Scripture Reference: Matthew 12:34 (AMPC); Genesis 3:1-10 (AMPC)
Pastor John: Praise – Jericho walls: Like Pastor John and Pastor Sharon, I start to praise You and get into agreement by faith regarding the Jericho Walls in my life – those things I have no natural way of fixing. All of the obstacles that try to prevent me from having victory are removed like they didn’t exist. God obliterates my Jericho Walls. The Holy Spirit knows how to fix my problem and who the person is that can help me, who has expertise, knowledge, will, authority and can fix it speedily.
Walking on the water – cry out to Jesus: Like Pastor John when I’ve been in faith on a matter and walking on water if I become aware of the wind and waves (letting go of my faith), I cry out to Jesus to save me and for help. I give it over to Him.
Pastor Garth: See and hear: Father, by Your Holy Spirit, You open my heart, mind, ears and eyes, I see what You want me to see, hear what You want me to hear and not through natural filters but through supernatural filters.
The Glory of the Father: When I do what the Father tells me to do, I have the kind of life that He wants me to have which brings glory to Him. I’m glorifying the father of this house (Pastor John) by doing what he instructs me to do and I’m glorifying the Father of fathers (God), by doing what this father (Pastor John) tells me to do.
Abundant harvest: My harvest is my life source. Abundant harvest = abundant life. When I’m harvesting in abundance, it brings glory to the Father. That’s His desire for me. The field is in my heart., (Matthew 12:34). My heart is bringing forth abundance continuously. I wouldn’t be saying anything in my life unless it is coming out of an abundance of the heart. I’m harvesting what’s in my heart, daily, I guard my heart with all diligence. When I sow the seed that Pastor John brings, I live among the seed, I tend it, I nurture it. God brings the increase and when I harvest it, it brings Him glory.
Enemy – Disobedience: The enemy knows the longer I look at things of this world, the less I hear God’s instructions not to; and the less I want to be obedient to Him. Like Eve, it becomes good and delightful to look at but the consequences are devastating and I give up my place of glory and honour. He desires to steal my glory, destroy my life and kill my potential.
In the Light: I keep my eyes on the Light. God wants me to walk and live in the Light, see and think in the Light, have relationships with one another in the Light, work in the Light. Everything I could ever need is in the Light – my life, my love, God’s love for me is in the Light. All of my needs are met in the Light.
Needs: Pastor Sharon was saying, for the first-time man had become conscious of what they need. “So he looked at his own nakedness and said, “I need,”. God never designed for me to be aware or conscious of my needs”. I was always meant to rely on and trust in Him for every need.
Will not let us settle: You won’t let me settle because You totally want to revolutionise the way I see. You want me to see everything the way You see it, to see again through glory and Light, to have absolutely no consciousness of what I need, You want me totally free from the consciousness of what I need but rather what I can create and what I can give. The only way I can change the way I see is to change what I look at. I look at the messages that the Lord, the Father, the Holy Spirit is giving to Pastor John. The messages He brings me is straight from the heart of the Father for me. God knows exactly where we’re at, individually, privately and corporately and He knows exactly what He needs to give me to turn my life around, restore my sight and He is giving Pastor John exactly what I need.
Ecclesia: You give Pastor John the blueprint to help us become the most powerful force on Earth. Pastor John has dedicated his entire life to Christ and it’s all for this time, for us as a people, so that we can walk like Christ, talk like Christ, think like Christ, behave like Christ and have abundance of life.
Gift: Pastor John is a gift to us. Everything that is done in this Church – prayer, Bible school, all of the extra services is a gift to me, designed to restore my sight and to clothe me in glory. When I don’t come, it is shame on me. When I do not come to the voice of the Lord, through Pastor John, I’m demonstrating my shame and my hiding. I’m saying without words, I can clothe myself and manage my shame. When I do come, I’m are saying without words, “Father, clothe me in Light, through your servant, my pastor, my shepherd, my leader.” There is great Light here.
Restoring my sight: The Lord says, in light of Him restoring my sight, on a Sunday, there’s a level of Light that I receive, and if I don’t give time and make the effort to go into the message, I will never receive the radiance, the brilliance, the glorious nature of that Light. There is so much Light in what Pastor John is bringing me, I give my attention, my focus, my energy to it. You give me the glory, the radiance, the brilliance of the Light that he’s giving to us.
Come out: I “come” and walk with Jesus and Pastor John on the water. I grab hold of the message that he’s giving me, I believe it, speak it, gaze upon it, meditate on it, make it part of the very fabric of who I am. It will not be long before the faith, courage and confidence will be there to get out of the boat and walk on water. Not just ‘hop out’ and quickly ‘hop back in’ or just put my toes in the water, but a lifestyle of living by faith. My faith, my confidence and my lifestyle is in that place where I’m walking on water.
My attention: It is time for me to be giving my attention, not just on a Sunday, at prayer connect but to be burying myself in the message. Not just having little spurts of faith, the Father really does desire with great intensity for me to be living Christ on this earth.
All the young people: “If you’re a young person, living at home with mom and dad. I want to encourage all of the young people – these six steps”: Make this personal.
Not an independent: I’m very much aware that any Light, any revelation, any understanding that I get, is not independently. It is because I’m connected to Pastor John, to this assignment, for what God wants to do through this church on the earth. None of us are independents.
Harvest abundantly: I bring glory to Pastor John and Father God when I harvest abundantly. I’m pressing to harvest abundantly – to harvest life, joy, income, peace, contentment, satisfaction, confidence, courage, authority, I harvest all those things in abundance.
Pastor John: Time to jump: Now it’s the time for me to jump; to jump without fear, to just jump with boldness, be strong and courageous and not have any fear about the future.
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