Blessing Explosion – Prayer

Brother Jerry’s Words

  • Romans 15:29 NKJV: But I know that when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.

  • Supernatural things happen in the lives of people in which, or in whom, this blessing is upon.

  • The fullness of the blessing means that you have attained it or you are walking in it, to its greatest level and its highest degree.

  • Brother Copeland prophetic word:

    The manifestation of the blessing sayeth the Lord is at an all time high
    You are approaching a blessing manifestation that the human race has never seen

    The blessing will surround you
    The blessing will encase you
    Now listen to this, all debt will have to get up and leave you the same way leprosy left

    the lepers of old
    I will bless you beyond your income
    I will bless you beyond your salaries
    I will bless you beyond anything you’ve ever known before
    I’ll bring financial blessing on you that you don’t have any idea where it came from and listen to this
    It has come to an explosive place
    It’s ready… and I’m ready…. saith the Lord

  • God is talking about the fullness of the blessing, the greatest level and the highest degree of the blessing of God; nobody’s ever walked in this quite like you and I are about to…. not Abraham not not even Solomon. Not only that, but we have a better covenant founded upon better promises. They were blessed but we’re headed for extremely blessed. They were favored but we’re headed for highly favored.

  • We’re going to the greatest level and the highest degree. It has come to an explosive place. We’re headed for the fullness of the blessing. It’s a brand new day in the Body of Christ… something new and something awesome is on the horizon.

  • That’s why many of you have been experiencing recently some of your greatest attacks.

  • The devil hasn’t learned any new games. He hasn’t learned any new tactics. When he senses that something explosive is about to happen in the Body of Christ, the only way he knows how to react to that … is attack and the purpose of the attack is to try to get you

    to give up before your explosion can come.

  • If you’ve been experiencing some of your greatest attacks this year, then I’m telling you,

    it’s time to shout it’s time to rejoice.

  • Satan knows there’s an explosion coming. Satan is trying to get you to give up.

  • You got to understand that it’s always the darkest just before the dawn and if you feel like you’ve been in your darkest hour, this is not the time to give up, because you’re headed

    for your brightest hour.

  • The fullness of the blessing is on its way to your house.

  • The message translation refers to this fullness of the blessing as a more extravagant

    blessing. A more extravagant blessing and the word extravagant is defined as going

    beyond any previous limits.

  • From Brother Copeland’s prophetic word: The explosion is ready and God said, “I’m


  • Meaning of explosion from the Webster’s Dictionary: A sudden and widespread increase.

The Word of the Lord Regarding Pastor John

  • Pastor John is standing on the verge of a Blessing Explosion

  • A Blessing Explosion in his calling

  • A Blessing Explosion in his assignment

  • A Blessing Explosion in his purpose

  • A Blessing Explosion in his ministry

  • A Blessing Explosion in every area of his spiritual and personal sphere

  • This is why the attack was so severe… so intense… why the storm and the pressure seemed to look and feel so severe and intense and almost life threatening and I want to say… almost overwhelming in the natural.

  • Because the enemy saw what God was about to do in and through Pastor John.

  • Pastor John is about to walk into something that he has never experienced and walked in before…

  • The enemy saw the Blessing Explosion being released in and on Pastor John….

  • He saw Pastor John being thrown, catapulted, propelled, thrusted, rocketed into a completely different dimension… Pastor John is being taken into a LEVEL; SO, SO MUCH

    HIGHER AND GREATER in the spirit than he has ever operated in before.

  • Pastor John is being released at a completely higher and greater level of purpose,

    anointing and authority within the Body of Christ!!!

  • Pastor John is reaching the greatest level and the highest degree…

  • The Blessing Explosion is about to be released in, on and through PastorJohn!!!! Praise


    The Word of The Lord For the Congregation

  • So what I understood from this is yes, Pastor John is the first.

  • The anointing oil ran from the head, down the beard of Aaron, down to the edge of his

    garments (Psalm 133:2).

  • We all have experienced this pressure, the oppression. We’ve experienced it because of

    what’s about to break loose. What God is about to release in and through our lives, and honestly I want to say, it’s greater than any expectation, anything you can think, dream, or desire is about to break loose for each and every one of us. That’s why the attack came.

  • Don’t quit! Don’t quit! Don’t quit!