This morning the Spirit of God showed me how His people divorce Him; they just leave Him because they think He’s always there and they will come back to Him whenever they are ready; they treat Him however they want; their hearts are turned against His ways. I began to see how that translated into the natural lives of people in the church and how their lives are filled with separation and division resulting in the poor condition that the world is in. The greatest protection against divorce and separation is unity and integration. The church is the only one that can bring a solution.
Say, I receive the spirit of integration. I receive the spirit of unity with God and with His body and with His people.
Christian faith cannot be intellectualised. We as a church need to crossover (personally and corporately). To cross over, to transform, to change and move from one state to another is a choice that you want to see come to fulfilment; a quality decision that will require commitment, energy, resources, and prayer.
2 Peter 1:14-21 (NLT)
The apostle Peter is speaking from an authentic place of witnessing, paying close attention to messages that come from the prophets, that come from God. God has chosen and continues to speak through the vessels of men on the earth. He has made men in His image and given them authority, dominion, and power. All of mankind has that dominion but knows only how to use it for self-interest and not for the best interest of others. That is why the earth is in the mess that it is. Only Christians can walk in the love of God.
We need to pay close attention to what has gone before, to the words that pointed to Jesus and were confirmed and fulfilled in Jesus. When men are speaking into the earth on God’s behalf, He is obligated to make those words come to pass. God is only obligated to make words that glorify Jesus and the church come to pass (not words of personal agenda and self-interest).
If I trust and believe the prophets of old as words coming from God that were revealed in Jesus and all of His Word is true to me, then Jesus becomes my Saviour, and I can receive all of the inheritance. When I take God’s Words and choose which Words I believe or don’t believe from the past and I want to then speak the Word selectively, my heart won’t believe, and the words won’t work. If you don’t believe all of God’s Word, then faith becomes what you believe and you are already in a place where you are compromising yourself.
We need to live life in God that is personal, but if we just have everything that is about us personally, we are going to be lost in this haze of personal desires, needs, wishes, dreams, and ambitions. A worrying trend in the church is preaching Jesus as a personal exchange agent (personal helper, hope, emotional support). God wants to be much more to us. On a personal level, the church needs to bring to the world the opportunity to see God as the Source of the future. The world needs to see the church as light, and they need to see the light in you and me. We should be the testimony of the goodness of God on a personal level, but we also need to be that same witness corporately.
Say, My belief in Jesus as Lord and Saviour is not dependent on financial blessings or any other kind of blessing. I will not change my belief in Jesus or give up on my walk with Jesus because I don’t get something. Jesus was and is always the answer to me for everything. He is the reason I do everything and the foundation of my everything. I receive His word completely. I take His Word, I speak His Word and it becomes the very living force of everything in my life (marriage, finances, health).
Acts 13:14-26 (NLT); Joshua 1:7-8 (NLT)
God showed Himself strong on behalf of His people and obliterated the then evil forces against the children of Israel. The same living, powerful God of Israel; Who permits things to happen on the earth because of sin; Who parted the Red Sea, fed His people in the desert; opened the Jordan, and let them cross over through His power and creativity; Who commanded wealth to flow in one night into Israel for 400 years of abuse; Who obliterated Jericho (that stood for institutions of engineering, military might and education) – is in us!
God said, “Don’t you lift a hand in the battle against Jericho, praise Me, obey Me, give me first place, put it in your heart, in your mind, and in your mouth (make it part of your conversation) day after day and watch Me obliterate in front of your eyes the systems that wish to control your future”. Through an exercise of praise, God pulled down an entire system on itself and obliterated it. It is not a fairy tale story – it is a living God that made it happen.
We are living in the most peaceful time in humanity for the past 50 years. The credit system, the medical system, and the G20 government forces working on a global digital currency are trying to secure this utopia of peace. But God said the government will be on Jesus’ shoulders not on the government of the earth. We must obey Jesus as our government and whenever conflict comes between Jesus as our government and the government of the earth – we have got to choose Jesus.
Whatever is going to happen on the earth, we are barrelling towards it at the rate of knots. When we hear of all these things, we can’t afford to faint and be weary in our hearts. We must be strong and courageous. We have a mighty powerful God Who is bigger, better, and greater than anything that comes against us. No power can match His power. No barrier on this earth can stand against the people of God. We are His people.
Psalm 48:9-10 (NLT); Psalm 119:47-52 (NLT)
It’s time for you and me to make sure that our mind and our whole world are filled with the ways of God. It is a crossing-over moment for all of us.
Say, I do not put my hope in a system. I put my hope in Jesus and in the Word of God. I am crossing over from earthly, natural thinking to eternal divine thinking. I am crossing over from natural ways to supernatural ways. I’m crossing over from negative talk to powerful talk. I’m crossing over from depressive thinking to liberated thinking. I’m crossing over from things that want to keep me captive, and I am free in Jesus Christ.
Colossians 3:1-17 (NLT)
You are faced with, “What is my real life?” every single day. Jesus gave us the answer when the enemy tempted Him to use the power of His words of life and death to turn stones into bread. Jesus’ authority was in the will of God and He did not allow the authority of suggestion to run His life. Later on, when Jesus turned water into wine, He was in a completely different reality of life and responded to a heavenly force of honour, whereas the devil wanted him to answer to an earthly response of lust or temptation in hunger.
We are still facing the authority of suggestion – do this, do that, follow this, use this. God is saying put the Word of God in your heart, mind, and mouth day and night, use the Word of God, and let it fill you with strength and courage and boldness so that when God speaks to you through the Word you are in a place where He creates for you. You share in His glory because you identify with Him in everything. This is the crossover, to put on the new nature and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. Whatever the human condition is that you find yourself in, put on Christ, and live in a heavenly reality and not an earthy thought process. Get rid of the stuff that slaves you, put on Christ that freed you.
Hamas launched a full-scale war against Israel this weekend. When we pray for peace in Israel, we are obedient to the Word, and we pray for our peace because we are the covenant children of God. We are not concerned about world events and what is happening around us. We evaluate everything that is happening in the world against the Word of God. We do not let circumstances come into our heads and dictate our emotions and what we should do.
Say, I have Jesus in my heart. I allow facts to be filtered by faith. My future is filtered by favour. The Word in my heart and in my mind fills me with hope, strength, and courage – no matter how bad the times get.
God is with me wherever I go. He is my future. From this day I am going to put the Word of God in my mouth, in my mind, and in my heart, every day and every night. I am going to be strong and courageous, and I will not be afraid. I have the Word in Me. The Word is leading Me. I meditate on the Word, day and night.
The peace of God is my future and rules my mind and my heart. The Word of God and the Blood of Jesus are powerful forces standing as a shield against all things that would come against me, in Jesus’ name.
I command my angels to go and hearken to the Word of God and to be there for my protection. I ask the ministering spirits, the angels of God, to go out and set free all the finance that God has ordained us to have. Go and open them up and bring in rivers of income and rivers of prosperity and rivers of well-being in Jesus’ name. Go and do the Word of the Lord on our behalf.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International