God Is Revealed: If I Were God – Ps John Bendixen (JHB)

Scripture Reference: Isaiah 55:8-11 (AMPC); Genesis 15:1; Exodus 3:6; Exodus 3:13-14 (NLT); Revelation 1:8 (AMPC); Revelation 1:8 (MSG); Revelation 4:1-11 (AMPC); John 16:12-13; Genesis 21:26.

 Pastor John – teach and preach on finance and business: I need to read the book of Job to prepare myself for when I come and hear. “God has given me something to impart to you that is just something different. It’s about conversations, it’s about attitude, it’s about confrontations, it’s about all kinds of things that are happening in life that are in addition to what you do when you sow and you reap”. “You better come. I’m not live streaming it, if you don’t come, you don’t hear it”.

 Focus on the I Am: (Isaiah 55:8-11 AMPC), (Genesis 15:1 AMPC), When I pursue God for what benefits He has, then I tend to begin to focus on the wrong thing because I tend to focus on what I am in myself – rather that what The ‘I Am’ is. When I am needing something and I focus on the need, then I’m no longer focusing on the ‘I Am’ but the minute that I focus on the ‘I Am’, the need gets met.

 I’m a chosen one: (Exodus 3:6-11 NLT). I am chosen not because of how good I am but because God chose my vessel to put Himself into to get done what He pleases, purposes and performs. I say, “no glory belongs to me”. I chose to walk in His will and His way” and wherever my estimation is an over-estimation of myself, there I say to the Lord, “Please deal with that”.

 God is love and life, I bow my knee: God is love and God is life. He doesn’t have these characteristics, otherwise He could change them, He is them. I recognise You. I take this self-god and bow before the God, of ‘I Am’. By making Jesus my Lord I recognise You, ‘I Am’. Your love demanded that You remove all of the ‘do’s’ of life to relationship of connection. (Revelation 4:1-11 AMPC), There is no one else, no other presence and no other will in the universe that is ever going to be able to stand before the will of God. I have already made the decision, “I don’t want my will to bash up against His will. I want Him to be my Shield and my abundant Reward, Him – not things.

 Marriage: I didn’t marry my spouse so we can do things together; I married my spouse because I wanted him / her. We end up doing things together because of our joint pleasing, purpose and we make it come to pass. We live with each other and then what we do becomes the result of living. The joy of our living together is that we sit face-to-face, take what is deep inside, and speak it to each other. It’s like breathing life to each other. That intersection of soul and spirit is where the creation of joy comes from. A relationship with someone: Whenever I’m having a relationship with someone, it’s the ‘I Am’ in the person that I’m having a relationship with.

 Poverty: Poverty was not created in God. It’s a function of sin nature that is greedy and about self-glorification. It is all about setting yourself up as god and not setting yourself up as worshipping the ‘I Am’. God did not set up the earth for the wealth to belong to those that wanted to worship the spirit of mammon – the control of money. God set up the earth for us, to represent and look like Him, on the earth.

 If I were God: “So then, why do you insist on being like God? Why do you insist on making every decision based on your will, not His will? “Ah, but every decision you make is based on what you want. So then, you are god – to yourself. So why do you insist on making every decision as though you were God?” “We are making decisions for ourselves all the time, without consulting the great will of I Am – what He wants. So every time you say, “I’ll choose”, rather than, “He chooses,” – you are god”. “If you were God, what would you do?” “That would imply that I must actually think like God before I can answer you”. “What do you think God thinks about this?” “Do you think He does not want to tell you what He wants you to do?” “He wants to tell you what He wants you to do.

 Superior creature: I behave like the superior creature that is in me – Jesus in me, a Christ-like one. ‘I Am’ is the will that I want to serve and become everything that He decides upon. When I say, “I want what I want”, then I’m limited to everything that I can do. The minute I say, “I want what He wants”, I get to go into God’s realm of limitless options. The limitless options are what God determines my options should be. In Him choosing and by me responding to them; the power of all of His abundance and great reward becomes mine. Now I live life completely satisfied, full of joy.

 Read: John 15 – John 18, Jesus had a vessel that perfectly lived everything that was ‘I Am’. The Holy Spirit: (John 16:12-13), The Holy Spirit comes and gives me what His will is and shows me the things that He wills for my future. I receive it because inside of me is Jesus. When I received Jesus, He is in me and He is perfectly in the will of the Father, and lives in me. I’m not going to have any trouble living like Jesus because all of the power of what Jesus has, comes and lives in me.

 I submit my will: I don’t have to work to get the will of the Father. I just have to say, “I’m agreeing with all of those creatures in Heaven right now and all of the Christians that have gone before us, that are now the great cloud of witnesses. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come. Holy, glory, to the Most-High God. Father I willingly submit my will to Your will”.

 Don’t worry about yesterday: When I wake up in the morning I say, “I’m now living in the ‘is’. I don’t worry about yesterday (the ‘was’) that’s past. It can’t affect me, it’s dead and buried and under the Blood of Jesus. If I pull the ‘was’ into the present it’s not God’s will for me. Jesus Blood covered the ‘was’, the ‘is’ and my future. I wake up and say, “It’s a new day, I praise You; glory, holy, praise, honour and thanksgiving to the Most-High God. My will is the new DNA genetic reformed person. That will is the one I’m wanting. My will wants to worship and walk the way God wants me to walk. My new will is going to take care of that old will. ‘I Am’ is greater than even my will. I agree with what pleases Him, what His purpose is, and it will come to pass, it cannot return without anything; it must come.

 Dominate: The purpose of me being on the earth is to dominate. Money, alcoholism, power politics, governments are not supposed to dominate me. I’m supposed to dominate. There is no ideology or injustice system on the earth that should determine what I can and can’t do. Ideologies do not confront the will of God. The will of God will make every ideology bow because ideologies are only the figment of man’s rulership. All the earth is crying out and waiting for the sons of God to become rulers because when we rule, we speak what He wills and purposes, and then it must be accomplished. Whenever an ideology comes up against it, it’s got to bow.” I’ve just got to stand my ground long enough until it does bow. It is important to live in faith and to live with the will and purpose of God in my life in smaller things. When I live in the smaller things, then I begin to grow in confidence as I stand my ground.

 Speak: If I bow to scarcity, then God cannot answer my purpose. I have to believe His will and walk in what pleases Him then He can answer my purpose with His abundant, exceeding reward. If I bow before scarcity, then He can’t answer with exceedingly abundant reward. If every day, I find myself in a situation and I bow to that situation, then He can’t answer me as my Shield. That’s why it is important that I have to speak things out of my mouth and spirit that are ‘God-speak’, not human, reality speak.

 Being spiritual: I can be of no earthly good unless I am spiritual. I can’t even be of any good to my husband / wife, my kids / in my income management unless I am spiritual. I may get lots of income but I can’t manage the money properly unless I am spiritual because I’m going to end up spending the money on myself as I want because it’s all about what I want and not about what He wants.

 Awesome prayer to pray: “Lord, I recognise that I need a Savior. I believe this in my heart and I confess this with my mouth that today, You save me from myself, You save me from my own will and I declare that from this day onwards, I will do the will of the Father. I put myself in agreement, to do the will of the Father and now, Holy Spirit, I ask You to reveal all of what the Father is to me. All of what my future holds, I ask You to reveal it to me because that is in agreement with Your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

 Prayer for the week: The Lord blesses me and His peace rests upon me and I understand that the Great ‘I Am’ is my Shield. No weapon formed against me can prosper and the Word of God is going before me to make all the good things come about for me. I agree with this prayer and have it. I receive it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.