Abundant Harvest: Blessing And Faith For Harvest – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

I am an extremely cautious person when it comes to talking about or dealing with money.  

My natural instinct as a shepherd is to watch over your soul (what needs to be taught so that I can nourish/nurture you, by the Holy Spirit, through my gift). I’ve become aware that people have got money problems (and having an attack on their faith of the basic Word of God on finances). Some people have been tithers, givers, have sown seed and have not received the results of their giving.

Covering a bit of basic ground:

  • Matthew 6. You can’t serve God and Mammon (spirit of wealth/money). You either love the one and hate the other (or vice versa).  The spirit of Mammon doesn’t want money in the church. He wants it to be in the hands of people who want to spend it on themselves.
  • It is difficult for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom (the fullness, the ways of God). The conflict of interest that rich men have is that they are reluctant to give up their wealth and follow the ways of God. It is not impossible; it is just difficult (with God all things are possible). 
  • 8For we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth (2 Corinthians 13:8 NKJV).

Truth is: Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Truth is not a set of facts; truth is the Godhead. There is no other truth in the universe other than the truth of God. You can do nothing against the truth; whatever you do will support the truth. 

  • If you preach the truth about God (salvation, healing, prosperity, relationships), then you will receive the truth of God and that truth will set you free and will be a powerful truth in your life. You are the only one who determines what truth is to you. If I preach the truth of Who God is to you; I can’t help it if you choose not to believe something. If you choose to see that the truth is the Word of God and there is no variation in it (He is all truth) then the Bible has got to be the foundation of your truth (not intellect or the culture of the day).
  • John 10:10. If there’s anything that’s being stolen from you, anything that’s being destroyed in your life and anything that’s been killed in your life – that is not God.  
  • If you only knew Who’s living inside of you! 

      (If only you knew how God works – you would be able to restore).

  • Matthew 25:1-13. Five people were smart and prepared and five were not. (There was an event that was extremely important, life-changing, purposeful). If there is no specific instruction and you don’t know “when” – then why not be prepared and go extra? 
  • Luke 17:5. It is not about the size of your faith (as small as a mustard seed could be enough).  How to use your faith is the right question, not how to increase your faith.
  • Psalm 111:10. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.  In other words, I fear what is written in His Word to apply it to my life (the written will of God). When I live what His Word says,  now I receive the wisdom of life, which is interpreted on how I must live life personally (interpreted will of God). 
  • We are the representatives of God on the earth. Just who you are and how you live should be the voice/message (of who Christ is to you).  Sometimes you have to preach the gospel, but mostly you have to live it. You have to live the Living Christ where you live. That’s the way that God becomes attractive to the world. 

Genesis 1:27-31; Genesis 3:15-21; Genesis 4:2-8 (NLT) 

If you choose to believe the truth of the world, then your governance will be according to their rules, then you will eat of the rules of that curse. If you choose to be governed by God’s truth; then you will govern well and have blessings (not cursings).

Abel brought his best as offering and Cain what he thought was okay. Still today people in the church make money with gifts that God has given them and they choose to give God what they think is adequate. The Cains of the church “kill” the ones that are blessed (by leaving the church and speaking against the church).


  • God created everything in His order to exist under Him perfect.
  • He created everything to worship Him in all the process of being alive.
  • He created everything for His glory, Him – God filling everything, everywhere. 
  • He gave us provision without pain. 
  • He gave us purpose through protection of His order. 
  • He gave us power to govern without limitation determined by choice.
  • God is the initiator, man is the participator and man is the delegated “God” on the  earth.
  • Poor management of authority required God to restructure provision, purpose and  power.


Genesis 8:20-22 (NLT) You’ve got to deal with things from childhood that gives you an evil bent about the way you think about God. You’ve got to get the Word of God into your heart

Genesis 9:1 (NLT) God blessed Noah and his sons, “You’re still going to have pain Noah, but I am proclaiming blessing upon you, because of your sacrifice”.

Genesis 12:1-4 (NLT) I’m a son of Abraham through Jesus. I want to walk in a blessed life, I also want my offerings to be approved and accepted by God.

Genesis 14:11-14 (NLT) If I hear that the enemy of God has come after you, I’m coming after him. I come with the Captain of the Lord of hosts and all of the angels, the blood of Jesus, the Word of God, the knowledge of Who the victorious God is. I have a responsibility to teach you about how to get things back.

Genesis 14: 17-20 (NLT) Abraham didn’t take it lying down, he went after everything, chased it, obliterated it, and he did the God thing.  Melchizedek (the God representative) ministered to him after his war, “I bless you, and I bless the God that you serve 

20…Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the goods he had recovered. – The Tithe. 

If you can’t do what God says and have faith in what God says, then you can’t see anything else He is going to show you. 

The principle of giving to men. God expects me to be so respectful of the money that you bring to God.  I don’t actually need your money, but you need to give me your money, because I need to receive your money, because you need to get what I’ve got. You can’t get what I’ve got until you give me your money.  You don’t recognize the God through men, unless you let go of your money to men, on behalf of God.  

There is a cooperative blessing that multiplies the harvest. You are going to get a harvest coming to you. If you will have an open mind and not let the devil come and put filters there, – God will set you free through this message.