Declaration of the love of God over the JHB church: A great spiritual affection rose up in Pastor John’s spirit for this church in Johannesburg which includes the Lenasia people. As a collective people, we have a willing heart, we have an open spirit, an open heart and an open mind for the things of God. We have received the gift that God has placed in Pastor John for a much longer period of time than almost anybody else has. A great, great revelation of God’s knowledge and insight flows into our lives. We can do more with a revelation from God and a word from God in one minute than we can accomplish in a lifetime, if it’s the right word, in the right moment to the right people. Pastor John’s affection for us is partly born out of recognition that this church prays for the will of God. We as the church are willing to humble ourselves and we are willing to ‘put our knee on the ground’ in adoration and worship of the most high God and pray prayers for the Nation, for the city, for the Church of Johannesburg. Pastor John began to sense this great affection coming upon him and realised that there is some really great and mighty things that are about to happen. He knows that great and mighty things are happening individually, personally, privately and powerfully. There’s coming a great breaking loose, a great breaking forth, a great breaking out of a glorious move of God, publicly, and it’s just going to become evident that the glory of God rests upon Ps John, upon us, together. This is a declaration of the love of God over our church as a people, over our prayers, over our giving, over our faithfulness and over our ‘stick-ability’ and our strengths. This is a declaration of the love of God that is unwavering towards us, because we have been unwavering towards Him.
A great Love of God breaks forth and bursts forth in all of my doings and all of my goings on, and all of my goings out and coming ins, and all of what I’m putting my hands to, all of the places my feet tread; there is a great love of God that is busting things open and breaking things open and bursting forth on my behalf. The great love of God is upon me in private, is resting upon me in such ways that I have a great speaking of tongues and I interpret the tongues and I prophesy in my home, I prophesy over my business, over my children, over the people that are in my family. And God is going to have a glorious wave forward to touch things and change things in my life.
Today Your great love for this church is spoken, it is openly declared, through the vessel of Pastor John.
Impervious Declaration: We have come along side Pastor John and Pastor Sharon and said, ‘”We will stand with you and we will be with you,” and the great love of God is declared toward us today because we have stood with these vessels, we will become impervious – I stay with this word. Now, this is a moment when God is raising Pastor John and Pastor Sharon up, the imperviousness that has come upon them comes upon me and comes upon my life, because I speak it and I declare it. The flow and the blessing and the order of God for me is to have straight paths and have my feet walk on streets of light, the Word of God bringing light to my ways and ‘everywhere’ I go. I make that declaration as Pastor John and Pastor Sharon have made that declaration. I become impervious – in other words, there’s no access point to the devil to come at me, come and take me out or just cause a little detour, a little distraction, a little stubbing of the toe that keeps me out of action for some time. I become impervious because the great light of God will shine for me, revelation will come to me. I will see things coming before they even get to me and I will be willing and prepared and able to deal with them. I receive Your love, I receive Your charge. (Like at a marriage ceremony when the bridegroom toasts the bride). I “charge my glasses” with the flow of the Holy Ghost, with the new wine of the Spirit. I charge my glasses, I charge my whole being with everything that God has for me. I charge it with the love of God and let Him reveal Himself to me.”
Knowing Him personally – intelligent and discerning: Ephesians 1:16 – 23 (MSG). I am intelligent and discerning in knowing You personally, not in knowing things. My eyes are focused and clear, so that I can see exactly what it is You are calling me to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life You have for me, the utter extravagance of Your work in me who trust You – endless energy, boundless strength! The church life that I have is not a peripheral to the rest of my life. Coming to church and being part of the church is the most important thing I do in my life. My career and my family is at the peripheral of my life, the church is at the centre of it. Brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers all of those things, houses and lands and careers are at the peripheral of my decision making. My decision making is about what I do with Jesus, what I do with the Gospel and how you live for You. Like Ps John I want to walk in that boundless energy that You give me. That clarity of focus, that knowing and discerning, I can see, I know what You want me to do next, how to go about it next, what step is next. I have got all the power and strength and might and trust in You, that it just pours out of me that I know what to do and where to go next. And all of that energy just makes it all happen because it is all in Christ and He is in me, and there’s no stopping Him and me together. Then, when Him and Ps John get together with all of us, we can’t be stopped. It is impossible for the power and the will of God not to do His work completely. This is the way we should live as believers.
Significant message – Pastor John: “I’m going to make it at a time when it’s going to be hard for you to come, because if you’ve got an excuse not to come, then you don’t want to hear it. It’s because I love you that I’m doing this. Because, if you hear a revelation that you’re not ready to hear, I don’t want you to be accountable for that revelation because you want to put it on the wall as a trophy of knowledge that you have. Because as sure as anything I can tell you this, that when that revelation comes to you, the enemy is going to come and test it in your life. This is a moment for us in this ministry, this is a moment for us when I give this revelation, this is a moment for us. When this passage of Scripture I’ve read to you out of Ephesians is going to become a real and living, a living testament to the Church, the power of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, because I love you, and because I have this affection in my heart for you, by the Holy Spirit, I’m just telling you that it’s going to be a difficult time for you to come, inconvenient.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International