Our church is not a project-orientated church. We do not just give towards projects because the purpose draws us. We give because our hearts are in what God is doing with money.
We have to be set free towards money in our hearts, otherwise there will always be this thing where we think we are giving, because the project is drawing you, but we are not set free from money. Our trust is still in money. God really wants us to be free from mammon. When your heart changes, then your whole walk with God is changed when it comes to money.
Say: Lord, I want to see what You want me to see regarding giving to projects. I do not let the purpose draw me.
An evil conscience thinks you can actually perform your way into a better walk with God. You can’t. None of us can. But your conscience wants to be performance oriented rather than just receiving the grace of God, receiving the love of God, receiving His mercy. You don’t have to try to work to be in His presence. You just have to choose to be in His presence. Don’t let your evil conscience be performance oriented. Just let your conscience be sprinkled with the Blood of Jesus and then come with a pure conscience.
Say: Lord, I choose to be in Your presence. Thank You for the Blood which gives me a pure conscience. I receive Your grace, Your love and Your mercy.
When we receive Christ, we receive the Continuous Perfect Sacrifice and He is continuously our Mediator, and everything that He mediates, our faith can obtain. He’s mediating on our behalf, and because He is in that state of mediation, our faith and our believing obtains everything that He paid the price for. He brings it to us because the Mediator is always active. He never quits mediation for us. In eternity He will still be mediating for all of creation, not just for humans. He is the Mediator sitting at the right hand of the Father because all of creation has been covered and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.
Say: Thank You Lord Jesus that You never stop mediating for us. My faith and believing obtains everything that You paid the price for.
As Christians, we are always looking at ourselves and trying to figure out how we can live more successfully, when Jesus is sitting at the Continuous Perfect State of Being, the Father’s majesty throne. He’s sitting at his right hand mediating on our behalf forever.
Because I have a Mediator, I receive His righteousness. That means I receive the right order of life because I’m seeking Him in the Continuous Perfect State of Being. Therefore, I’m seeking the right order of life. I receive the right order of life. We seek first the Kingdom and His right way, right order of the Continuous State of Being. Everything is just in its proper place. I receive correct alignment with the divine Author of everything.
If I’m in alignment with Authority, then Authority speaks for me. Then I speak with authority because the Authority and I speak the same language. And therefore, my positioning is correct with the Author, with the Authority I have a correct position. And so if I have a correct position, then I don’t have to worry about what my positioning is.
Say: I am in alignment with Authority. Authority speaks for me and I speak with authority.
When I receive Christ, I’m in the right position with the Authority. And because I’m in alignment and I’m in the correct positioning, I also have continuing fellowship that is unbroken. Because of Jesus in my heart, I have a legal and lawful continuance with Him. We never get to the place of judgment. It’s always a legal and lawful continuance for me to get better.
My personal rights are based on what Jesus paid for, and He wanted to pay that price so that I could have my personal rights, because I have access to all of those resources that is given to me by the Continuous Perfect State of Being, who has a continuous perfect state of occupation, who has a continuous perfect state of giving me everything I need all the time.
Don’t get stuck in your head. Don’t be conformed to this low life. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you can live the high life, the one that the Mediator has created for you, that is sitting at the right hand of the Continuous Perfect State of Being. And He’s a continuous perfect state of mediation so that you can have a continuous perfect state of alignment. You can be continuously in this right state of authority. You can be in the continuous right state of all the access to all the resources. All the rights that you have are legitimate because He’s sitting at the right hand of the Majesty Throne, and He’s continuously telling you, you got it.
Say: I have a continuous perfect state of alignment. I am in a continuous state of authority and I have access to all the resources. All the rights that I have are legitimate.
We have to press for this high life. When the church begins to change the order of things, people will sit up and take notice. We are supposed to be the problem solvers on the earth. There is no one else that’s going to solve the problems on the earth except us.
Say: I am pressing for the high life. I am a problem solver.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International