Pastor John:
What the first fruits are doing is reaching into the future and commanding the fullness of productivity, the fullness of blessing, the fullness of increase. What you do now reaches into the future and ensures the fullness of what must come. God is commanding the blessings to be upon us because of our obedience. It is a Bible principle. It is a truth that we can stand on. We can declare the fullness of harvest in all the things that we would want God to bring harvest into our lives for. We can bring it now.
Say: Lord, thank You. Thank You for giving us an opportunity, Thank You for speaking to us, Thank You for making it clear that what we are doing is in Your order, it’s in Your will, it’s in Your plan. Thank You that we had an opportunity to be obedient and so that in our obedience You could bless us. Thank You, Lord, that the maximum harvest is ours this year, in Jesus’ name. We are advancing. We are having promotions. We are increasing. Much more in ‘24.
Because of this First Fruit weekend, circumstances are changing, destinies are being orchestrated divinely. Things that have been in disorder, God is bringing into order. At a very personal level and at a very broad and macro level God is bringing things into order, changing things and making them the right way rather than our way.
We need to be bold. We need to let our spirit man speak. This weekend allowed the Holy Spirit to work in our lives to filter out impurities so that we can have a pureness and a right order of life that comes to us now. When you do a first fruits offering you should always have a level of boldness with which you can speak about your future because the whole point about first fruits is that the rest is blessed and if the rest is blessed that means the Holy Spirit is resting upon it to bring it to the maximum potential.
Pastor Sharon:
God is helping us to come out of the things we’ve loved in the world system, things we’ve loved. Places and plans we’ve made that we’ve loved to make, and He is helping us to come out of all of that. The fire of God burning in us. He gives us beautiful things when we give Him everything. When God asks us what is our more for, our answer should be to Him, “my more is for You.” We don’t have to work to make a living and earn a living. God says you work so that you can have to give to those in need.
You can’t make a deal with the god of this world and be free. The god of this world has a legal right to “sorrow” you. That is why God is wanting us to crossover and make this heart change right now in our lives, because He doesn’t want us to be in this sorrow.
Read: 4 psalms that ps. Sharon shared.
Speak them over your life, because it is the essence of what God has been doing for us on this particular weekend.
2010 called Anointing.
Often you dwell on needs not met.
And many times on what you owe.
Why don’t you declare war on debt and let My anointing flow?
You don’t have to stay poor. You don’t have to stay broke.
My covenant stands secure. My favor upon you always sure.
So stop all your worrying and stop all your wondering.
But how Lord there’s so much wrong? There’s so much debt.
It’s such a great big pile. Well, just listen up a while.
Put your covenant in your mouth. Then just listen and obey Me.
And watch all your troubles go south.
But Lord, this mess is all my fault.
I don’t care. Have you seen My vault?
It never runs out. It never runs dry.
There’s always an endless supply.
So investigate your covenant with Me. Take a deeper look.
Everything you need to be free is written in the book.
Also My anointing for you to live, is inside.
Hook up with it. Use it. Let it come up and out. Don’t let it hide.
It’s for you to use every day. So you can succeed, come what may.
It will lead you. It will guide you in all the matters of your life.
It will hold you. It will help you.
Just walk in love and forgiveness and keep out all the strife.
It’s real. It’s true. His anointing.
I gave it to you. I love you so much.
Please stay in touch with this marvellous thing.
My anointing.
About Money:
My relation to money and wealth and possessions.
You are positioning me in regard to mammon.
I’m in right relation with Thee.
None of the world’s ways.
Jesus, You are setting me free.
All of my movements financially will now be in Thee.
When you show, I see.
When you show me to sow, I agree.
I am quick to obey and let go.
I am releasing it into heaven
and transferring my treasure there.
I keep the windows of heaven open on me.
I want my treasure to be where my heart is.
My heart is in the Kingdom of heaven with Thee.
No moth destroys.
No thief comes near.
You have my heart.
No earthly thing do I hold dear.
This is how I do it all the time.
All of my twisted ways are done.
All of Your righteous ways now come.
There is nothing that You ask that I will not give.
It’s for You now, this life that I live.
A spirit of generosity breaks loose in me.
Very rich in relation to You I be.
No serving mammon at all, I say.
My God is the One who knows the way.
No need for greed when I have seed.
No need to covet. I do not love it.
I love my God.
He has all I need.
So when you have transferred into the Kingdom of Light
and you know all your covenant right,
when your faith is strong in the blessing of the Lord,
then you call the shots with His Living Word.
You have the victory over everything the god of this world will bring.
You are the one that then tramples and treads and walks all over him.
And then nothing can by any means hurt you or torment you or vex you.
And he must return seven times from his system
if he’s found by you to have stolen something illegally.
He must give it up at once.
You have the authority over him.
You overcome the world, this present age.
Your wealth comes not his way.
That’s why you can give it all away.
That’s why he can call on you anytime
to give anything to him and for him,
because he knows you know
and you know he knows you know.
You shifted your faith.
It’s gone big.
You have no fear, no pain, no vexation, no grief,
No worry, no sorrow, no torment, no toil.
When trouble does come, you have authority in His name.
When Satan comes to contest your mind,
he will find you overcome every time,
because he has nothing in you.
I go to the tree,
I go to Isaiah 53.
For we have been redeemed from spiritual death, from sickness, from poverty.
He became sin who knew no sin, so I can sin no more.
He became sick so I can be well.
He became poor so I can be abundantly supplied.
I go to the tree to see what You’ve done for me at Calvary.
I go to the tree to see to what degree You’ve set me free.
Pastor John:
Success and failure, they are things that can be guaranteed. The thing that is always going to bring you success is not in the world’s measurement of success, in the order of things, but the way God has chosen to make us successful. If we want to talk about success, then we have to talk about success in different terms to what everybody else talks about success.
If we go forward from here and we live according to the way the Continuous Perfect State of Being has declared our lives to be and how the Continuous Perfect State of Being lives in us. And we can get a full revelation of what that looks like. Then there’s no doubt that elements will obey us. If elements can even obey us, then systems certainly can.
We are strengthened with mighty power in the inner man, and that mighty power comes out of us by the Holy Spirit, and when it comes out of us by the Holy Spirit, He can do more than we can even imagine or think. He can do more than that for us because we don’t even know sometimes what we should ask or think because we can’t think big enough or we can’t think out the right solution that God wants to bring us because the solutions we think we must have are not necessarily the solutions that God thinks we should have, but solving a problem for you, He will do. Meeting a need is a thing for sure.
We can have God intervene in things in our lives that are beyond our understanding. And sometimes we will have to challenge things in the system that seem so powerful, that are backed by such might. But sometimes God will require us to challenge the system so that we can receive and He can reveal Himself in might and in power.
Every time anything is separated from the order of God, the continuous perfect state of God’s order, when that happens, death, destruction, and theft happens. But every time you walk in the order of God, you’re guaranteeing success because the life of God guarantees the future.
Remember, problems will come your way because we live in a faulty world. We will even have destruction around us. We will even have things that are happening a lot around us. Sometimes they will even try to come close to you. But if we’re walking in the order of God, then He will guarantee life for us.
The blessing of God is not a small thing. The blessing of God is a powerful thing. It’s a delivering thing. The system and the syndromes that we face in life and face in the world are always wanting to control us. They’re wanting to dominate us. They want to suppress us. It wants to keep us down. But God has set a pattern for our victory. He has set a pattern for us to live in and with the Continuous Perfect State of Being, which is the love of God, which is the order of God. It is the place where God lives. It’s the one thing that we can always count on, is that love of God.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International