Scripture References: Proverbs 25:13; Colossians 4:5-6 (MSG, AMP, NKJV); Romans 6:3-11, 22-23 (NKJV); Romans 8:5-11 (NKJV); Romans 8:4-10 (MSG); Romans 12
Missions: “I am just reminding you, you’ve got to keep praying for them”.
Read: “I so urge you to read the book of Romans.”
This message: “There are things that God wanted me to say in this message that are significant, very significant”.
Season for everything: In the Spirit realm, there are seasons that God predetermines and pre-ordains that defy natural seasons. The reaper will overtake the ploughman. Spiritually speaking I have different kinds of fields that I have sown into and I can be reaping a harvest all the time even while I’m sowing. The fear of God is everything. If I have the fear of God, then I’m living life according to the life that God wants me to live.
Newness of life: Romans 6:3-11(NKJV), When I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour I recognize He died for me, took and paid the price as a substitute for all of my sins. He gave me something I could not do for myself, I have everything in Christ because I believe, not because I can do the right thing, my do’s are no longer required. I identify both with Jesus in His death and His resurrection. The way that He lives and is, is the way that I should live. I no longer go back to the buried person. I identify with a complete newness of life that’s in Christ, I’m dead to sin and walk free of all of that sin. The real person inside of me is a person wanting to live like Christ and take me into living like Christ all the time – the newness of life. If I’m not doing that, I’m making a choice to actually be buried again.
Slave to God: When I chose Jesus to be the Lord and Saviour of my life, I said, “I want resurrection life, I want my sin’s price paid for. Then I become a slave to God”. I don’t actually have the freedom of choice. The only choice I have is whether I’m going to be slave to sin or a slave to God. If I’m a slave to God, I receive life, abundance, joy and everything that comes with it – it’s worth living there. He rewards my choice.
Live according to the flesh: (Romans 8:5-6), Those who ‘live for themselves, by themselves, with themselves, to themselves set their minds on those things. If I’m saying, “I’m always thinking about myself,” then I’m a self-worshipper, not a God-worshipper – still sinning but having all the power to be free from it, choosing to be carnally-minded and therefore trampling underfoot the resurrection newness of life. There is no price Jesus can pay for me if I choose to live like that (Hebrews 10). I don’t live that way, I choose to live in the power of His resurrection. It’s time for me to live in power, faith, boldness, steadfastly, not making shipwreck of my faith, having boldness to come into the presence of God, because I’m a son.
Identify with Christ – call it: I powerfully identify with the very resurrection and newness of life in Christ. To live in abundant harvest and have a manifestation of the greatness of my God, I think like someone who’s got the whole earth’s resources at my disposal, I just call it. (Romans 8:9, MSG). Like the Apostle Paul, I’m pressing to achieve the perfection of being a perfect Christ-like being even while I’m in this body of sin and death. The newness of life, power in Christ Jesus that dwells in me, energises my body and brings me to the place where I look, live and behave like Jesus (Romans 8:11, MSG). The life that’s dwelling in me in my body takes sickness and disease and drives it from me, it rises up inside of me and says, “Call to your provision, call to your assignment, call to the people that God has placed you to, with, and around”. It’s constantly calling me to a life in Christ Jesus.
Every day decision: Every day I choose to live for You; not by myself, to myself, with myself. I conquer this every day. Every morning, the newness of the life of Christ is in me. I wake up to a refreshed lifestyle in Jesus. Every day my own naturally minded activity-based stuff is going to try and distract me from tapping into that newness but I keep focusing on that newness of life and it will drive me into my future because I call it to me.
Moral muscle: (Romans 8:4, MSG), Exercising my moral muscle, moral virtue, wanting everybody to see how morally correct, how good my value systems are – it’s dead because it’s my own self trying to prove myself to everybody else’s self. It means nothing because it has no eternal value. It’s just being obsessed by my measurement of my human value. I trust God’s action in me, God’s Spirit is in me – living and breathing God. I don’t worry about my moral muscle, about measuring good or bad, right or wrong. I live You, breathe You, living You inside of me, then I won’t have to try and beat down that carnal nature, it will drive all of that carnal nature out of me.
Dream: My attention to God leads me into the open, spacious, free life. This is freedom of choice – I’m going to give myself freedom to dream everything God has for me. God inside of me wants to breathe, live and give me desires that He has placed inside of me – He is giving desires to me and asking me to go after them. This is a free life in God. I get a bigger vision that You want me to have.
Story – Kenneth Copeland – Matt Gober: Like Matt Gober, God please take Pastor John’s vision and show it to me. Whatever I’m giving to Pastor John, I keep giving it. This is extra money that You lay on my heart for this assignment You have given Pastor John. I help get it done. Raise me up and show me the vision that You want to provide for Pastor John in this way. In double-quick time, we raise the money.
Busy August and September: “We’re going to have a very busy August and September, and you are going to come to many meetings, because you are going to help me get on TBN and do the stuff that God needs us to do”.
Believe God: (Romans 8:7-10, MSG), In this life there are going to be limitations that sin will impose on me. There’s no scarcity of money or resources in the earth. God wants the Church to be running the earth, not corrupt politicians but if I can’t start with just believing God for an extra car, an extra house, how am I going to run the earth? I’ve got to live You and breathe You.
This is a moment – get stuff and make progress: This is a moment in my time, I will see the manifested greatness of our God. I believe it. God has prophetically spoken this to be the season of the Spirit to get stuff, make progress and to get in a big harvest. It’s in the living, breathing You and speaking it out.
I call it – speak it to believe it: I call it, I call it, I call it, I call it, I call it. I call it. Like Brother Hagin said, If I don’t believe it yet, I speak it and keep speaking it until my heart believes. When my heart believes what I’m speaking, then I speak what I’m believing and the minute I speak what I’m believing, I can move the mountain. “I did that. “I’m debt-free through the miracle power of Jesus”.
Redeemed: Whether I’m sleeping, working or personal time, the Blood of Jesus has redeemed everything I do. (Parable – farmer looking for workers). I have expectation regardless of the time of day, I’m not moved by the time of day or circumstances. I am moved by expectation. Maybe I’m just at a place, in the “fifth hour” where I get to hear about this. I can get the same stuff in one hour, that Pastor John got his whole life. It’s not about the fairness. I let God be God and I let Him bless me. I get my houses, my cars, my helicopters!
Come on!: If I make my life about how much I earn, then I’m letting the sin factor limit my world. I take the money I earn, I tithe on it, I say, God, I worship You with my work, what else do You want me to do with my money? “Ja, you have got to live with the five thousand”. No, if God tells me to give it all away, then it means He has got a bigger payday for me, not through my work, through somewhere else. Before I do that, I better know that I’m in faith. But God has got ways of getting money and things to me that I can’t even dream of. It’s abundant harvest time, redemption time, the Blood of Jesus time, new life of Christ in me time. This is not time to be limited. I pray in the spirit that this Word will be a powerful force in my life, spirit to Spirit speaking, it’s a confirmation of faith that I receive everything. “I feel like this: Come on man, come on, come on!” I don’t let a limited world’s system dominate me. The very life of Christ is breathing and living in me.
Redeemed: This is a holy moment. The strong anointing of the Holy Spirit that is on this Word, the whole set of messages that Pastor John has preached, to bring us to this point. It’s enough limited thinking, enough of my living in a place where I’m not sure about my future. I can be sure about my future. I live in You, I breathe in You and I breathe and live the life of God. It’s the time to be redeemed. I don’t let the devil lie to me or let a twisted lifestyle dominate me anymore. I’m redeemed. Every tithe that I’ve tithed, every seed that I’ve sown, every year that I’ve lived for You, every confession that I’ve made, every prayer that I’ve prayed, every declaration I say, “I’m redeemed.” The authority of this Word stands in my life. The peace of God rests upon me. I’m blessed going out and blessed coming in. This Word drives me, energises me, rests upon me like a heavy mantle and cloak of anointing. As the sin-limiting nature of the world tries to come upon me, I just drive it away from me and I declare my time of redemption. I’m redeemed. I live in resurrection, not in death.
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