My declarations:
It is clear to me that a seed in the natural can unlock a spiritual force in my life!
The sowing of my seed has my faith connected to it.
My human emotions and my human will do not interfere with the truth of the Word
of God
My intellect and my soul will not be a barrier to the Word of God.
I allow the pure Word of God to penetrate my heart and grow.
I take my intellect and I say: “Intellect I will not allow you to dominate what I
My faith comes from the Word of God that rests in my heart.
I will speak out what the Word of God says.
I will not let my reason be my words!
I will not let my reason be my actions!
The Word of God that is in my heart will come out of my mouth.
My generosity and my purposeful giving is grounded in the recognition of who I
am giving to and why.
The law of recognition is at work in me.
You have caused me to recognize a moment – so I can recognize a season – and I
can recognize a people – and I can recognize a person – and I can change!
I am giving from my love and respect for Ps. John and I am giving to his father.
I honor Brother Jerry because I honor Ps. John!
I have recognition of who I am giving to and why.
It is not because Ps John or brother Jerry needs my money.
I am giving because it is my honor.
I am giving because I have recognition that God is doing something supernatural in
the spirit between Dr. Jerry Savelle and Pastor John on an eternal assignment with
us in Africa!
“A human with human needs that need meeting, while on a holy and eternal
assignment” – this is what has been done!
I access the law of Recognition.
I access the law of Sowing.
I access the law of Honor.
I access the law of Serving – painstakingly and reverently.
I recognize that this kind of giving is now speaking into my future!
It is also speaking into the future of Ps. John and Brother Jerry.
My seed is speaking into my future assignment and my future life.
It is speaking to my future joy and productivity – that which is most personal and
most precious to me!
It may not only be something that requires finances.
I may need something other than finances – something else that is personal and
precious to me.
This seed is also speaking to that!
It might be a word spoken for me with kings and commanders!
It could also include anything I may need from God in the future when He will ask
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
When circumstances intrude attempting to steal my future, my productivity and my
joy from me, then
I may experience:
Suffocating liabilities
Suffocating people
Suffocating circumstances
And the Lord is saying:
If I call on Him – this seed is speaking into my future, my productivity and suffocation
and death will not be permitted! In Jesus Name!
This is the Word of the Lord for me!
This seed that we have sown into Ps. John’s life, Brother Jerry’s life and Brother Joe’s
life has placed me in a position of divine favor.
I immediately begin to access that divine favor!
I believe and I receive the maximum impact of it in my life.
I have entered into a season where God’s favor is upon me.
From the moment that we gave the seed to Ps. John and Brother Jerry we all have
the right to access a level of favor before God that we have not had before!
1) We will experience supernatural increase and promotion.
2) We will experience everything the enemy has stolen from us.
3) We will receive honor even in the midst of our adversaries.
4) We will increase in assets especially in the area of land and real estate.
5) We will experience victories in the midst of great odds against us.
6) We will receive recognition even when we may be the least likely to be selected.
7) We will experience preferential treatment.
8) Our petition will be granted even by ungodly civil authorities.
9) Policies, rules and laws will be changed or reversed for our advantage.
10) We won’t have to fight some battles because God will fight them for us.
This will be a time in which the favor of God will begin to reveal itself to me in little
ways but also in big ways!
I am in a new season of favor and the power of God begins to sweep through every
area of my life now in the Name of Jesus!
From healing to finances! From influence to changes!
Whatever it takes – God is on my side and He is doing it for me! In Jesus Name!
Sowing season is open, favor is upon me and the miraculous is happening.
The season of blessing and favor is upon me!
I declare it with my mouth! I believe it in my heart!
I live in the power of the spiritual momentum that God has created now.
My sowing has changed my world! I believe it Lord!
This seed not only answers my purpose and desire for the future, but it has created
a safety net to the most precious things for the future. Honor seed does much more
than I can ever imagine!
Father, Pastor John has said we are not too late, because the season is open and it
will be a season that will replicate and replicate and replicate!
I can do as much sowing as I like because Pastor John’s spiritual father is coming
So I will speak the Words of God – I will walk in the Ways of God – I will do the Works
of God!
Lord, I thank You for turning a negative situation into a positive one by extending
Brother Jerry’s life!
Thank You for using this seed to have Brother Jerry speak into his future. He is
coming for Ps. John.
Thank You that this seed has now opened the door to the miraculous for all of us!
Lord I thank you for Ps. John and Sharon and their hearts’ desire to do this.
I am believing in the Name of Jesus that this is going to cause manifestations
of Your blessing, Your favor and Your miraculous power on their behalf – beyond
anything they have ever experienced before!
The prophet’s reward! Whatever it involves – in it’s entirety! I believe that for Ps. John
and Sharon.
Thank You Jesus!!
I am now moving fully into ‘Irrational Honor’.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International