Listen to each Big and Bold message in context, not in isolation.
Say, I receive revelation, I act out the revelation, I stop the perishing component of my life and I start the growth, productivity, eternity component of my life.
To recap: It is a strategic time for us – God wants to create a worthy platform. God is using a physical building to build collective greatness and to build spiritually with us at this time. In our local church – we’re going big and bold. Everybody is engaged with the vision and it lifts our faith higher. God is inviting us to invest in eternity and invest in our walk with Him. It is not just business as usual. God wants our hearts to be soft and tender for Him to be able to have access to all of our wealth and possessions.
Your heart will always pursue what you esteem as your treasure.
These messages are bringing all of us to a crossroad and God is requiring a response.
Read and meditate on these Scriptures from different translations and allow yourself to be trained through Scripture to come out of the worldly way of thinking about money.
Storing up treasures on earth vs storing up treasures in heaven: Matthew 6:19-20 (NLT, TPT).
In this New Era …
Where is the treasure of your heart going to lie?
Will you repent? Will you have a change of mind, of heart, and of your lifestyle? Will you change in this area of wealth and possessions? Are you going to love God or Mammon? Which system are you going to trust?
The rich young ruler: Luke 12:16-21 (MSG); Luke 18:22 (AMPC); Matthew 19:21-22 (AMPC).
The rich young ruler was pushing Jesus for more maturity as a son of God. The deal breaker – the one thing that he lacked – his crossroad was: The investment of his heart – his heart’s trust was all in earthly stuff. Jesus was not trying to bankrupt the rich young ruler, he was taking him into a spirit realm of occupation in the Kingdom of God and God was going to show him what true wealth He could bring to him, but He needed to have his whole heart first.
If we as parents chase and keep our trust in wealth, our sin becomes a pattern to our children. They will also chase until they have their own confrontation with the Lord. It will take an even greater move of God, and much greater anointing, to break that bondage over them.
The poor widow: Luke 21:1-4 (CJB, MSG, TLB,NCV).
Jesus looked and saw the poor widow put in more than all the rest. She put in her all, while the others put in out of what they could easily spare. Something happened in her heart. She had a change of mind, change of heart, change of lifestyle. It was a transaction in her heart going on between her and God.
God is still watching. Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit have not stopped watching, looking, and seeing what we all bring to His Treasury (everything we give personally). God doesn’t only look at what we give, He looks at what we keep and why we keep it (Why He doesn’t have access to our more).
Make the Almighty your gold and precious treasure: Job 22:24-28 (AMPC).
The more you focus on money, the darker your life becomes about the things of God. Revelation light can’t enter you if you’re focused on money. You’ve got to let it go before you can have a delight in the Lord. It takes a lot for rich people to invest in eternity because they have to give a lot and they’ve done so much to get the lot.
Every time God blesses you with something, say, Thank You, Lord. But you, blessing, will bite the dust, because the Lord is my gold, my special treasure. I am thankful and grateful for all these blessings, but I hold on to it very lightly. My flesh and my soul consider it of little worth.
God is requiring a response
This is a serious moment. God is really challenging us to transfer our wealth into eternity. The Lord wants to open His treasury in heaven for us and bless the work of our hands. He wants to transfer all the wealth of the earth, the abundant overflow, to those who are going to make this switch in their hearts. (Deuteronomy 28:12 AMP).
Please respond to God personally. Allow your treasure to be transferred from earth to heaven. Give God something even if it’s time, talents, skill – to your local church, and God will fill your hands and bless it. Obey Him in the way that He reveals this to you, and as you obey more revelation and more abundance will follow.
I determine to change. I put my foot in this message. Thank You, Lord, that these Scriptures will bring about a change of mind, a change of heart, and a lifestyle change for me.
My heart belongs to God completely. I wholeheartedly accept this invitation from God for me to invest in eternity and in my walk with Him. I do not store up treasures here on earth, I make my investment with my treasures in heaven. My primary heart thrust and mindset is to seek first the Kingdom. I count and esteem treasures on earth (my possessions and material wealth) of little worth and I hold on to them very loosely. I make the Lord my gold and special silver treasure. I allow my heart to be cleansed of the love of money, and I delight in my God. I give God access to all of my wealth and possessions. My heart is soft and tender towards God to show me what my more is for.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International