Camp Meeting Prophetic Teaching – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

Pastor Sharon

I want to speak out prophetically – things that have been spoken out by Pastor John over many years. When God speaks prophecy, it’s the Spirit of God that speaks and the words never stop being.

God said, “Let there be light,” and light is still being.

Prophecy is the inspired speaking of God through a human vessel.

We do not despise, like the Bible says, prophesying. We honour and we lift up on high.

Ps Sharon shared from a declaration that was made by Ps John in 2017(refer to full document).

I declare that the resources that are required for God, to be made famous in this ministry, flow in from every quarter, so that everything that must come to pass will. I declare in the Name of Jesus, that there is nothing that is withheld from this ministry, to make God famous at this time. Amen.

God is looking for a people that will not only touch the world, but He is looking for people that will integrate their ways with His ways, so that He can make His strategic intentions known. Because when His strategic intentions are known through the true prophets of God, through the true voices of God, then divine productivity can be released… Divine productivity happens when He can draw His people into a lifestyle integrated with His ways … and make them into the governing authorities on the earth, His church…. It is not your environment, causing you Christian to bow to it. It is you Christian rising up making the environment bow to you. This is the kingdom of God that is coming to the earth…. God’s covenant power is released into your ways and into the earth. And that is the intention of God to restore the order of covenants.

I call all the money to be here for what we need it to be here for (resources, electronic technology, human, financial, best musicians) … We are going to start and have churches and campuses that are supernaturally going to pop up because God is designing it … with the honour seed, we were inviting Brother Jerry to a banquet, but it was only the banquet of the tasting of the wine. It was a banquet of redemption and restoration because there is a banquet still to come and it’s the main course. It’s where everything happens. It’s where everything is revealed. It’s where all the petitions are granted. It’s where true authority and governance are expressed, and all of the things that will happen.

Brother Jerry came in the February, and he brought us a bag of word seeds. The Lord said have faith in Me, have great faith that all the words spoken by Brother Jerry, will find root in hearts – will take root and bear fruit that not even one of his words in your day will fall to the ground. My words I sent through My servant, have this power to produce fully.  

Ps Sharon shared further from the Glory Book (please refer to full document) as well as the sequence of the irrational honor seed.

Ps John:

Ps Sharon shared words that have been spoken from this platform over the years. God has obviously been using His words that He would speak to bring us to this place. I believe this, that as people join this ministry, as God brings them to us, that they will have a supernatural catch up. I believe that it’s God’s business that those that come and join the ministry, even though they come at midday, or they may come at the last hour that they’ll catch up spiritually, and that they’ll get the same reward, and they’ll get the same understanding and the same spiritual insight that God has been doing and giving us all this time. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.

I have to remind you, and I want to say this to you, that God spoke to us and said, “I will take the children. I’m taking you out of Babylon.” The Lord had me start MiXchange as a programme that was something in my heart 11 years ago. It never quite took off the way that I expected it to happen. But in the fullness of time, God reached out to us and said, “Here is a message that needs to be spoken, here is a repentance that needs to be had and here is the time of God for you now.”

I want to remind you of the irrational honour seed that you sowed to Brother Jerry, that there was no specific reward that was requested, it was an honour seed. I must say this to you that we are here because we did an honour seed that has spoken to our futures. God is honouring His Word. He’s showing us honour by giving us the way forward for our younger generation that they will not be consumed by the world, but they will be taken by God. They will be used for His glory, and not for the glory of the world.

The world wants to steal all of our young people’s energy, strength, potential and take what God wants to use. The world has all this promise of potential of what you can become, how mauch money you can make and do all the things. The promise was so big, then Covid hits the world and then what happens to the future? What is the next thing that is going to happen? The world promises you all these things, but God is the only sure foundation that we have. God is the only relationship we have that has a guarantee. He will never change His Word. He is forever the same. There are no hidden agendas in God. He makes His ways know to those who will seek him.

I’m going back to America because my father has called me. My ticket is paid for and there are expenses that are taken care of. It’s not coming out of the churches’ expenses. God had placed it in my heart last night, that I was to do another honour seed. It is possible that this seed might have the same impact. It is possible that there are things that are happening in and around Brother Jerry where the enemy wants to have something to say about his future. If not, it might be that God wants to unlock something else. Hallelujah. Who knows?

Pastor Sharon and I are giving a significant amount of money to Brother Jerry personally. We don’t ask you to do something we haven’t already done ourselves, or that we are not prepared to do with everything that’s in our hearts.

This seed is not your tithes and your offerings, it is a special seed, an amount of money that you choose whatever it might be. This is not for us to bless Brother Jerry’s ministry. This is to him, Miss Carolyn, for them. It’s for their personal use. It’s to them for our honour, to be enjoyed by them. I will not put pressure on you to sow seed. I’m wanting you to go away and purpose between you as a relationship walk with God, what it is that you want to sow, what God places in your heart that you will sow an honour seed into your future, into our future, into Brother Jerry’s future and what God wants to do. I know Brother Jerry; he’s not calling me just because he likes me. He is calling me because there is something stirring in his spirit that he would call for a son to come and be with him in a significant moment of his life. He wouldn’t call unless there was a reason for him to call. It is possible that God had him call for the honour seed, so that God can do something more for us. God is giving us another chance, let’s do something.

I have a great expectation in my heart because God has supernaturally taken care of my travel and expenses. That already tells me that God is in it. This is something that God is doing between Brother Jerry and me. I don’t know what God’s plan is, but He knows.