Scripture reference: Hebrews 12:2 (NLT); Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT); John 15:7-9 (TPT); Mathew 18:18-20 (NLT); Genesis 14:17-24 (NLT); Hebrews 7:1-3 (NLT)

Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. We are truly living in moments of eternity with God. You know, I’m aware that many generations have gone before us. And for many generations, people have said that they are living in the last generation. But I recognise that there is a moment in all of our walk with God in the church’s life, where the Holy Spirit is drawing us into new relationships, new dimensions, new levels with Him. And whenever you draw closer to God in those things, it feels like the moments get bigger and more significant. And I guess that’s just the way it is. Amen. Hallelujah. I’m glad to be alive right now. I’m glad that He chose to put us on this earth at this time for His purposes. Amen. Hallelujah.

Well, this afternoon, we’re going to have our first five o’clock practice evening session. Hallelujah. It’s going to be awesome. It’s going to be awesome. So, before you sit down, I want you to turn around to someone and say, “Remember five o’clock tonight.” And then tell someone else and then you can be seated. Thank you.

Before I actually minister the Word to you, I just want to make; I said I would come back to you and give feedback to you. So, I just want to make a point of talking to you about the BELA Bill. So, the BELA Bill basically stands for basic education. So, the government has over many years, they’ve been investigating what to do with education in South Africa. So, I would just like to give you a government perspective. The government’s perspective is that the majority of children in South Africa have a very, very poor level of education. Very poor, the majority of children. So, where they live in villages, where they live in townships, where they live in different places, the majority of children are really, they’re lucky if they learn to read and write, and then leave school to try and find a job and help find a life.

So, you know, if you’re a government for the people, you should be doing something about having basic education rules and regulations that demand that children get educated to a minimum standard. So, the basic thing of what the government is trying to do with the BELA Bill is inherently good. But like all things that government does, they think that all power belongs to them. So, they inevitably overreach and overstep what they’re supposed to do. So, part of the challenge that many people have is the government has got, some has in the BELA Bill, the government has put some rules that actually give them the power that if they send someone to your house and they don’t like what you’re doing, they can give you an order to send your kid to a school. They’re taking that power away from parents and effectively putting it in the hands of government. However, there are some rules that they have put in place in the BELA Bill that allow for alternative education under certain conditions.

So, on the one hand, it doesn’t surprise me and it thrills me that God has been preparing our church and our ministry for many years to be ready for a time like this. So, I’m not going to spend time this morning talking to you about the BELA Bill other than to say that the resources that God has put into this ministry are perfectly set up so that we can comply with all of the regulations and rules that are in the BELA Bill. We want to help the parents and the children that are in our ministry. It is possible that once this is done, this can be something that can touch a broader community of people, but we’re focused on our people for now. After the service, the parents who are interested in knowing what’s going on and getting some further advice and some counsel on how we can help and facilitate what needs to get done will be available afterwards. The education team or the community center team, they will be available to talk to you after the service. Right, Pastor Christi? So, that’s all I’m going to say today because there are lots of complications and lots of things that could be talked about and that’s not my job from here today. Maybe going forward, once we’ve spoken to all the parents and all that, then we can elaborate more on the BELA Bill.

But I praise God, you know, He warned us, He told me to get ready in multimedia for something. Didn’t know that, that something would be COVID, but when COVID came, we were ready to meet the needs of our people, 100 per cent. Our church grew, and our other ministries grew. We did not go backward. COVID was an arrow of the enemy to shut down many, many churches and many, many churches have ceased to exist. COVID was a destruction thing, whether it was the overreach of government or whether it was the sickness and the disease itself. There was an overreach to steal, kill and to destroy. Right? But God prepared us as a church to be ready for it. We never skipped a beat and for years, God has put it in my heart that we need to have an education alternative and be doing alternative education so that the world doesn’t take our children from a young, and desensitise them to the ways of God, and sensitise them to the social norms.

So, that is probably the biggest underlying threat in education institutions, is that knowledge desensitises you. Cultural norms desensitises you to the ways of God. So, you know, it doesn’t surprise me that as the time grew closer, it caught everybody by surprise that the president would sign the BELA Bill when he did. But God is never out of time with those who obey Him and are listening to Him. And certainly, we are 100 per cent ready. One hundred per cent ready, that we don’t have to bow to any government. We will obey the government, but we won’t bow to the government. Amen. Hallelujah. If we have to make a stand where we don’t bow, then God also will not let us burn. Because if you don’t compromise, God joins you in the fight and He becomes a majority. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. So, we win all the way around.

Okay. I’m using this microphone today to just help my voice because today is a big day for us. This Sunday, 24 years ago, Pastor Sharon and I officially took over this church and started to be pastors of this church 24 years ago. This Sunday. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. You know, it doesn’t surprise me that the enemy would throw an attack at me to my body, my physical body the last two days, three days. But I made up my mind that he’s not going to stop me from celebrating and being at this juncture of our lives. So, praise the Lord. Amen.

Hebrews, chapter 12, verse two say, 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross disregarding its shame. Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. (Hebrews 12:2 NLT). Why did Jesus go to the cross? How did He manage to get through the cross? Because of the joy of what was coming because of His death on the cross. I’m jumping into the deep end here today because I’ve got a lot to say and I believe that my voice will stand up to it today. Amen. But Jesus, when He came onto the earth, He prayed, people asked Him, how do we pray? And He said, “Pray like this, My Father, Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed, glorified be Your Name. Your Kingdom comes, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Right. So, when people asked Him, “How do we pray? They said that’s how we pray. That’s the foundation of prayer life.

So, when He said your Kingdom come, how does the kingdom come? Well, the kingdom could not come unless there was a covenant. Right. So, God established the covenant and I have been teaching this for the last number of Sundays. God established His covenant before He made heaven and earth. He established a covenant with Himself. Then when the earth was made and things went wrong with humanity, something else happened, and He made a covenant with a man, and that man’s name was Abraham. So, He made a covenant with Abraham. Now, Abraham is the father of faith for all of us. Because he believed in God and it was given to him as righteousness. Because he believed God.

You know, for years I have watched people say they’re living in faith. But when they say they’re living in faith, what they say is that I understand faith. So, if you have and I mean, this has been something that’s been taught for a long time. I’m not even teaching something that is only my meditation and my revelation. For years, people have said that you can have the faith of mental ascent, but not have the faith of God. The faith of mental ascent is I know what the process of faith is. I know what the order of faith is. And because I know what the process of faith is and the order of faith is. Therefore, I know faith. Those two things are not correct. Because faith is not a mental ascent. Faith is a relationship with Jesus.

So many, many people get disillusioned with their faith life because they don’t see the results of faith, but they know everything about faith. I know a lot about motorcars. I do. I know that a car has got four wheels. It’s got an engine. Needs oil, needs petrol. Needs air. You know, I know a lot about cars. But there’s a difference. I mean, listen, you might not think this, but I’ve changed, it happened years ago, but I did, I changed my own brake pads on my own car. I changed my own spark plugs on my own car. I changed the oil. I changed the brake fluid. I changed the air filters and fuel filters. I know something’s about cars. Right? A mechanic, it does not make me. Yeah.

So, I’ve learned over the years that just because people can even talk the language of faith, I’m believing God for, I’m trusting God for, doesn’t mean to say that they are in faith. Because faith is about a relationship it’s not about what’s here. [Pastor John is pointing to his head] Amen. When Abraham, as he was first known, Abram. When Abraham believed God, he had to walk in his belief. He could not say, I’ve heard from God and I will be going, and I’m trusting God for the right time to leave. He showed his faith by leaving. He had to walk out his faith. He couldn’t talk about God, he couldn’t talk about the stuff of his God, he couldn’t talk about this stuff. He had to trust God. He had to go and leave. He had to walk in faith.

Now, I just want to show you this. When Jesus and the Father, the Holy Spirit, when They made a covenant together before the earth was born. The Holy Spirit, and I read this to you previously. I will just remind you, from Galatians 5 verse 22, and in Galatians, it says, 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT). Is love, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit? So, if love and joy and peace are in the Holy Spirit when Jesus came to the earth to establish a new covenant, a new order. Jesus, as it says in the book of Hebrews, Jesus endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him.

Now, come on. He knew He was going to be beaten. He knew His entire body was not going to even look like a man. So bad was the beating going to be. How can you look forward to that kind of thing with joy? Hey? Because joy is not happiness. Joy is not an emotion that changes based on circumstances. Joy is a force of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the force of the Holy Spirit. So, when we receive the covenant of Jesus. We receive whatever the covenant has for us. We receive it with joy. So, when I’m going to talk a little bit further this morning, I’m going to show you some things out of the Word. There is nothing that God will ask us to do that should not be with joy. Because whenever God asks you to do something, then He is going to ask you to do something based on the fact that He will give you the joy to do it. He will give you the joy to do it. And whatever He asks you to do, He will give you joy so the joy can power you through it. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

So, you know, there’s a lot of things that can happen in your life that you might have a warm, fuzzy emotion about. You might feel very nice about some things, but that doesn’t make it a joy emotion. It might give you a feeling of elation. You may feel inspired. You might feel motivated. You might feel encouraged. You might feel like you’ve got some pep for the next thing. Doesn’t mean that’s joy. It could be a symptom of joy. But if those things change because of a circumstance, then you can bet that it’s not joy. It’s your own human emotion that’s driving you. Because the Holy Spirit of joy will carry you to the cross and it will carry you through the cross, to the point where the victory comes on the other side of the cross. Joy will always be present no matter what the circumstance.  That’s why the Word says that Jesus endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him. Because His joy was in the result of the covenant.

Okay, let’s just have a quick question-and-answer session here. Did Jesus die for the Father or did He die for you? He died for both. Didn’t He? Because it was the will of the Father to bruise Him. It was the will of the Father to send Him to die. Who was He doing it for? The Father and for you. Amen. So, He did it with the joy that was established in the covenant with the Father before He came to the earth. Right. The Holy Spirit the Father and the Son, They made an agreement that They would send Jesus to pay the price so that we could be part of the covenant. Yes. When They made that agreement in to have a covenant. They had joy present. Because the Holy Spirit was present, therefore joy was present. So, even though They could see through the cross, joy was present. Why? Because they could see the end result of passed the cross, through the cross, to us. Now we sit here enjoying all the benefits of living in the covenant. And Jesus said, “I knew it was coming, that’s why I went through it. And the joy gave Me the power before I did it, the joy gave Me the power while I was doing it. The joy gave Me the power after I did it. So, that the joy gave Me the authority and the power to wait for the Father to raise Me from it. And then eternally, We will walk in joy together for it.” We are the outcome of that covenant. So, when He got the joy, it’s the joy of having you and me walk in Him. Hallelujah. This is wonderful. Isn’t it? Isn’t it wonderful?

So, you know Brother Jerry, he preached a whole bunch of messages, but one of the great messages he ever preached was, If Satan can’t steal your joy, he can’t keep your goods. Why not? Because joy is your strength. So, whatever covenant God has asked you to be part of in His plan, He is going to make joy available to power you into it, to power you through it until the very end result, the power comes from it. Aren’t you glad you have a new covenant? Aren’t you glad? Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.

You know, a covenant is a very powerful thing. If you remember, I read this to you in John 15, verse 7 in the Passion Translation. 7 But if you live in life-union with Me and if My words live powerfully within you-then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done. 8 When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are My mature disciples who glorify My Father! 9 I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves me. You must continually let my love nourish your hearts. (John 15:7-9 TPT) Praise Jesus. There is the basis of our covenant. Isn’t it?

Remember last week I said, and I use Matthew 18 Verse 18 I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. 19 I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, My Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them. (Mathew 18:18-20 NLT) Thank You, Jesus. The power of agreement is one of the most powerful things that you can have on earth. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. Okay, I’m going to talk about Melchizedek in a few minutes. And we’ll see how the Holy Spirit leads us today. Glory. Glory. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord.

I want to tell you that I am acutely aware. I am acutely aware of the time and the season that we live in spiritually and what God is doing supernaturally amongst us. And I want to tell you by the Spirit of God, I want to tell you that you need to watch out for the relationships, you need to be careful of the relationships. You need to be watchful over the relationships that God has put in your life because He didn’t call us to have an outcome. He didn’t call us to an organisation. He didn’t call us to a global vision. He always calls you to a people. He always calls you. I want to tell you the danger of pursuing a career. If you pursue a career, or you pursue an idea, you are in danger of elevating the career or the business or money or something else. You’re in danger of elevating it so that you sacrifice everything to achieve that. Sacrificing everything to achieve something that is of an innate material objective, based on materialism or on fame or on power. you have to compromise something to gain it because it demands that you compromise or you give everything to achieve it.

So, when you, when you burn your bridges of the relationships and the balance of life in God, when you burn those bridges, you can’t go back. Only through the grace of God can you go back. Amen. If you feel; if you think that what I’m saying today lacks power because I’m lacking some energy, you need to hear my words, not my energy. Right. Amen. Praise Jesus.

To that extent, I want to share something with you and I’ll ask them, I don’t know what happened, but I prepared a whole slide of pictures, and somehow in the sending of it, I realised that one of my emails that I sent it through wasn’t loaded on my iPad, and when I sent all this stuff, they didn’t get through. So, I just knew some of the pictures that I wanted to show to you this morning. So, I just quickly did it in the speaker’s lounge at the back there. So, let’s start with picture number one, please.

So, this photograph here is the very, very first motorcycle tour that I went on with Brother Jerry. This is 2017. I’m just going to talk through the people, you know, this dude sitting here, right? You know, this guy? [Pastor John pointing to himself and Brother Jerry], And, you know, the man sitting next to him? I want to say, father and son. Yes. And you know, the dude next to him? Bill. The lady standing at the end of the table belongs to this man sitting in the front here, Pastor Josh. That’s his wife, Eliana. And next to her is Ginger, Bill’s wife, and Tony. So, let’s take a moment to just pray for Tony. Right now, would you agree with me? Because the devil is after his life, seriously, seriously, seriously and God has miraculously kept him alive until now. I want you to agree with me that Jesus saves him, heals him, restores him, brings strength back to his body in Jesus’ name. And that the devil can’t have his body. Amen. We declare healing into the body of Tony. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.

I just want to show you that when I met Brother Jerry in 1996. When I met Brother Jerry in 1996, I didn’t have any idea that this would be an outcome of our togetherness. And these people sitting at this table, I had no idea they were waiting for me to meet them. And I would never have met them if it wasn’t for me being called to Brother Jerry. Hallelujah. So, let’s go to the next slide. I want to just, this is Brother Jerry and me on the same day. This is one of those big redwood trees, he and I taking a picture together. Next one, please.

So, a year or two later, I found myself in this situation where Brother Jerry invited me to be with Joe. We went to go and visit Kenneth Copeland Ministries and we had lunch with George and Terri Pearson. This man sitting next to me, some of you who have known me for a long time and have been in the church a long time might recognize him. His name is Buddy Pilgrim, and he came to South Africa to come and preach at a finance conference with us. He inherited and was the CEO at that time of a whole, like rainbow chickens, they had, I think the name was Pilgrim Chickens. So, their family was a wealthy family at that time, subsequently, his life has changed. But this day is significant because this day, George and Terri had a personal conversation with Brother Jerry that related to the ministry of what was happening in Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and such weightiness was required in their decision-making together with Brother Copeland that they asked Brother Jerry to come be part of the meeting. Hello. At that time, Buddy Pilgrim was contracted as a senior executive to help advise the Copeland ministry about what next to do in the ministry. Hence his presence in the meeting. When I met Brother Jerry in 1996, I didn’t know that this meeting was awaiting me.

So, when Brother Jerry invited me to come with him to be part of this meeting, he already knew ahead of time because they already told him they wanted to have this meeting with him. So, when he invited me to come be part of this meeting, he knew what the meeting was broadly, what it was about. So, he didn’t exclude me from the meeting. He didn’t have to take me. Come on. I got to hear stuff in that meeting that will never pass my lips. Because I was privileged to be there. I was privileged to be part of the decision-making. I was part of all of the stuff that was going on in that meeting. Details, really private, sensitive stuff that I got exposed to. Yes. Praise the Lord.

So, when God called me to Brother Jerry, He knew the extent of the runway that would be our relationship. My business was not to get separated from him. My business was to stay connected to him so that I could do the whole runway with him. So, the plan was always that God would do something with us together. Yeah. Now, I’ll tell you why this slide is significant and important. Because when God called Brother Jerry to Brother Copeland, can you remember I’m talking about covenant today? Are you with me, all people? I’m giving you some practical stuff here. The significance is this, when Brother Jerry was called to Brother Copeland, at first it was all about rescuing Jerry from himself. From bad habits, from himself. You know the story, right? So, God sent Brother Copeland to rescue Jerry from himself. In rescuing him from himself, he put him into a place of setting him up so that he could pursue his destiny. His gifts and his callings. If Brother Copeland didn’t come and ministered at Brother Jerry’s church or Carolyn’s church and there was no connection, Brother Jerry might have lost his entire inheritance. Right? When Brother Jerry joined with Brother Copeland, everything that God had called Brother Copeland to became accessible to Brother Jerry. Come on now.

Everything that Brother Copeland had became accessible to him because of his connection to Oral Roberts. Without Oral Roberts recognizing the plane, needed a pilot, and that Kenneth Copeland was the pilot for the plane, Kenneth Copeland wouldn’t have been around Oral Roberts, and even though he was serving him through his skills of being a pilot, God positioned him to be around Oral Roberts that whatever he could do around Oral Roberts, he would be training and learning for his future. So, just bear with me. If Oral Roberts never had a vision that God called him to, then Kenneth Copeland couldn’t enter the vision. If Oral Roberts had a poverty mentality and not a prosperity mentality, then he would never have had a private plane that Kenneth Copeland could have flown. So, he needed a vision of prosperity and he knew that he needed a private plane so he could get from place to place, so that in Oral Roberts’ words, an aeroplane is an anointing protector, right?

Oral Roberts had a vision. The vision created space for Brother Copeland. When Brother Copeland left Oral Roberts and went into his own ministry, in a short space of time he found himself going into a little town where Jerry Savelle was present. So, Jerry Savelle gets rescued and Jerry Savelle now is able to access everything that’s in Oral Roberts and in Kenneth Copeland because Kenneth Copeland had a vision. Hello.

Do you think that just in those relationships, do you think that there was plenty of space for the devil to come in and stop it? So, what was their primary objective? Keep walking in the covenant of the calling, the anointing, and the gifting, and keep walking in the covenant of preordained, predestined relationships because that’s where the blessing is. That’s where God answers everything for you. It’s in the relationships. It’s not in the talent. It’s not in the skill. It’s not in anything abstract. It’s in the relationship. So, when Jesus came to die, He came to die because of a relationship. He didn’t come for any other reason. He came because of covenant and relationship. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

So, this is important because, well, you know, my eldest son, Brynn, he went through a divorce, and at the time he was going through a divorce. George and Terri Pearson’s son was also going through a divorce. Somehow God orchestrated it so that the four of us would have the opportunity to spend time together. And encourage each other in the gospel and encourage each other in the Word, because we are frontline ministers we need to keep steady and not allow the disruption that is happening in our children’s lives to stop us from exercising our faith and our protection for their future. George and Terri Pearson’s. They are pastors of Eagle Mountain Church. They are also now the two executive directors of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. So, when they saw me there, come on now. When they saw me in this meeting, I was not a stranger to them they just allowed me to be there because Brother Jerry wanted me there. They knew me already. Ancient paths of covenant. Praise Jesus.

Why would they call on Brother Jerry to come and help them with something that was of a very serious nature in their ministry? Surely, George and Terri, Kenneth and Gloria, and all of those guys, they knew, I mean, they’ve been in the ministry as long as Brother Jerry. Why would they call Brother Jerry to come and counsel with them? Because they understood covenant. And they understood the power of the Holy Spirit anointing that’s present in a covenant where two or three are gathered together in His name. He comes in the midst with them and when He comes in, you can ask anything in My name and I will give it to you in covenant and the power of agreement. So, they didn’t just call him there to hear what his ideas were about how to solve the problem. He was called there because they understood covenant. They understood the anointing that gets released in covenant and the power of agreement that makes all things happen through covenant.

So, if I can just put myself into George and Terri’s position and they had some things that they needed to change in the ministry, they lived their whole lives with Kenneth Copeland in the ministry. Yet they chose to call on Brother Jerry. Brother Jerry, we’ve got some issues, we’ve got some challenges. Let’s counsel together. If you don’t know this about me right now, if you don’t know this about me, you will know that I seek counsel for just about every decision that I make seriously, I seek the counsel of people. Because I know by myself, I can make decisions, but in a multitude of counsel, there is much wisdom. So, when God says in the New Testament, “If you lack wisdom, ask God and He will give it to you”, only you should not ask with a doubt in your heart. You must ask in faith. So, I know that that wisdom is available to me, but the other thing is also true, that in a multitude of counsel, there is much wisdom. So, it’s not either or it’s both. There are some things that I just know that I know by my spirit, I’ve got to do this now. And when I know that, I’ve got to obey God with it.

So, Pastor Sharon, you know, the Lord told me we got to start a Bible school. And she doesn’t mind me talking about this because it’s just in our history. When it was a long time ago, I mean, when we started the ministry, I knew we had to start a Bible school. I went to Brother Jerry, he said “No.” I went back a year later, he said, “Yes.” So, we started a Bible school and Pastor Sharon said to me, “John, you’re doing this the wrong way. We must establish the church first and then we must establish the Bible school.” I said, “Sharon, I can’t wait. The urgency in my spirit is so strong that I can’t wait.” She couldn’t see it. It wasn’t for her to see. It was for me to obey what I saw. I was so sure about it that I couldn’t wait another day. I couldn’t wait another year.

So, Brother Jerry was amazing, in covenant, he sent people for weeks to come and help us establish and start the Bible school. And now we are 23 years into the Bible school, graduated more than 10 000 people, touched nations with that Bible school. And we’re going to do more. We just got started. We got 24 months, and then another 24 months  and watch what God is going to do. Hallelujah. Next slide, please.

So, in the speaker’s lounge area, there is this photograph. I took this photograph with Brother Jerry, I asked him if I could do it because this is the picture of Eagle Mountain property that Brother Copeland saw when he was flying an aeroplane. And he saw that property. God said to him, this is where you will have the revival capital of the world will be housed here. He didn’t own that land. He didn’t have the money to buy that land. But God gave him a vision to own that land. Who was his number one employee? Brother Jerry. Until Brother Jerry died, was there any other spiritual leader in his life? He was like this all of his life, with Brother Copeland. Did you know that Brother Copeland cancelled all of his revival meetings, they call it something different. The name escapes me now, but he cancelled all of these meetings after Brother Jerry died, he cancelled all of these meetings for the year, with the exception of the Southwest Believers Conference. Victory campaigns. Thank you, babe.

He cancelled all of his Victory Campaigns. Why? Because he honoured Brother Jerry so much. He was so part of his ministry for so many years that Brother Copeland had to learn how to do ministry without Brother Jerry being next to him. Come on. This is a legacy God has called you to. This is a legacy God has called us to be together. Praise the Lord. So, I asked if I could take this picture because Brother Jerry has walked in this covenant relationship with Brother Copeland all these years, and he set himself in agreement with it. He has sowed towards it. He has given his callings, his skills, his talents, his faith, his prayer life, everything he could possibly do, he has given it to Brother Copeland to make that happen. Next slide, please.

So, how did this happen? Because Brother Copeland did what Brother Roberts did. Become a partner and we can do it together. Come on, church. Whatever God’s got for us in our future, it’s our partnership that’s going to make it work. It’s not me. It’s us. And I believe that the reason why God gave me the opportunity to share the vision with you is because you are in the right place to do this with me. I want to make this point. You might feel extreme pressure right now in some area of your life. You might have lots of questions about many things of how this is going to work. It wouldn’t surprise me if the pressure is intensified over the last couple of weeks, because whenever God initiates something, it’s the next phase, the next growth, the next thing, then the devil is going to try and stop it. Come on. Next picture, please. Next slide.

Together, we can do it. Together, we can do it. Together. Amen. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Next one, please.

So, here is me and Brother Jerry. Do you know whose plane this is? Brother Copeland’s, Citation 10. Because Brother Jerry got a fault on his plane, Brother Copeland said, “Jerry, take my plane to the next thing you’ve got to go to.” And I just happened to be there. Next picture.

If I’m not mistaken, this is the last one I gave you. This one coming. This is me and Brother Jerry on Brother Copeland’s plane. Not too many people that can actually show you a picture like this. So, I just want to share. You can leave this on here for the moment. I want to share this with you. God spoke to Brother Jerry and He said, “Brother Jerry, I want you to do this and this and this with your calling.” One of those things was to be active in Africa. Right? So, he knew that he was going to be active in Africa. Started in Kenya. He came to preach in South Africa. And a number of years went by before I came on the scene. So, that happened in 1996. So, God spoke to me and said, I must serve Brother Jerry. On Brother Jerry’s visit to Rhema, South Africa to do a conference, the Lord spoke to Jerry and said, “It was time to start an office in South Africa.”

Just watch this. I never met Brother Jerry before that day. I only knew him as a preacher. The Lord speaks to me and says; I want you to know this about me. If you didn’t know this already, I don’t have fame glasses on me. You know, I don’t expect you to treat me as a famous person. I don’t expect you to treat me like a lord. I don’t expect you to treat me like a master. Those people that were here in this church when I first took this church, I said to the people in the church, “Don’t even call me pastor unless I am your pastor.” And everybody called me John. Because I was not their pastor until God put me in this church. And I said, “Now if God puts it in your heart, you can call me pastor whenever God lays it on your heart to call me pastor.” Am I right about that Gideon? I’m not, I don’t care whether you call me Dr. John, Pastor John, Apostle John, King John, or Sir John. I don’t care about the titles. It doesn’t move me. I’m not here for fame. I’m not here for power. I’m not here for status. I’m not here for any of those reasons. I’m here because God called me here. I’m here because I’m a servant of God and therefore I must be a servant to you. Huh?

So, when God said, “Serve Brother Jerry,” I didn’t want to have a connection with Brother Jerry because he was a famous faith preacher. I wanted to serve Brother Jerry because God said so. So, just notice, Brother Jerry, God sends Brother Jerry to South Africa. At the same time, God’s speaking to me, serve Brother Jerry. For the first time in 15 years or whatever that timeframe was, suddenly our paths crossed each other. When Brother Jerry leaves South Africa, he says to the Lord, “I’ll start my office in South Africa if you give me people like John and Sharon to run my ministry.” It was February 1996. By November 1996, Kenneth Copeland comes back and he does an international believers conference. God arranges with that Sharon. I serve Brother Copeland, Gloria, Creflo, Jerry, Jesse, and all those guys. And then God says, “You’re connected to Brother Jerry.” Then he says, “This is it. I’ve been waiting for it.” I didn’t even know then that he actually named us by name in his prayer.

Now I’ll ask you, what if I didn’t take that relationship seriously? What if I saw it just like, well, you know, Brother Jerry, you’re just another man in my life. You’re just another preacher. You’re just another contact. You’re just another connection. Because, hey, look how much money I’ve made here. I know how to use my faith. And at that time, I was making millions every year, millions and millions. I know how to use faith. I know what the favour of God looks like.

In fact, I learned it from you, but I learned it so well that you, what are you going to teach me now? I could have taken that attitude. Yeah, but I recognised that there was a divine appointment. And until God changed His mind, we would never change that divine appointment. And over all those years, people tried, circumstances tried, things happened, they tried to separate us.

So, I wanted to show you all of these pictures because none of this happened if Brother Jerry didn’t have a vision from God that required him to have someone like me. I’m glad it was me. But in the vision that God gave him, he needed someone like me. No vision, no faith demand on the filling the position for the vision. Right. The vision that God gives, the plan that God has, I’m using language that is comfortable for you so that I can get through my message today. But the plan that God has for us, the ancient paths that we must walk on, the things that He wants us to use our faith for. These things are designed to release gifts and callings as we walk together to the same purpose. Hey.

So, I stand before you today and I say, “I am a covenant child of the covenant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I belong to Abraham.” You know, in eternity time. I was just telling Pastor Sharon yesterday, I think the day before. So, if you can imagine in God’s time where there’s no time, He is just in the eternal present now. There’s people that are born and on the earth and leaving the earth. And if you could just imagine this tiny little place and spirits are coming and going like this in the eyes of God, like this. They’re coming like this all the time today, leaving and they’re coming and they’re leaving and they’re coming. And over thousands of years, these things are coming and going. But in God’s mind, it’s the eternal present now. Huh?

We think actually we are so important that we must not serve God and pursue our own stuff. And yet our time on the earth is so fleeting. But yet the thing that we’ve got to do while we’re on the earth is to give God everything because the rest of our eternity is forever in Him. Hey. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Thank You, Lord.

So, Brother Jerry, he decided to obey God, and he decided to put his faith to work to call people to his calling. Yeah. I have to read this. Genesis 14, verse 17 After Abram returned from his victory over Kedorlaomer and all his allies, the king of Sodom went out to meet him in the valley of Sheva (that is, the King’s Valley). 18 And Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought Abram some bread and wine. 19 Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing: “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. 20 And blessed be God Most High, who has defeated your enemies for you.” Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the goods he had recovered. 21 The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give back my people who were captured. But you may keep for yourself all the goods you have recovered. I just want you to see that even in those days. People were the primary thing, not the goods. If you think your career in your future is about making money, it is a bad foundation to have a life for. Money might buy you stuff but it doesn’t give you a life. Anyway. 22 Abram replied to the king of Sodom, “I solemnly swear to the Lord, God  Most High God. Creator of heaven and earth 23  that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you. Otherwise you might say, “I am the one who made Abram rich.” 24 I will accept only what my young warriors have already eaten, and I request that you give a fair share of the goods to my allies.-Anner, Eshcol, the people who fought with me. (Genesis 14:17-24 NLT)

So, Abram and Melchizedek, king Melchizedek was king. Melchizedek the king of Salem, the priest of God most high. There are a few things Melchizedek is known for. Melchizedek in Hebrew 7 verse 1, 1 This Melchizedek was king of the city of Salem and also a priest of God Most High. So, Melchizedek means justice and Salem means peace. So, the man who came to stand before Abram, Melchizedek. If he was born of a human there is no record of it. There are some that have studied the word of God that would say and have studied the ancient Hebrew text, and Jewish text and some have said that in fact, Melchizedek was a man. A real man. Whilst many others have preached that Melchizedek was an angel or was Jesus Himself in the form of a man. Either way, whoever stood before Abram had the authority to pronounce a blessing and speak the future over Abraham. Right? He also stood for justice and for peace. So, and it says here in verse 2, 2 Then Abraham took a tenth of all he had captured in battle and gave it to Melchizedek. The name Melchizedek means king of justice and the king of Salem means king of peace. So, the rest of the scripture says, 3 There is no record of his father or mother or any of his ancestors-no beginning or end to his life. He remains a priest forever resembling the Son of God. (Hebrews 7:1-3 NLT).

I want to just begin to close with this. Brother Jerry, before Brother Jerry was born, come on now, people. I hope you’re getting this with me this morning. Because I’m a little low on energy, but don’t mistake what’s in my spirit for what my energy levels look like. Okay, because what’s happening from my spirit is full of power and it’s full of glory. But Brother Jerry decided that he was going to follow God. And when he followed God, God began to reveal his future to him. So, by the time Brother Jerry ended up going to be with the Lord, he had walked in honour and covenant. He had walked in honour and covenant for the majority of the years of his life, never allowing the enemy to separate him from the One that God called him to. And it took some years in his relationship with Kenneth Copeland before he got to have access to Oral Roberts. And in the end, when Oral Roberts went home to be with the Lord, he had stayed many, many, many days, many nights, many weekends in Jerry Savelle’s home.

By the time Jerry Savelle left, he told me when I was with him in November 2023 in Nebraska, he told me then he still had the number 12 shoes that Oral Roberts wore. That he gave him, that he would put on from time to time and walk in that anointing and lay hands on people for the healing power of God to flow from Oral Roberts’s anointing to his own anointing. There was a recognition in Jerry Savelle.  As we go into a new season of vision, I don’t want you to think that at any given time that I don’t honour the covenant. I honoured him when I was on earth and I will honour him as he lives in heaven. Brother Jerry will always be part of my life. He will always be a significant portion of what God did for me because, without his obedience, I wouldn’t have an opportunity to be obedient. And as I was obedient, so God released blessings upon blessings in my life.

I want to tell you that Pastor Sharon and I, we are in prayer and in faith about Project 45. So, 45 years of marriage. We are celebrating the Word of God, the Word of God in our marriage because without His word in our marriage, we would have just been two people living together if we lasted. I don’t think we would have lasted beyond five years if we lasted that long. But with the Word of God, His order, His life, His joy, His beauty, and everything that anyone could experience in a human relationship, Sharon and I continue to live in it. So, why should we not celebrate what God’s Word has done for us? Yes. So next year, in February, when it’s Valentine’s Day, we’re going to have a special event here and we’re going to celebrate relationships. Not just marriage relationships, not just romantic ones, but relationships, the body of Christ relationship. We’ve done this once before, many, many years ago. We can do it again. Why not? Hallelujah.

I want to tell you that blessing upon blessing, upon blessing, upon blessing is overtaking us. It is truly overtaking us. We can’t sow enough. The harvest is overtaking us even before we sow, that we have purposed in our heart to sow. And before we even release things out of our hands, the harvest of what we released is already coming into our hands. That scripture is true. The Bible is true that the harvester will overtake the sower. The reaper will overtake the sower. That doesn’t sound like it’s possible because in the natural you have to sow something in the ground first. But in the Spirit, when God knows your obedience and your faithfulness, that once He has asked you to do something, you will do it for Him. Then it gets done as a contract of covenant between you and Him. And He answers the harvest before you even sow the seed because He knows you already. Sharon and I are walking in Harvest. Already the harvest is coming to us for the seeds that we sowed after we got the harvest.

Now, you might say, “Pastor John, you know, I’m not so sure about that.” Believe what you will. If you don’t believe it, you can’t have it. Then you’re always going to be in a situation where you sowing and then waiting for the harvest. Well, we just are, the harvest is happening and we’ve had to have a recognition. Well, the harvest came before we even did the sowing. You see, that’s how God redeems time. Doesn’t He say in the New Testament, His word that He redeems the time? Well, how is He going to redeem the time if everything in the Spirit is according to the law of what happens in the natural? The Spirit has got to be quicker and overtake the stuff that happens in the natural. That’s how He can redeem a natural thing called time. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus. Okay, I’m nearly done. Got a few more minutes for me? Just a few more minutes. I want to share something with you.

Just recently, I was listening to a message by Richard Roberts, and Richard Roberts, I had never heard the story before. And Richard Roberts talking about the death of his father. So, it turns out that Oral Roberts had a prophetic word over his son, his natural-born son, Richard, and he prophesied. He prophesied that there was going to happen, something was going to happen in the very in the near future, something that had already been planned in Richard Roberts’s itinerary. His father prophesied that when this thing happened. The outcome was going to be double the impact that Oral had. He prophesied that over his son. At that moment, they both knew that for that to come to pass, Oral Roberts had to no longer be on the earth. So, they knew that the time was short. Three weeks later, Richard Roberts gets a call to come to California quickly because his dad is leaving. Gets on a plane, flies to California, and goes into his dad’s room. And his dad is hooked up to all these machines and the medical staff told him that if his vital signs drop below these pointers, these markers, then there’s nothing more we can do because he is checking out. Remember, he was 93 or something like that at the time.

So, Richard Roberts is sitting in the room and he is talking to his dad and his dad has got his eyes fixed on him and he and his dad are connected. So, there’s a long story to this where Richard Roberts ran from God, ran from the ministry because of the cruelty of the media, because of the cruelty of churches, and the cruelty that he experienced because everybody said that Oral Roberts was a charlatan, a man that was just after money. So, Richard Roberts ran from God. God called him back. He was in his early 20’s when God called him back. And then from that moment onwards, he served his dad. Years later, his dad asked him to run the university, and by his own admission, Richard Roberts said, “That’s not my calling. I was never called to that. I didn’t want to do that. It’s not my strength. But my dad asked me to do that.”

So, for 10 years or more, maybe 13 years, he ran Oral Roberts University. This was not his calling. This was not his gifting. This was not his passion. This is not what he expected to be doing in his life. But his dad asked him to do it. So, in this message that he preached, he said, “I did it because my dad asked me because of my relationship with my dad. I did it for him.” Now, notice he was still, he was in the process of coming out of that when his dad died. And now he is going to go and do a conference that happened to be in Kenya. Oral Roberts had done a conference in Kenya where 100,000 people came. I’ll tell you the rest of the story about Oral Roberts, and how he checked out in a minute. But when Richard Roberts went to go and do that conference in Kenya, the last night they had 200 000 people there.

So, the prophetic word of Oral Roberts over his son Richard came to pass. I ask you if he didn’t honour his dad all of his life, whether that…. Let me finish the story and then you’ll see. So, they’re sitting together, their eyes are locked on each other, these two people that have been walking in ministry together for 40 years. And Dad is about to be checked out, and he is watching his dad and suddenly he becomes aware that in the room, and you can see the signals on the machine, and they’ve dropped below all of the signs. And as he saw them dropping below those levels, he became aware there were two angels in the room, the one angel, he saw them, he could see them. He was seeing into the Spirit while he was naturally in the body. He is seeing in the Spirit. He saw this one angel who was huge, very, very big. The other angel was also big, but not as big as the other one. Two huge angels.

They didn’t look at Richard Roberts. They ignored him completely. They weren’t there for him. They were there for Oral. So, the big angel came into the room and he went over to Oral’s body and he lifted Oral up out, and he started to move up into the ceiling. And as that happened, Richard Roberts being in the Spirit. And, you know, the Apostle Paul refers to this. He says, there were things that I saw one time in the vision, whether I was in the body or out of the body, I do not know. Because when you’re in that realm of spiritual eternity, you don’t know what’s not natural and what’s spiritual because it’s so real. Because that reality created this one. So, when the two collide together in your human world, you don’t know what’s spiritual and what’s natural.

So, as he saw them leaving up through the roof, he jumped up out of his chair and he screamed. That’s all he did, is he just shouted and he screamed. I guess he didn’t know what else to do. Because, you know, you’re living in a moment of something extraordinary. Who can prepare you for a moment like that? And as the angels left, this transparent like white mantle was like white, transparent, full of light, full of glory. This mantle came drifting down from the roof into the room. And Richard was already standing and he jumped up and he grabbed the mantle and he said, “That’s mine.” A week after his dad was buried, he went to Kenya and the last night, 200 000 people showed up at that conference. Hey.

So, you know. I want you to know this, that when I say to you in my body, I am being corrupted because sin is corrupting my body. And God ordained it that we wouldn’t live more than 120 years. Because in our humanity, we would sin so much because we would have the knowledge of sin and we would have such a long time to sin, as they did on the earth, that you can invent sins the longer you live. So, God said, “I’ve got to draw a line to how much you can sin because I can’t allow sin to be rampant to the knowledge of the humans that sin so much.” So, after Noah, He called the line, no more. Hundred and twenty years you’re done. So, for all of our lives, we are accelerating towards death compared to people like Enoch and to people like Methuselah and Adam. We accelerate towards death because God called it.

But now I want to remind you of something. That even though my body is perishing day by day, my spirit man is renewed day by day. So, as my spirit man is getting stronger, my walk with God is getting stronger. So, I say to the young people, you may look at us old people and say, you can’t use cell phones like I can. You can’t use the Internet like I can. You can’t do AI like I can. You don’t have these skills, you don’t have. And all of the knowledge that you’ve gained, I know it all already because you’ve taught it to me. But there’s something that’s happening in me that’s not happening in you. I have 65 years, 64 years of renewal. I don’t care how…. you don’t have it. You haven’t gone through the time to get it. That’s why when Paul left, he didn’t hand over the church to young people. He handed over the church to elders. I’m not diminishing or discarding the fact that the young people who are totally sold out for God can receive their growth and mature a lot quicker because we have gone before them. As Kenneth went before Jerry, as Jerry went before me, as I’m going before you, the accumulation of anointings and maturity will cause you to do it quicker. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m renewed constantly, even though my body is being corrupted.

So remember, I have said to you, I told you this. I told you that one day, one day when my time is up and I can tell you it’s not yet. It’s not yet. We’re at least 30 years away from me checking out. I’m working on it. But one day when I’m ready, I told you this the other day, I’m going to see my angels come. And I’ll know my time is up because they’ll show up and they’re going to be there to take me home. And I’m not going to go home because I’m sick or because I’m diseased or because I have got limitations. I’m going to go because it’s my time, because my assignments are done and God’s calling me. And if He happens to take us both together at the same time and her angels appear at the same time as me, well, wouldn’t that be glorious?  Given our closeness and our unity and the way we live together, that would be a most marvellous thing. But if I’ve got to stay longer or she’s got to stay longer, we both know that actually, it will only be because our assignment is not done yet.

So, in a couple of weeks, I’m going to fly to America again. And I’m going to attend a conference where Scott Webb and Keith Moore are going to be speaking with Carolyn Savelle, Joe McCroskey, Josh Bulger, and his wife, Iliana, once that conference is done, they’re flying to Uganda, then they’re flying here and they’re going to come and minister here in November. God willing. Because of the covenants that God establishes before time, you’ve got to work on making them come to pass. You can’t just leave it to happen. You’ve got to go put yourself out there. Hello.

So, you all, I want to just tell you that you are part of all of this as much as you want it, you can have it. If you don’t want it, there’s not anything I can do about it because your will is your will. Your arguments are your arguments, your reasons are your reasons. And I’m not going to fight with you. I’m not going to argue with you. I’m not going to debate with you about what your reasons are, what your arguments are, what your thoughts are. Why would I want to do that? Either God has a plan for all of us and you recognize it or you don’t. If you do, I’m grateful. If you don’t, God is going to fill that with someone else. He has to. Because he’s not going to let my calling not happen because someone was disobedient. Amen. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.

I just want to tell you that I already knew I needed to say something about it this morning, but just because I’m lacking in energy, I’ve been struggling with myself just to not say it or whether I should say it, but I need to say it. So, I just asked the Holy Spirit to remind me and to help me. I’m going to finish by making this and saying this. In the beginning of the year, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I prophesied and I said that this year there will be chaos and crisis. But if we will be prepared, we will not be subject to the chaos and crisis and opportunities will come our way and we will see those opportunities. I want to tell you that I’ve been watching and the crisis and the chaos is happening everywhere in the world. Some of them are manmade, some of them are natural disasters, some of them are, wherever the enemy is present, things are just happening. And chaos and crisis are all over the globe.

I want to tell you that as a ministry, we have to go with the timetable that God has given us, 24 months, and 24 months, and 24 months. And I have such an urgency in my spirit about it and I’m trying to give it to you because God has a covenant that he established with Kenneth Hagin. He established it with Oral Roberts, with Kenneth Copeland, with Jerry Savelle. And it’s an amazing thing that we are sitting here in Witbank in a small town on the other end of the world. But all of their paths have accumulated here because we are here. And He called us in covenant with them to be here and their spirit is here with us. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.

I want to tell you something that I’m open to anything that you might suggest. But in this last week, it has become stronger and stronger and stronger that we need to have a farm. We need to have a farm. And I’m not speaking about one farm or another. I do believe there is a farm that we should be buying, but we need to have a farm. And this is what I struggled with because, you know, when Brother Jerry was here, I spoke to him about the farm and he said, “John, I believe this is God. I believe you need to be doing this.” And negotiations and the availability of, immediate availability of money in those negotiations have caused us to just stall. It’s just in no man’s land at the moment.

So, I want to say to you if God lays it on your heart to buy the farm so the church can do it and you own the farm. I don’t care. I don’t care how we get the farm. But we need a farm. Because there are things that the enemy is plotting and planning. That God has arranged for this people, to have answers, and for this people to be able to do stuff that otherwise we might not be able to do. So, I’m done. My story is done. Thank you, Pastor Christi. But today I have my money in my pocket. Because I’m ready to give my tithe. The end of my message today was to talk about tithing. Not because this ministry needs money. Come on, church, you know, I don’t focus our messages on money here, and I don’t spend 10, 15 minutes at a time every service to get money. If God puts it in your heart, then God puts it in your heart. Right. Come on. But there’s a covenant that happens in tithing. And I’ll talk about it next week, God willing. There’s a covenant that happens. There’s an authority that happens. There’s a release that happens in tithing that we can count on. And I just want you and me, and us to agree that as we sow our seed this morning, that we are tithers, we are givers,  we are sowers, and that we receive everything that God has for us. We receive it in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. We receive it. We receive it.

I want to get into agreement with you and we’re going to do this again next week. I want to get you into an agreement with you that God unlocks the benefits of the covenant and the benefit of the covenant is a continuous flow of blessings that cannot be stopped. Because God releases a continuous level of blessing to those who are His people who are in covenant with Him. He does not stop the outpouring of the blessing. So, tithing is never has been about meeting our needs in the church. I don’t live in this church based on the money that comes in from a tithe. Because if I did, this church would do half of the things that it’s done. But tithing is important to you because it’s your covenant connected to the blessing. Amen. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. Let’s connect with our Heavenly Father through our money today. Shall we? Let’s do it. Let’s do it. Thank you. Praise the Lord.

While they are busy taking up the offering, I want to speak this over you and we can declare it together, that in your life there is nothing missing, in your life, there is nothing broken, that the favour of God rests upon you, the blessings of God overtake you, and I declare in the name of Jesus that He will give you inventions, He will give you ideas, He will cause you to have a creative mind that is connected to your spirit, not just to human ideas. That your creative mind is connected to the Spirit of God, not to other human opportunities. Because the Spirit of God will bring blessings beyond your natural ability. And I declare that there is an open heaven between you and the Spirit realm. That the Holy Spirit can communicate with you without interference. And you will know Him. You will know His voice. You will be ready to obey and walk with God. And we all together, we will be witnesses. We will be those that get into an agreement with you as we all, one, two, three, together agree, the togetherness of our agreement will bring things to pass. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Do you receive that?

Do you know, I’m just led by my Spirit now to quickly say this. Why would Jesus tell His disciples that where two or three are gathered together in His midst, there He is and there He will answer when only one person, you can say, “I hear from God, so I must do what I must do.” If you all can hear from God for yourself, why do you need agreement with anybody else? Why would Jesus say you need agreement with anybody else? Because God never intended you to function outside of the body of Christ. You cannot say, “Ear, I don’t need you, eye I don’t need you, finger I don’t need you.” Because wherever the whole body goes, there you go with the body. And if you go someplace, the body has got to go with you because otherwise, we stop being a body. And God never intended us for all of us to be mavericks and individuals and independent, He called us to be together. He called us to be a body, not a person. Wow, good preaching. Good preaching this morning, don’t you think? Yeah. Praise the Lord.

I’m going to go and rest this afternoon and we’ll be back tonight to have more glory. Why don’t you stand with me, please? If you can’t make it here tonight and you’re going to be somewhere else, please join us online. Amen. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. I’ve already prayed for that. Thank you, guys. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

I declare that as you leave here, you’re blessed going out and you’re blessed coming in. I declare no weapon formed against you will prosper. Hallelujah. I believe that you are healthy, whole, healed, restored in your body, in your natural world, in your soul, in your emotions, in everything. You are all good. All is well. You are blessed. All is well. You are blessed. Come on, people, put your hand on your heart like this and say, “All is well with me. All is well with me. All is well with my soul. I am blessed. In everything I do, I am blessed. I am a son of God. Therefore, I’m blessed. I walk with God. I live in God. I breathe God. I’m His child. I’m blessed in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God.” Well thank you for coming to church, I shall see you later. Arrivederci. Auf Wiedersehen. Totsiens.