protecting capability to the man. He personally took care of him and did not say, “I’ve got business to do, people to meet, places to go”. He gave his own personal energy, his own compassion, his own sympathy. Not only did he feel empathy or pity, he acted on it. He allowed himself to be engaged.
The good Samaritan is a reflection of Ecclesia, the Church of the Lord Jesus. We must undo the works of the devil (who steals, kills, and destroys). We must engage with the Holy Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to work on our hearts so that we allow ourselves to be meaningfully engaged in the works of Jesus. Not just, “Here’s my money”.
The Samaritan was reasonably successful in business, he never even thought about the implications of four days’ worth of wages. He was driven to serve with his assets. We need to carry the heart of God with us. Our assets are tools in the hands of God. We should never equate a value of, “I have given, so that is enough.” This man was so past what the value of money was to him, compared to what it was doing. A blank check, “Whatever it takes, meet the need”.
37 And Jesus said to him, Go and do likewise (Luke 10:37 AMPC).
27 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself (Luke 10:27).
This is your walk with God and your neighbour. To understand that yourself is not the important thing, but your walk with God and your neighbour is. Yourself becomes a clay vessel in which God reflects who He is. In a meaningful love relationship with God you will understand that you can then love (and serve) anybody.
The Samaritan didn’t care how much money was involved. This is not about the money, it is about a heart condition. It is a people-serving message; money was just a product/tool. This is how God wants us to use our financials and our resources and our assets, one of which is ourselves.
John 12:3-5, 7-8 (AMPC)
Jesus shared about money on assignment – the way God views money and assignment. Jesus understood that Judas was obviously being tempted by money himself, and that he did not care about the poor. Judas was seeing the transaction of a year’s worth of wages from his own value system (of money, cost, worth, return on investment). The poor will always be there, but no value can be put on what Mary did. Her actions were based on assignment, it was an act of prophecy, a point of worship. Mary’s money/investment/finances were taking care of an assignment that the Heavenly Father has proclaimed in one moment. In that moment Mary’s posture was one of prayer, worship, submission, honour and recognition of the impact that Jesus had on her life. Mary’s act in the purest form was a damnation curse against Judas.
Money on proper assignment for the purposes of what the Body of Christ needs to do on the earth, is always about right now (in the moment) and it is like a fragrance that is released into the Heavenly realms. Your life can be a fragrance for God, it can be the life of God to the world – a sweet-smelling, powerful aroma that affects everybody in the proximity of your assignment.
Give because you understand what God wants you to do with money. Never give because you are persuaded or compelled to give. Give because God has moved on your heart, then give willingly and freely, with the love of God.
Matthew 15:32-37 (AMPC)
Jesus’ assignment was to teach, touch and minister, but He had sympathy for, and was deeply moved, by the people’s physical needs.
Jesus asked for the bit of resources they had.
What does Jesus do with all you got?
He makes it multiply for everybody to have whatever they need to have – with leftovers.
God knows any need you might have. He is always an abundance God, He will always meet your needs and will always give more than enough.
The disciples just managed the resources (bread). It is our job as administrators of the resources of the Lord Jesus Christ, to become the answer/fragrance to the world; to multiply and to meet people’s needs. A resource on assignment is a sweet-smelling fragrance to God. The resource will always: be there; multiply in your hands; impact people, and there will be left over.
Don’t be a value driven person who asks,”How much?”
Be an assignment driven person who asks, out of a deep love for God, “How?”
“How do You want to use my resources, Father?”
Allowing Him to show you the “How” for your resources on assignment
• will bring fragrance everywhere.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International