Special Services with Dennis Peacocke: Part 3 Dennis Peacocke

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: Matthew 25; Matthew 12; 1 Corinthians 3; Ephesians 4; Ephesians 3:10; John 6; Isaiah 3:1 to 12; Matthew 13; Matthew 13:47-50 Pastor John: Hey. How y’all doing? Good. Ah, thank you, Brynn. I’m good. So, did you have a good afternoon? Yes. I don’t wanna ask you what you were doing, but […]
Special Services with Dennis Peacocke: Part 2 Katherine Gallagher and Dennis Peacocke

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: John 14:1 (NLT) Pastor John: Hello. So, the good news is that you have me for a while and then the other good news is that Pastor Sharon, Katherine and Dennis will be here in 20 minutes, half an hour. And then we’ll just see how the Lord leads from there. Hallelujah. […]