“….When they heard these things, all the people in the synagogue were filled with rage. And rising up, they pushed and drove Him out of the town, and [laying hold of Him] they led Him to the [projecting] upper part of the hill on which their town was built, that they might hurl Him headlong down [over the cliff]. But passing through their midst, He went on His way.”
(Luke 4:14-23, 25-30 AMPC)
Jesus walked through their midst because of the anointing that was upon Him. He was able to escape; He was able to escape things that were going to happen to Him because people got mad at what He was saying because His time and fulfilment of His time had come. He was about to be killed by them, but the anointing, the same anointing that was the announcement of His presence of the anointed One in the earth, that same anointing protected Him from a false killing.
It doesn’t matter how zealous and how much fervour that religious spirit had; it could not quench the anointing. It could not silence the anointing; it could not silence the time of God that He was called to do. Could not silence Him.
God is about to make an announcement in the earth. He’s already busy making the announcement in the earth. Here’s the announcement that He is making. He is making the announcement; that His Church, the church, of the living Christ, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, is about to step out of the shadows and become the “Anointed Church of the Ecclesia” that will rule and reign and govern and make announcements on His behalf into the earth.
We, the church, will make announcements on His behalf that the government cannot make, that other religious people, other churches who don’t know who they are in Christ because everybody sees them as the local church down the road cannot make.
When Jesus gets to start announcing His church, He’s going to come because of the anointing. Not because of any single individual or because of any persona, or any special gift or any special calling. It’s going to happen because of the anointing.
Brother Copeland prophesied in 2009 that there’s going to be a move of God that’s going to come, and it is going to come through the churches that know how to pray. Why is it going to come through churches that know how to pray? Because it’s the praying church that can pray the Will of the Father into the earth! It’s the praying church who knows that their sacrifice of prayer is what it takes to get the Will of God into the earth.
“So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine.”(John 15:4 TPT)
This is not a one day union. This is a day to day union.
If you think that God leaves you for one minute – He never leaves you, and He never forsakes you. He cannot leave your body because your spirit is in your body and your soul and your spirit are what make you eternally part of the body of Christ, so He can’t leave you. He’s got to stay in union with you. It doesn’t matter what comes out of your mouth; it doesn’t matter what you choose in life; He’s staying with you.
If you ever have this thought, “I’ve done something wrong, so wrong that God has left me,” It is not possible. If you are in life-union with Him and He’s in life-union with you, then your life-union wants you to follow Jesus. It actually makes a conscious choice to not do what Jesus wants you to do.
God’s nature, the new created nature in you, doesn’t want you to do that stuff and the nature of grace is what empowers you to actually say no to that stuff. It wouldn’t be grace if it didn’t give you the power to say no to that stuff. The reason it’s called grace is because you have undeserved merit; you have undeserved empowerment to say, “No.”
It’s the power of God in you. Life-union with you. You in Him and Him in you.
“I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.”
(John 15:5 TPT)
If you are connected to Him, fruitfulness will stream from you, in you, through you, fruitfulness, but if you are disconnected from Him, you are powerless. This is so powerful, this union, that Jesus, when He went to make His announcement, “That the anointing of God is upon Me to bring the good news to the poor, which means the poor don’t have to be poor anymore, I’ve come, and today the Scripture is fulfilled in your ears, that the anointing has come to deliver the poor from being poor.” The anointing has come to those that have been captured by self-desire and poor choices; you can be liberated from those that have all manner of ailments and sicknesses and diseases. This anointing has come to set you free from that.”
This anointing has come to give you sight, where you know you didn’t have sight before, whether it be physical sight or life vision sight in God. The anointing is there for that. How do you get the anointing? You remain in union with Him. You can’t say, “I want to have all of God’s best in my life, but I only want to talk to Him occasionally.” If you only talk to Him occasionally, then you’ll have occasionally anointing.
God is announcing Himself to the world. The world thinks that they have separated the church from each other. The world thinks that the COVID-19 has been able to close the church down. I want to tell you that God is actually about to announce the church into the earth in a much bigger way than has ever been seen before.
When Jesus came to live in you, He gave you the power to overcome everything that holds you down. Everything.The religious spirit that tried to throw Jesus off the cliff, that religious spirit, now I want you to remember this, that religious spirit said, “Wow, the grace that’s on you is amazing.” That religious spirit turned into a rage in a minute. It turned to a rage, that religious spirit came upon those people.
That same religious spirit wants you to live your life that says, “I’m good enough, I’m not good enough. I’ve done enough; I haven’t done enough. I’m doing more; I hope it’s enough. Maybe it will be, maybe it won’t be. I’m not sure where I stand with God.” That religious spirit is all about stopping the anointing of God in your life because once you’re saved, the devil can’t do anything about that.
This spirit is trying to keep you in bondage to yourself, and he’s going to try to keep telling you that it’s you that’s got to perform to actually get free. It’s you that’s got to actually make a choice. You have to get rid of all sin before you can come to God. No, that is the reason why Jesus came, so that it gives you the power to get rid of all of that.
It’s the same power that can overcome a religious spirit that is at rage and wants to push Jesus from a mountain. Same Power lives in you; the same Power makes you fruitful. Same power can change everything in your life, and you never have to look back. Same power, same thing. If you’re struggling with anything in your life right now, you can take this message today, and you can just use these words.
Say: “Same power that raised Jesus from the dead, the same power is in me. Same power that saved Him from being thrown off a cliff, same power in me.” Power! I’ve got the power! I’ve got the power!More power to me, more power to me.”
Whatever it is that you have an issue with. You have the power. If you are struggling with something in your life; all you got to do is shout, “Jesus!” If you believe in your heart and you shout Jesus with your mouth, it’s all you need. The Power is there for you. The Power is there for you. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International