The greatest thing that you can trust is the love of God. The way that He loves you is so much better and so much greater than any other force.
I’ve come to tell you by the love of God, that you if have a need for things to be met in you, right now, the way that you want God to meet your needs is not necessarily an obligation on God’s part to meet your needs. There is the way you want God to meet your needs and then there is the way God can, and will and does meet your needs. And I am here under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to tell you that the love of God is busy working things out for you in your life, that you can’t see it because sometimes the way that you want God to meet your needs and the way you are looking for Him to meet your needs is not the way that He is obligated to meet your needs. And He will come into your life with His great love, His overwhelming passion, His intensity, His great joy and love for you, and He will come into your life and He will meet your needs. Trust in His love. He is answering it all! The love of God is working for you.
Say: We love You and we thank You for Your great love that You show towards us, Lord. And even though we sometimes don’t think we see it, we receive it. We receive it. We open our hearts, we open our hands, we open our lives and we say we receive Your love. Pour it out upon us, Lord. And where we don’t have eyes to see, let us see. And where we don’t have the ability to know You, let us know. Help us to know You more. Just pour Your love out upon us, Lord. I’m ready. I’m wanting You to just give it all to me. I’m opening my heart and where I’m not capable, I’m going to tell You, Lord, I’ll do what I can. I’ll do what I can. In my frailty, I’m ready for You, Lord. I’m ready for You in my frailty, in my humanity. I’m ready. I’m ready for Your love.
There is a great, great wealth coming, there is a great flow of money that is coming, there is a great opening of jobs and increase and many things coming. It’s happening. It is going to be like an earthquake, the ground is going to shake because the blessing of God is going to be open to us. You need to be ready with your declaration, you need to be ready with your ability to speak words and have your nets ready to catch a big, big catch. Hallelujah.
Say: I am ready for it, Lord. I am ready for the blessing. I am ready for Your great love to be poured out on me.
The greatest move of God that is about to unfold on the earth is the move of the love of God, because if you understand the love of God and you know what the love of God is, you know it’s the most powerful force in the universe. There is no force that can stand against the love of God. There is nothing you can do to get the love of God. You just have to believe Him. It is not a performance based love. It is unconditional. It is pure, it is forever and it never stops. Everything we do as a church has got to be based on the love of God because the greatest way that we are going to touch the world is the love of God.
The questions that you have in your heart, God is going to answer it. All you need to do is be ready to hear what He says, not what you think He ought to be saying to you. There’s going to be new things flowing. God’s going to do new things and He’s going to do new things through people that you least expect it from. It’s going to happen because God’s got His touch on you.
Crossing over is something that we must do. The extent and the commitment to which you will be prepared to invest in a bridge will be dependent on the obstacle you must overcome, or the level of growth you want to have, or the level of productivity and resources you want to unlock. We are crossing over and there are things that God is doing right now that are amazing and wonderful and He chose us to be part of it.
God chose another way to cross over the Jordan (Joshua 3:9-17). Instead of going over, He just creates a way where there is no way. In this case, He went under the water. When God says move, it is the time to move. God is coming with His power and He says, “I’m inviting you and I’m asking you to cross over with Me into something that I’m going to place My anointing on and I’m busy asking you to go there with Me. Let’s cross over together to a new way of doing things and as we’re crossing, we’re going to pick up marking stones just like they did with Joshua.”
And as the miracles are happening in front of you, you participate in the miracle, you pick up the stones, you walk through the miracle and then when you get to the other side, you put a marker stone down so that the next generation of young people can see what God’s done. We are about to leave a landmark and God is going to show us how, step by step.
Say: We are crossing over with You, Lord. We are trusting You to lead us every step of the way and as we go, we leave marker stones for the next generation because this is Your order.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International