July 2018 Pastor John woke up with a triumphant victory praise in his mouth and in his spirit. November 2018 he went to the US and sowed some seed into Brother Jerry’s ministry as a manner of striking the ground for victory.
Glory Board: Ticks (done & accomplished):
– Music Album
– Seed sown into aviation and transportation
– Media seed – cameras bought and new lights are coming (for Christian TV).
[If you don’t have a glory board, you should have one.]
Why have a Church on the earth?
Because when God made man, He delegated His glory and His authority to the choice of men. (It’s man’s choice for glory and authority versus man’s choice for self.)
God has called us to be someone who has Jesus living inside of us, designed to reveal His glory. There shouldn’t be an in-between (lukewarm), the Church should be either very attractive to the world or persecuted by the wold.
The mandate of every Christian is to reveal through his/her lifestyle how God is a good God. Circumstances were never meant to dominate or dictate what the future looks like, it was meant to create opportunities for God to show Himself through you.
Ephesians 5:14-21 (AMPC) – is a blueprint on how to live every day – making the most of every opportunity. To live purposefully and worthily and accurately as wise (sensible, intelligent people) is for you to choose to live for Jesus. If you are living with your own mental intellect it is being foolish, because you are placing your own intelligence above the intellect and wisdom of God. The evil sources by spirits have never changed: manipulative, deceitful ideas and thought patterns designed to actually stimulate an evil behaviour pattern of doing whatever ‘self’ wants to do.
What we’re supposed to do on the earth here, is to receive Jesus and say, “I’m going to commit my soul- and my spirit-life to serving Jesus. I’m going to let the Word change me”. Twisted ways (sin) are not hard to stop when you get to know God (because He is so desirable, so great, and so good). The life of Christ that we are supposed to live is: to redeem opportunities.
When you give your life to the Lord and you begin to work with your life for the Lord, nothing you do is useless, it becomes eternally useful. (1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT).
You are either going to be attractive to the world or you are going to be persecuted. The world is desperate for real Churches/Christians (not religions or ceremonies). The world needs people that are sold out for Jesus. The world doesn’t actually want you to talk like them, look like them and feel like them. Rather be attracted to Jesus and the rest will take care of itself. Your life could be a real testimony to others and a hope that they can also live like you.
Luke 1:5-20; 23-25 (AMPC) shows how powerful God can redeem time to you.
Frankincense and salt were of the spices used to burn incense (a sweet-smelling fragrance to the Lord). At least in those two components of the incense that was burning, Jesus has said,
“If you are serving My body, you are creating a fragrance. If you are the salt of the earth and you’re touching people’s lives, you are part of the fragrance”.
Everybody has a purpose. If your whole life has been about serving yourself, you’ve missed your whole purpose. I’ve got good news for you today; you can redeem your whole life if you give your life to Jesus and give His purpose the number one priority in your life with God. There’s no harm in you making a decision today and to say, “I want to live my life in purpose” – it starts with a decision.
God is preparing a people – it’s the reason for the Church. He wants His life, that is the only source of true life, to come into the earth and He has chosen us to bring it. God is redeeming everything if you make a choice to go with Him. Like Zachariah, your petition and your prayers were heard many years ago and now is the time for His fulfilment. Some real underlying power of God was at work in redeeming time that was supposedly lost for Zachariah and Elizabeth. They couldn’t see it happening and Gabriel, a messenger sent from God, brought them good news.
God saying, “These words that I’m speaking are of a kind that must come to pass. It actually doesn’t matter whether you’re in agreement with it or not. I cannot afford for you, the source of this life, to speak against this very life future”.
It’s a good thing for you to say, “Lord, help me keep my mouth shut if I can’t say the right things about what You tell me. Because if I speak my mouth off, but You’ve promised me something else, I’m going to speak against what You’ve promised me and then I might not see the fulfilment of what You’re speaking.”
When we get this message (about our purpose and our energy) and we are together, we have to energy-manage ourselves. We have to start deliberately increasing the energy of conversation to holy conversations. If you only keep your conversations about the natural human things that men go through, then you are not in a place where your holy conversations can change the energy temperature of everybody. The minute we begin to talk like that, our conversations go from useless to useful, because we create a divine energy (to raise hope and to help get rid of unbelief and doubt in us).
What you thought were impossible, in your daily service of the Lord (doing the daily things that you have been doing all your life), one day God is going to show up and say, “Today is the day”. You don’t know what day that’s going to be, so you have to just stay with the program (keep saying, keep doing). You don’t know when God is going to show up.
Psalm 141:2 (AMPC); John 17:9-10, 15 (NKJV); Hebrews 7:25 (NKJV); 1 John 2:1 (NKJV)
The worst thing that I want you to do is walk out of this church today and have the same life tomorrow as you had today when you walked in here.
I am the messenger that God sent to speak to your heart.
I’m completely compelled by the Holy Spirit to say these words to you today, “Either you are offended at this word or you’re not (which reveals the condition of your heart). If not offended I pray that you are convicted to the point where you take this message and you change and you live your whole life, where everything is redeemed before God. And when any anxiety or moral conflicts or troubles come your way, I pray that you come centered in the peace of God.”
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International