We have moved into a period of time where God is doing supernatural things. He is doing abundant things.
The timing of the Father in the time of men really has a big part to play as to what happens on the earth. Just like Jesus had to wait for God’s perfect timing to reveal Himself, so we have to wait and we are in it now!
“So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine. “I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.”
John 15:4-5 TPT
God is saying that we have to stay in life union with Him. You can be successful in the eyes of the world but Jesus sees your life as fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to Him.
God does not want us to be living with the thought process that we are okay because we are going to heaven. He is wanting us to live life with a thought process that is, let us be connected to Jesus day in and day out, then we will be fruitful, we will have abundance and we will have all the good things. The minute we are disconnected and no longer living in union with Him, we become powerless. That is a very traumatic place to be; to be powerless. A very uncomfortable place to be, to be powerless.
So, when a kind of disease and this kind of virus comes into the world it begins to reveal that actually there are things that are going on that can make you powerless, if you are connected to Jesus, you remain in the power zone!
We say: Thank You Lord that we can choose today to stay intimately connected to You! We are united with You and therefore we operate in the power zone!
God is there with us all the time and it’s like He’s constantly around you and He’s wanting to show affection to you. He’s wanting to show His goodness to you. He’s wanting to show His abundance to you. He’s wanting to show Himself. He never stops being that Person that is right there with you all the time.
All it takes is words.
And in that moment He’s right there, the angels are right there, you are immediately united in the Spirit with God just like that. When you’re in those moments, God begins to speak words to you. He begins to speak words to you. When He speaks those words to you, those are words of first – they are words of His love. And sometimes, sometimes when you have those moments with Him, you will actually feel the presence of God like He’s embracing you.
Make time for God, do not be that person that says, Not now God I am too busy right now.
“But if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done.”
John 15:7 TPT
If you are living in this kind of life-union with God, then you are touching His heart continuously and His heart is touching yours. You have what your heart desires because its desires are the same as the Fathers. I’m wanting to give God my first. I want to give God my all. Because there’s this flow of fellowship between Him and me. His heartbeat beats in mine and I want His heartbeat more than anything.
“When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father!”
John 15:8 TPT
When the Bible is talking about abundance – you will have abundance in your life – He’s not just talking about money, He’s talking about every area of your life. When you have abundant peace, then it doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world’s circumstances, peace becomes your guide. The peace the passes understanding bypasses comfort or discomfort. It bypasses potential and opportunity and it bypasses the negativity, perceived negativity of change. Peace is a centre point that comes from intimacy between you and God. It is part of the fruitfulness that you can have in abundance.
The Lord said to Go Big and Bold so that He can bless His people, so that the people can be able to sow into a vision so that He can bring a harvest to them an action of obedience was needed and now we are going to give glory to God that in the time of men where there is lack, in the time of God there is abundance. If we are obedient to Him, then we will experience what He has for us, not what man has for us. No virus, no government, no nothing can stand against what God’s got for us – nothing. This is the way it is.
Not all Christians are going to experience this but those that are vitally connected to Him, in union with Him; the right place, the right time, the right purpose, everything God intended to bless you. We are in that space. We are in that space. We have the Word of God; Go Big and Go Bold. We’ll experience the abundant overflow and God is doing it in the local church.
We say: We are in that space, we go big and bold! Nothing can stand against what God has got for us!
When you are intimately united, connected to the Vine, there are things you can become abundant in, fruitful in, and it takes one Word and you can’t see the end result of it. You’ve got to obey the Word here which takes you to the next part, which takes you to the next part and then the whole picture starts to become clear. But you can’t, I mean you need faith to get to the end picture. God can’t show you the whole picture, otherwise, you won’t need faith. You just need the next step of obedience. Hallelujah!
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International