There is nothing that happens on this planet that surprises God. He is the author of life, health, blessings and good things that happen in our lives. He is not the author of sickness or anything bad that happens in the world (because of sin that has entered into the life of the human).
The end of 2019 it came out of my spirit that there is something coming and it’s going to rock the foundations of everything. The way normal things have developed and grown and impacted society, it is going to alter it dramatically.
The Spirit of Truth is going to guide us and lead us into all Truth in times of trouble.
Proverbs 18:21 (AMPC) This is an opportunity for us to really begin to think about how powerful words are. Right in this season, people are speaking lots of words, facts and human reality of what is happening (plagues and viruses impacting society, governments instituting new laws, restrictions). Laws need to be obeyed. Romans 13 is clear that it is a God-thing to submit yourself to authority. If you submit to authority, then you can exercise authority. A centurion Roman soldier said to Jesus, “A higher authority has sent You, You may just speak and that authority will take care of the sickness”. Jesus turns around and says, “I’ve not seen such great faith in the whole of Israel.” Authority and submission go hand-in-hand. The more you are able to submit to the Word of God, the greater your authority you can have in life.
If you choose to speak whatever words you feel like speaking, even though it might be fact/current reality, it doesn’t mean to say that it is healthy for you. I want to suggest that you create an invisible curtain that is the difference between facts and faith. You can’t deny the facts (or government orders), but you can filter what’s happening by faith and with faith.
2 Timothy 1:7 (AMPC). Your curtain is a well-balanced, disciplined mind, a calm sense of wellbeing – even though things are happening on the outside. Whatever is happening on the inside of your curtain is: the Word of God, the life of God, the health and healing power of God, the well-being, prosperity and goodness of God. The Blood of Jesus is like an invisible curtain, it’s a boundary line, it’s a marker, it’s a point where you can say, “You can’t come past this point”.
In the Old Testament that invisible curtain/boundary line was the painting of the blood on the doorpost, definitely visible to the spirit realm saying, “You may not pass beyond that point. You may not touch anyone that is in that safe space”. This is a Biblical solution that we have – the Word spoken/adopted/lived becomes an invisible curtain.
You need to immediately identify anything happening in your heart/mind that is not from God and refuse it. Refuse to give yourself over to what is happening in the world. You are not supposed to behave like everybody else in the world and speak the words of fear like everybody else. You need to stand in a place of authority and say, “That virus will not come near my dwelling”. Jesus is our example, showing the attitude and stark difference between, light / dark, life / death, God’s life and power / the enemy’s intimidation, when He said to Pontius Pilate, “No one can take My life from Me, unless I choose to lay it down”. When something comes at you, you have that invisible curtain/bloodline to stand in the Blood and in His Word and say, “If God is for me, who or what can be against me. It is even my faith that overcomes the world. My God is the One who meets my needs. I’m not anxious or worried. I do not fear. My heavenly Father knows I have need of these things.” This is the moment Christian/disciple, when you can begin to speak a message of hope, the Good News, and become a life-giving force to those around you.
33But seek ye first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be, added unto you (Matthew 6:33 KJV). Things might be dramatically impacted from the way that they were, but what great things lie before us through a New Door opening, new opportunities arising (because of the current state that is happening in the world). This is your moment to hear from God and to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. This is not business as usual. This is our moment as Christians to shine. Do not be controlled or overcome by a spirit of fear. When you feel it trying to come on you, you’ve got to speak the Word, just get a Scripture.
The Lord gave me Psalm 91 for us to stand on as a Church, as a ministry. You are the one that can be stable, steady and fixed under His power. The secret of remaining stable is to remain in that secret/personal place with God. Say of the Lord (don’t just think it or read it) say, “He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!” The Amplified Bible refers to the slanders that fly by day – words – that create fear, terrors. We have an invisible curtain; an absolute powerful force that is working for us. It is the very life of God. Thousands are impacted, but not us. Say, “I will be a spectator, I will not be a participant, it’s not going to hurt my finances and my well-being”.
You need to be dwelling in His Word. You have the strength in Jesus, in the Word of God, in the dwelling place. Because He loves you He just wants to preserve, protect and show His greatness, His goodness and His love towards you. This is the time, right now to know that Jesus, the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit will not forsake us. This is the time, where we really have to show the difference between what we are as believers and those who have no other hope in the world. God will deliver you and honour you. You are not just going to get through it; you are going to get through it with flying colours. You are going to come out stronger – with honour – on the other side of this particular thing that is happening to us in the whole world. He will show you His salvation as long as you live. It is a continuous process.
If you dwell with Him, He dwells with you; all His goodness becomes yours.
(Psalm 91:1-14 AMPC)
This is not a moment to be timid or afraid. This is a moment to rise up. Speak words of life, health and economic well-being. Remember, there are new opportunities waiting to be revealed, in this moment of global distress. This is a moment when New Doors are opening for supernatural increase. This is a time to accelerate, it is a time to do greater things (not to just retreat and just keep yourself together until this passes). This is a time for the brave, the courageous, for those that are in the Word of God to actually say, “Let’s get it done, let’s let God be great through us.”
I pray that the Word of God and the Blood of Jesus surround you and protect you. I pray that no evil will come near you or your dwelling place. I pray that you will be strong and very courageous. I pray that you will walk in the spirit of power and love and of a sound mind. I pray that you will receive ideas and concepts and new things. I pray that in that spirit of power and of a sound mind, that you will begin to expand into your future. You will begin to speak to mountains and command them to be moved. You will begin to speak to your circumstances and altar them by the power of life that comes out of your mouth and out of the Word of God. You will not receive a spirit of death, you will not speak death and you will not just even speak the facts. You will speak truth, you will speak the Word of God. My prayer is that you are sheltered and shielded by an invisible curtain; the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God, and the love of the Father.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International