Father, in the Name of Jesus, Pastor John prays that the ears that are here to hear, do not hear what his vessel has to say; but I hear what You are saying through his vessel. And that my heart is here to receive what his vessel has to bring and that as You touch my heart, You change my life. Thank You, Father.
Pastor John prays the Word of God, he asks the God of our Master, Jesus Christ – the God of glory, to make me intelligent and discerning in knowing You, personally. That my eyes are focussed and clear so that I can see what it is You are calling me to do. That I can grasp the immensity of Your glorious way of life that You have for me – a Christ-like one, I’m a Christian, so I am a Christ-like being; not in my form but in my spirit. Oh, the utter extravagance of Your work in me who trust You – endless energy and boundless strength.
Pastor John prays that I receive this. I grasp this glorious way of life today. I grasp it, I get it, Father. All this energy issues from Christ. God raised Him from the dead and set Him on a throne in deep or the highest heaven, in charge of running the Universe; everything from galaxies to governments. No name, no power exempt from His rule and not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all. He has the final word on everything, and that means me. He has the final word on my life, on me. I don’t have the final word on myself; He has the final word on me.
At the centre of all of this, Christ rules the Church. The Church is not peripheral to the world; I am not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to me, to the Christ in me. The Church, that’s me – Christ’s Body, in which He speaks and acts, by which He fills everything with His presence, And so Pastor John prays, Father, that I will grasp this today, that where I go, You go! What I say, You can use my mouth to say. What I do with my hands, You can use my hands to do. If I choose not to Father, he prays that I will grasp that this amazing glorious way of life, is mine to live.
Pastor John prays the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to me, the riches of the spirit of wisdom, and the spirit of revelation, to know Him through my deepening intimacy with Him.
He prays that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of my imagination – flooding me with light. If I have imagination and I am using my imagination for my own purposes, then Pastor John prays that I will see that You will touch my imagination so that my imagination is used for Your purpose; not for my own purpose to satisfy myself. What glorious life there is for me to live when I handover my imagination to You. Flooding me with light until I experience the full revelation of the hope of Your calling. That is the wealth of Your glorious inheritances that You find in me, Your holy one. I am Your holy one.
Pastor John prays that I will continuously experience the immeasurable greatness of Your power made available to me through Faith. Then my life will be advertisements of Your immense power as it works through me. This mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted Him to the place of highest honour and supreme authority in the heavenly realm. And now, He’s exalted as first above every ruler, authority, government, and realm of power in existence. He is gloriously enthroned over every name that is ever praised, not only in this age but in the age that is coming. And He alone is the leader and source of everything needed in the Church. When I need something. You’re the Source of everything I need. God has put everything beneath the authority of Jesus Christ and has given Him the highest rank above all others. And now we’re His Church, we, His body on the earth – that which fills Him, who is being filled by it. I am the fullness, the filling of the earth with His presence. That’s me.
And so further to that Father, Pastor John prays that You would unveil within me the unlimited riches of Your glory and favour until supernatural strength floods my innermost being with Your divine might and explosive power that by constantly using my Faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside of me. And the resting place of Your love will become the very Source and the very Root of my life. He prays You will empower me, as a believer to discover what every holy one experiences, the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is Your love. How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends my understanding – this extravagant love pours into me until I am filled to overflowing with the fullness of God. I never doubt God’s mighty power to work in me and accomplish all this. He will achieve it infinitely more than my greatest request, my most unbelievable dream, and exceed my wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for Your miraculous power constantly energises me. Now I offer up all the glorious praise that rises from every believer that is the church in every generation through Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ – and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. (Ephesians 3:18-21, TPT).
Pastor John’s prayer for me is that God will show me His glory and His goodness. It is Your supreme desire to show me all of how good You are to me. It is Your supreme desire to reveal to me, the power of who I am as a Christ being. That I am far more powerful than I could ever think, dream or imagine, beyond my wildest dreams – I am far more powerful. And I have far more value in me because the value is not me, but it is the Christ in me. And if I try and live by myself, then I am determined to live by an inferior life source. Because, if I live by Him, then I am living by a superior life force. And my life will become something far greater than I could ever imagine it would become because He becomes through me.
As Pastor John lives through these words, in his vessel, he is releasing the power of imagination of God. He releasing the power of wildest dreams. He’s releasing the power of everything that God is in his vessel – he’s releasing it now. And Pastor John prays that I will release it. It is his prayer that I will not live to my human limitation. Pastor John’s prayer is that I will live to the God limit, which is limitless. Endless might, endless energy, glorious life.
It is his prayer, Father, that I will reveal and will see and experience Your presence. This most intimate presence that the Apostle Paul prayed, that I will experience that presence, that intimate, ‘You’. That power of You, that glory of You.
Pastor John prays, Father as guided and directed by You, that I will pursue Your presence, pursue knowing You, pursue You, that as I draw near to You and pursue You, that You will captivate me in my imagination, in my words, in the very go-forward momentum of my life. You will captivate me and that I will be captured by Your love. Totally, totally captivated by Who You are, that as I get to know You this way, I pray that everything else that my imagination wants to go to and touch, that seems appealing and interesting, and all full of seemingly splendorous things, has no comparison to the glorious life that You have for me.
That is Pastor John’s prayer for me and he recognises, that by the Holy Spirit, that God has had him preach to us like this in a time, in a way of prayer, because He wants to make some things happen for me, happen in me and around me, and that He is requiring Pastor John to preach – pray before us like this, because You are listening to the words that he prays. You are requiring that Pastor John does this publicly to us, and for us and with us – that I can see the glory of God that is coming for me because of the prayers that he prays. You are honouring Paul’s prayers. You must honour Pastor John’s prayers, and You will honour my prayers.
Pastor John prays that my soul does not depend and seek soul self-gratification. That all of that exuberance that I feel through soul activity, that I lay it down so that my soul can be filled with the exuberance of Your life. Soulish people that are satisfied by soulish things; but that my soul is satisfied by You.
I declare this: “Soul, I command you to pursue God and not pursue your own imagination and your own desire, in Jesus Name. Do you hear me, soul? I’m speaking to you today soul, you will do the will of God today and every day and not your own will”.
This is Pastor John’s prayer for me that I would believe the power of Christ in me is greater than I could imagine. The thing that is stopping the power of Christ from flowing through me, is the soul pull that is upon me, that is coming through the stimulus of my body. His prayer is that I will choose Jesus and the glorious life. His prayer for me is that God is hearing him pray– praying by Faith for me, that I will go His way and no other way.
It is Pastor John’s prayer that the mountains that I have to climb, the emotional mountains that I have dragged with me from my past, the cultural mountains that I have – those obstacles that I have in my life, those barriers, those things that are preventing me from walking with God, it is his prayer that I will rise up in Christ and I will begin to speak to them and say: “Emotional fear – No! Emotional thoughts of failure – No! Emotional feeling of insecurity – No! Things that would prevent me, emotionally, from wanting to go anyplace – I say No to you.”
Pastor John is here to tell me and his prayer for me is that I am not comfortable with my walk with God because I can’t be comfortable and pursue Him at the same time. Because when I pursue Him, I get to taste how glorious He is and I want more. I say, “I want more.” And so I speak to my soul and I say, “Soul, I command you to want more of Him.” I’m talking to my will when I talk to my soul, I talk to my will and I say, “ You will want more of Him,” I will it, I speak to my soul and will it. Make it so because I speak to it.
I’m in agreement with Pastor John’s prayer, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Pray: Anytime Victory Prayer given on Sunday 23 September 2018 – Pastor John
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